presentation M -- produce a presentation of the module M.
presentation R -- produce a presentation of the quotient ring R.
presentation(R,S) -- produce a presentation of the quotient ring S over R.
A presentation of M is a map p so that coker p is isomorphic to M. The presentation obtained is expressed in terms of the given generators, i.e., the modules cover M and target p are identical. The isomorphism can be obtained as map(M,coker p,1).
Since a module M may be described as a submodule or a subquotient module of a free module, some computation may be required to produce a presentation. See also prune which does a bit more work to try to eliminate redundant generators.
For a quotient ring R, the result is a matrix over the ultimate ambient polynomial ring, whose image is the ideal defining R.
See also:
Ways to use presentation :