

1. Manuel Guizar Guizar-Sicairos, Diling Zhu, and James R. Fienup, "Differentially Encoded Holography for X-Ray Coherent Imaging," Optics & Photonics News 21, 31 (2010)

2. Diling Zhu, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Benny Wu, Andreas Scherz, Yves Acremann, Tolek Tyliszczak, Peter Fischer, Nina Friedenberger, Katharina Ollefs, Michael Farle, James R. Fienup, and Joachim Stöhr, "High resolution x-ray lensless imaging by differential holographic encoding", Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 043901 (2010).

3. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Diling Zhu, Benny Wu, Andreas Scherz, James Fienup, Joachim Stöhr, "Holographic image reconstruction through the application of differential and integral operators", Optics Letters 35, 928 (2010).

4. Diling Zhu, Benny Wu, Ramon Rick, Joachim Stöhr, Andreas Scherz, "Phase retrieval in x-ray lensless holography by reference beam tuning", Optics Letters 34, 2604 (2009).

5. Ramon Rick, Andreas Scherz, William. F. Schlotter, Diling Zhu, Jan Lüning, and Joachim Stöhr, "Optimal signal-to-noise ratios for soft x-ray lensless imaging", Optics Letters 34, 650 (2009).

6. Andreas Scherz, Diling Zhu, Ramon Rick, William. F. Schlotter, Sujoy Roy, Jan Lüning, Joachim Stöhr, "Nanoscale imaging with resonant coherent x-rays: extension of multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction to nonperiodic structures", Physical Review Letters 101, 076101 (2008).

7. Yi Shen, Diling Zhu, Weiming Liu, "Fermi-Dirac statistics of complex networks", Chinese Physics Letters 22, 1281 (2005).


X-ray Lensless Holography

  FTH nature   For the past three years or so I have been working on improving an imaging technique called x-ray Fourier transform holography, which is a lensless microscopy technique that routinely delivers 50 nm or better resolution together with spectroscopic capability. I also worked on developing new holographic concepts and techniques for x-ray lensless imaging in a more broad sense. The testing platform is the soft x-ray coherent scattering beamline BL13-3 located at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

Our current research is centered around the x-ray free electron laser which is due to deliver sub 100 fs x-ray pulses by next summer.


Poster Collection

  MAD poster   The poster was made for the 2007 SSRL/LCLS users Meeting and Workshop. It was technically the first every scientific poster I made, presenting then a recent result in lensless imaging. Andreas and I actually only got the data 'semi-working' a week before the workshop and I have to really scrabble to get it done.

I did spend a decent amount of time laying out the all images such that each of them sits in a perspectively-acuurate position. Did this with Corel Draw X3 and was hoping some real 3D software could make life quite a bit easier.

The reconstruction got improved quite a bit towards the end of the year when I found some inconsistancies in our assumptions. The work was later published in Physical Review Letters.


  RPR poster   This poster is one of the outstanding student posters at the 2008 SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting and Workshop at SLAC. In this experiment, we chose Andreas's favorite Ampelmännchen as the imaging object. Made the sample mid-May, took the data around early June, and the data was lying around again till a month before the deadline. The idea was to present a general holographic phase retrieval algorithm that encompasses both the previous MAD phasing experiment and the current experiment where the reference beam tuning is implemented. Wrote a short paper afterwards and now you can find it in Optics Letters.  

  HERALDO poster   The summer of 2009, following Bill's suggestion, I went to the Gordon Research Conference in X-ray Science. It took place in Colby College up in New England and it was absolutely fun.

The work itself was inspired by the proposal of a fellow grad student, now a close friend and collaborator, Manuel G. We scaled the concept down to soft x-ray regime and it worked exceptionally well, a dramatic improvement over the previous experiment using Fourier Transform Holography. At Colby, the poster won the Best Student Poster Award, and I got the chance to give a 20 minutes presentation to a world class audience. Was really glad the committee liked my story.

The work was published in Physical Review Letters the next year.


  MAD Poster II  

The summer of 2010 Andreas and I went to the10th International Conference for X-ray Microscopy. This poster is made to go with Andreas's presentation. It was sort of a combination of old material we published before and some more recent result Han and I together worked out.