Scenic, Scientific, Chic

  me and piggy   I would barely call myself an enthusiast in photography, but I do spend a lot of time shooting. Guess that has a lot to do with dad who used to shoot 120 format black and white and do all the development and hand print at home. My work involves a lot of digital image processing and x-ray microscopy so you should easily understand why my current dream lens is the Nikon Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G AF-S. The 1:1 reproduction ratio plus the 3.3M pixel density of a Nikon D90 gives you a full color microscope with 5 micron resolution!

According to dad, I broke that little piggy 5 minutes after he took the picture (medium format) so imagine pictures taken 10 minutes later?


  stars   Night at Minaret Vista Summit. 30 seconds exposure plus background subtraction don't really give you much signal in pitch dark ... and 30 seconds are already to much as during that amount of time the stars have already rotated around the polaris for an eighth of a degree!  

  crater lake   This is the little boat that takes you to the baby crater in the middle of Crater Lake. Got this straight out of my Nikon D40 with the kit lens last summer by the crater rim and I swear to God the color is real!  

  santa barbara sunset   Sunset over the lagoon on UC Santa Barbara campus, lucky Wu Sheng watches this from his office everyday!

Roll over to zoom into the oil drilling platform far out. Shot with Canon SD1000.


  peem cooking   I spent a good amount of time at the Berkeley Lawrance National Lab second year into my Ph.D.. They have an x-ray photoemission microscope up there at ALS with which we can watch a single layer of cobalt atoms dancing.

This picture is taken with an old old Sony P10 at ISO200 f/2.8 1/4 sec hand held. The light in the middle is from the sample holder I designed to cook a copper single crystal to 600+ degrees so the surface can heal itself to perfection. We would later put a monolayer or two of cobalt atoms on top and look at them with x-ray.