Monika Piazzesi  



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Stanford University

Department of Economics

579 Serra Mall

Stanford, CA 94305-6072

(650) 723 9289




Working papers


Banks’ Risk Exposures” (with Juliane Begenau and Martin Schneider), March  2025


Household Climate Finance: Theory and Survey Data on Safe and Risky Green Assets,” with Shifrah Aron-Dine, Johannes Beutel and Martin Schneider, March  2025


How unconventional is green monetary policy?” with Melina Papoutsi and Martin Schneider, March 2022

JEEA-FBBVA Lecture at ASSA January 2021, Video is on ASSA website


Credit Lines, bank deposits or CBDC? Competition and efficiency in modern payment systems” (with Martin Schneider), June 2022


Moving to Fluidity: Regional Growth and Labor Market Churn” (with Eran Hoffmann and Martin Schneider), January 2020


Money and Banking in a New Keynesian Model” (with Ciaran Rogers and Martin Schneider) March 2021


 “Learning about Housing Cost: Survey Evidence from the German House Price Boom” (with Fabian Kindermann, Julia Le Blanc and Martin Schneider), under revision for Review of Financial Studies


Payments, Credit and Asset Prices” (with Martin Schneider), May 2021


““Inflation and the Price of Real Assets” (with Matteo Leombroni, Ciaran Rogers and Martin Schneider), under revision for Review of Economic Studies



Trend and Cycle in Bond Premia” (with Juliana Salomao and Martin Schneider), March 2015

Decomposing the Yield Curve” (with John Cochrane), March 2008

 “Monetary Policy Tick-by-Tick” (with Michael Fleming)

No Arbitrage Taylor Rules” (with Andrew Ang)



Published papers


Housing Market Expectations” (with Theresa Kuchler and Johannes Stroebel), 2022, prepared for the Handbook of Economic Expectations  

Segmented Housing Search” (with Martin Schneider and Johannes Stroebel), 2020, American Economic Review, 110(3), March, pp. 720-759.

The Short Rate Disconnect in a Monetary Economy” (with Moritz Lenel and Martin Schneider ) 2019, Journal of Monetary Economics, 106, pp.59-77.

Housing and Macroeconomics” (with Martin Schneider), Handbook of Macroeconomics, John B. Taylor and Harald Uhlig (ed.), edition 1, volume 2, chapter 19, pages 1547-1640, Elsevier.

 “The Housing Market(s) of San Diego” (with Tim Landvoigt and Martin Schneider), American Economic Review, April 2015, 105(4), 1371-1407. The pdf posted here is the NBER working paper version which is much easier to read, because we can refer to the colors in the Figures.

Housing assignment with restrictions: theory and evidence from Stanford campus.” (with Martin Schneider and Tim Landvoigt), AEA P&P, Volume 104(5), pp. 67-72.

 “Remapping the Flow of Funds” (with Juliane Begenau and Martin Schneider), in “Risk Topography: Systemic Risk and Macro Modeling” 2014, Markus K. Brunnermeier and Arvind Krishnamurthy editors, pp. 57-64, University of Chicago Press.

 “Interest Rate Risk in Credit Markets” (with Martin Schneider), American Economic Review P&P, Volume 100, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 579-584.

Momentum traders in the housing market: survey evidence and a search model” (with Martin Schneider), American Economic Review P&P, Volume 99, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 406-411. Appendix.

Futures Prices as Risk-Adjusted Forecasts of Monetary Policy” (with Eric Swanson), Journal of Monetary Economics 2008, 55, May issue, pp. 677-691. New York Times 7/11/04.

Inflation Illusion, Credit, and Asset Pricing” (with Martin Schneider), 2008, in Asset Pricing and Monetary Policy, John Y. Campbell (ed.), Chicago IL, Chicago University Press, pp. 147-181. Article in the Region: Masters of Illusion.

Asset Prices and Asset Quantities” (with Martin Schneider) Journal of the European Economic Association 2007, 5, p. 380-389.

Equilibrium Yield Curves” (with Martin Schneider), zip file with MATLAB programs, in Daron Acemoglu, Kenneth Rogoff, and Michael Woodford, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2006, published in 2007, Cambridge MA: MIT Press p. 389-442.

Housing, Consumption, and Asset Pricing” (with Martin Schneider and Selale Tuzel), Journal of Financial Economics 83, March 2007 (Lead Article), pp. 531-569, Economist 4/20/06.

Modeling Bond Yields in Finance and Macroeconomics” (with Francis X. Diebold and Glenn Rudebusch), American Economic Review P&P, Volume 95, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 415-520, Appendix.

What does the yield curve tell us about GDP growth?” (with Andrew Ang and Min Wei), Journal of Econometrics 2006, 131, pp. 359-403. Economist 6/2/05. Businessweek 01/09/06. Out of sample forecasts, Dec 2005.

Bond risk premia” (with John Cochrane), Appendix and zip file with MATLAB programs, American Economic Review 2005, Volume 94, Issue 1, pp. 138-160. The NBER working paper draft shows that our factor predicts GDP growth 2-3 years from now (Figure 4) and is positively related to the unemployment rate (Figure 3).

Bond Yields and the Federal Reserve”, Journal of Political Economy, Volume 113, Issue 2, April 2005, pp. 311-344.  Additional results in the earlier 2001 working paper version: “An Econometric Model of the Yield Curve with Macroeconomic Jump Effects”, NBER Working paper no 8246: theoretical results for deterministic jump times and state-dependent jump size distributions, linear-quadratic jump-diffusion model; empirical results with macro news releases that change the conditional distribution of a future Fed move.

Corporate earnings and the equity premium” (with Francis Longstaff), 2004, Journal of Financial Economics Volume 74 (Lead Article), Issue 3, pp. 401-421.

A No-Arbitrage Vector Regression of Term Structure Dynamics with Macroeconomic and Latent Variables” (with Andrew Ang), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 50, Issue 4, May 2003, pp. 745-787.

The Fed and Interest Rates: A High-Frequency Identification” (with John Cochrane), American Economic Review P&P, May 2002, Volume 92, Issue 2, pp. 90-95. zip-file with MATLAB programs.


Review Article: Perspectives on the Future of Asset Pricing (with Markus Brunnermeier, Emmanuel Farhi, Ralph Koijen, Arvind Krishnmurthy, Sydney Ludvigson Hanno Lustig and Stefan Nagel), Review of Financial Studies, 2021, pages 1-35.



Comment on Giannaioli, Ma and Shleifer “Expectations and Investment”, NBER Macro Annual 2015.

“Should the Monetary Policy Rule Be Different in a Financial Crisis?”, Forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Program Report for the NBER Asset Pricing Program, NBER Reporter 2010, Number 2, July 2010.

Estimating Rational Expectations Models”, prepared for the New Palgrave, May 2007.

Affine Term Structure Models” in the Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Elsevier, zip-file with MATLAB programs.

The Role of Policy Rules in Inflation Targeting, Commentary”, Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, 2004, Volume 86, Issue 4, pp. 113-15.

The 6-D Bias and the Equity Premium Puzzle: Comment” in B.S. Bernanke and K. Rogoff, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2011, Volume 16, Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2020, pp. 317-329.

Note on exponential-affine stock prices” answers questions raised at the NBER asset pricing meeting 2002 in Chicago about the functional form result in Mamaysky (2001).

CEPR Focus Session Overview Slides


Comment slides


Discussion of “In Search of the Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Markets Hypothesis” by Gabaix and Koijen, NBER ME Spring 2022

Discussion of “Robust Inattentive Discrete Choice” by Hansen, Miao and Xing, AEA 2022

Discussion of “A Model of Intermediation, Money, Interest and Prices” by Bigio and Sannikov, NBER ME Fall 2019

Discussion of “Mortgage Payments and Path-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy” by Berger, Milbradt, Tourre, Vavra AEA 2019

Discussion of “Yield Curve Premia by Brooks and Moskowitz, NBER SI 2017.

Discussion of “Socioeconomic Status and Macroeconomic Expectations” by Das, Kuhnen and Nagel, NBER SI 2017.

Discussion of “The Mortgage Credit Channel of Monetary Policy” by Dan Greenwald, MFM Conference 2017.

Discussion of Glaeser and Nathanson “An Extrapolative Model of House Price Dynamics”, NBER Summer Institute 2015.

Discussion of Haddad and Sraer “The Banking View of Bond Risk Premia”, NBER Summer Institute 2015.

Discussion of Justiniano, Primiceri and Tambalotti “Credit Supply and the Housing Boom” ECB & Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta December 2014

Discussion of Campbell, Pflueger and Viceira “Monetary Policy Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks”, NBER AP Meeting, Summer Institute 2014

Discussion of Malmendier and Nagel, “Learning from Inflation Experiences”, Spring EFG Meeting 2012

Discussion of Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgensen, Hamilton and Wu, d’Amico and King at the San Francisco Fed Conference, February 2011

Discussion of Brunnermeier and Yannikov June 2010, “A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector”, Monetary Economics Conference, Bank of Portugal.

Discussion of Jermann and Quadrini, April 2010, Macroeconomic Effects of Financial Shocks, Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

EFG 2010 Spring Meeting Discussion Slides of Favilukis, Ludvigson and van Nieuwerburgh “The Macroeconomic Effects of Housing Wealth, Housing Finance, and Limited Risk-Sharing in General Equilibrium”

AFA 2010 Atlanta Discussion Slides of Lustig, Koijen, and van Nieuwerburgh “The Cross Section and Times Series of Stock and Bond Returns”, graphs taken from the NBER working paper version of Cochrane and Piazzesi 2005.

EFG 2009 Spring Meeting Discussion Slides of Glenn Rudebusch and Eric Swanson “The Bon Premium in a DSGE Model with Long Run Real and Nominal Risks”

EFG 2009 Meeting at the Summer Institute Discussion Slides of James Kahn “What Drives House Prices?” Fall Schedule 2010



Stanford Reading group on Financial Markets