Richard Rorty | |
Interviews Compiled by Gideon Lewis-Kraus (updated 2003) Hudson, Wayne; Reijen, Wim Van. "From Philosophy to Post-Philosophy." /Radical Philosophy/ 32 (Autumn, 1982), 1. Foreman, Joel. "The Humanities: asking better questions, doing more things." /Federation Review/ 8: 2 (Mar-Apr, 1985), 15-19. [---.] "Interview with Richard Rorty." /Journal of Literary Studies / Tydskrif Vir Literatuurwetenskap/ 2 (Nov, 1986): 9-13. [---.] "I Professori Sono Meglio dei Torturatori." /Alfabeta/10 (March, 1988): 5. Winkler, Karen J. "A Controversial Philosopher States his Case on Politics, Poetry, and Moral Principle." /Chronicle of Higher Education/ 35: 34 (May 3, 1989), A7-9. Olson, Gary. "Social Construction and Composition Theory: a conversation?with Richard Rorty." /Journal of Advanced Composition/ 9 (l989), 1-9. Postel, Danny. "A Post-Philosophical Politics?" /Philosophy and Social Criticism/ 15: 2 (1989), 199-204. Kulka, T. "Richard Rorty: une interview." /Iyyun/. 39: 10 (1990), 371-380. Uzan, Marc. It's the Real Thing." /The Guardian/ (London). March 14, 1992, 25. [---.] "On Democracy, Liberalism and the Post-Communist Challenge." /Mesotes: Zeitschrift für philosophischen Ost-West Dialog/ 4 (1992),491-500. [---.] "Intersubjectividad y Libertad." /Theoria: Revista de Filosofia/ 1: 1 (July, 1993), 113-122. [---.] "Du Pragmatisme en Politique." /Le Banquet/ 3 (2eme Semestre, 1993), 135-147. Marino, Gordon D. "Shattering Philosophy's Mirror: a Conversation with?Richard Rorty." /Commonweal/ 121: 9 (May 6, 1994), 11-14. Oliver, M. "Towards a Liberal Utopia." /Times Literary Supplement/ n4760. Jun 24, 1994. 14. Borradori, Giovanna. in *Conversazioni Americane*. Roma: Laterza, 1991. trans: *The American Philosopher: conversations with Quine, Davidson,Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn*. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. [---.] "Toward a Post-metaphysical Culture." /Harvard Journal of?Philosophy/ (Spring, 1995), 58-66. Knobe, Joshua. "A Talent for Bricolage: An Interview with Richard Rorty." /The Dualist/ 2, 1995. 56-71. Kuehn, G.; Siliceo-Roman, L.; Salyards, J. "Interview with Richard Rorty." /Kinesis/ 23: 1 (1996), 51-64. Ryklin, Mikhail. "Filosofiia bez osnovanii." /Logos/ 8 (1996), 132-154. [---.] "Questioning... Richard Rorty." /Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch/ 2 (1997), 243-252. Cloquell, Jose Miguel Esteban. "Cómo se un buen pragmatista.?Conversación con Richard Rorty" Debate 61 (1997):100-106. Stanczyk, Zbigniew. "There is a Crisis Coming: a conversation with Richard Rorty." /2B: A Journal of Ideas/ 11-12 (1997), 18-29. [reprinted in /Rzeczpospolita/, a major Polish newspaper, 220: 596 (Sept 20, 1997). Stossel, Scott. "The Next Left." /The Atlantic Monthly/. Apr 23, 1998. Martin, M. "Richard Rorty: el' liberal tragico.'" /Revista de Occidente/ ser 4: 90 (Nov, 1998), 103-112. Baruchello, Giorgio. "Una Filosofia tra Conversazione e Politica." /Iride/11: 25 (1998), 457-482. Grotker, R.; Sonderegger, R. "Die Armen sind die Große Mehrheit [The Poor are the Overwhelming Majority]." /Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie/ 46: 6 (1998), 983-990. Kaiser, R.; Mayer, H.; Ullrich, W "Uberreden ist Gut [Convincing is Good]." /Neue Rundschau/ 109: 4 (1998), 87-109. Nystrom, Derek; Puckett, Kent. "Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: a conversation with Richard Rorty." /Prickly Pear Pamphlets/ 11. Charlottesville, VA: Prickly Pear Pamphlets, 1998. —Portuguese translation [Brazil]:"Contra os chefes, contra as olgarquias." Trans. Joao Abreu. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2001. Traval, Jaume. "La Apuesta Filosofica por la Polemica." /Revista Internacional de Filosofia Politica/ 11 (1998), 149-154. Abraham, Samuel. “Pragmatism of Richard Rorty: Without Illusion, but with Conviction.” /Kritika & Kontext/ 3 / 4 (1998), 10-17. [English and Slovak.] Fosl, Peter. "Note to Realists: Grow Up." /The Philosophers' Magazine/ 8 (Autumn 1999), 40-42. Kunelius, Risto. "Filosofiatänään: kumousta odoteltaessa [Philosophy today: waiting for the revolution]." /Niin & Näin/ 6:2(1999), 22-27. Mujkic, Asim. "Filozofski problemi su efemerni." /Odjek/ 53: 3-4 (2000). Quintanilla, Pablo. "Los Regimenes no Democraticos Colapsan Inevitablemente." /Debate/ 21: 120 (June - Aug 2000), 33-36. Auer, Dirk. "Sieben Dollar sind zu wenig." /Frankfurter Rundschau/.?August 1, 2000. Tamas, Ungar. "A filozofia tronfosztasa." /Hetvege/. May 26, 2001. 28. Polychroniu, Chronis. "An Exchange: On Philosophy and Politics, The Cold War, and the Left." /New Politics/ 8: 3 (Summer 2001), 128-140. "Der Planeten verwestlichen!" /Sueddeutsche Zeitung/. November 20, 2001. "Politischnichts zu lernen." /Frankfurter Rundschau/. November 30, 2001. Bauer, Martin and Esch, Christian. "Definitionen spielen hier keine Rolle." /Berliner Zeitung/. November 24-25, 2001. 11. Dotzauer, Gregor. "Woher weiss ich, dass ich kein Zombie bin?" /Der Tagesspiegel/. December 1, 2001. 25. Marchetti, Giancarolo. "Un Ironico Neopragmatismo." /Keiron/ 9 (Dec 2001), 143-149. Trifiro, Fabrizio. "Richard Rorty: an interview." /Arcade/ 2 (2001), 96-105. Deuze, Mark. "Ledereen wordtpatriottistisch, als hij wordt aangevallen." /Filosofie Magazin/e 11:2 (March 2002), 8-10. Obermauer, Ralph. "Europa nutzt seine Macht nicht." /Tages-Anzeiger/ April 23, 2002. 57. [Also appeared in the /Frankfurter Allgemeine?Zeitung/. April 15, 2002.] Postel, Danny. "The Legacy of Hans-Georg Gadamer, a 'Philosopher's Philosopher.'" /Chronicle of Higher Education/. April 5, 2002. Sjunnesson, Jan. "Filosofernas antifilosof vill ateruppratta den amerikanskavanstern." /Axess/ 3 (May 2002), 11-14. Riistan, Argo. "Intellektuall pole informeeritud vohik." Eesti Ekszpress (May 5, 2002), 7. [Estonian] Lee, Yusun. "Lee-chul-deLo-ti Kyo-so Wa-ei Dae-Hwa." /Social Philosophy/ 3: Philosophy and Rationality (2002), 175-186. Di Cesare, Donatella. "Richard Rorty oltre la filosofia contro laguerra." /Il Manifesto/ (March 9, 2003), 14. Lewis-Kraus, Gideon. "Interview with Richard Rorty." /The Believer/ 3 (June 2003), 101. |