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Hakuta, K. (1974). A preliminary report on
the development of grammatical morphemes
in a Japanese child learning English as a second language. Working
Papers in Bilingualism, 3, 18 38. Reprinted in E. Hatch
(Ed.). Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House Publishers, 1979. |
Hakuta, K. (1974). Prefabricated patterns
and the emergence of structure in second language
acquisition. Language Learning, 24,
287 297. |
Hakuta, K. (1975). Learning to speak a second
language: what exactly does the child learn?
In D. P. Dato (Ed.), Developmental Psycholinguistics:
Theory and Applications. Washington, D. C.: Georgetown
University Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1976). A case study of a Japanese
child learning English. Language Learning,
26, 321 351. |
Hakuta, K. & Cancino, H. (1977). Trends
in second language acquisition research. Harvard
Educational Review, 47, 294 316. |
Hakuta, K. (1977). Word order and particles
in the acquisition of Japanese. Papers
and Reports
on Child Language Development, 13, 117 127. |
de Villiers, J. G., Tager Flusberg, H. &
Hakuta, K. (1977). Deciding between theories of coordination
in child speech. Papers and Reports on
Child Language Development, 13, 128 137. |
de Villiers, J. G., Tager Flusberg, H., Hakuta,
K. & Cohen, M. (1979). Children's comprehension
of English relative clauses. Journal
of Psycholinguistic Research, 8, 499 518. |
Hakuta, K. (1980). Some common goals for first
and second language acquisition research.
In R. Andersen (Ed.), New Dimensions
in Research on the Acquisition and Use of a Second Language.
Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House Publishers. |
Hakuta, K. (1980). Review of Givon (Understanding
Language), Cooper and Walker (Sentence
Processing) and Schiefelbusch (Nonspeech Language and Communication).
American Scientist, 68, 577 578. |
Hakuta, K. (1981). Grammatical description
versus configurational arrangement in language
acquisition: the case of relative clauses in Japanese. Cognition,
9, 197 236. |
Hakuta, K. (1982). Interaction between particles
and word order in the comprehension and
production of simple sentences in Japanese children. Developmental
Psychology, 18, 62 76. |
Hakuta, K., de Villiers, J. G., & Tager
Flusberg, H. (1982). Sentence coordination in Japanese
and English. Journal of Child Language,
9, 193 207. |
Tager Flusberg, H., de Villiers, J. G. &
Hakuta, K. (1982). The development of sentence coordination.
In S. A. Kuczaj (Ed.), Language Development:
Problems, Theories and Controversies, Volume I: Syntax and Semantics.
Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. |
Hakuta, K. (1983). English language acquisition
by speakers of Asian languages. In Chu Chang,
M. (Ed.), Comparative Research in Bilingual
Education: Asian Pacific American Perspectives. New York:
Teachers College Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1983). Grammar in minds of adults,
children and linguists. In H. Wode & S. Felix
(Eds.), Language Development at the Crossroads:
Papers Presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Language
Acquisition, Passau 1981. Tuebingen, Germany: Gunter
Narr Publishing Company. |
Hakuta, K. (1983). New methodologies for studying
the relationship of bilingualism and cognitive
flexibility. TESOL Quarterly, 17,
687 681. |
Hakuta, K. (1983). Review of Grittner (Learning
a Second Language: 79th Yearbook of the
National Society for the Study of Education). Child
Development Abstracts and Bibliography, 57, 119 120. |
Hakuta, K. (1981). Review of Piattelli Palmarini
(Language and Learning: the debate between
Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky). Harvard
Educational Review, 51, 437 439. |
Goodban, N. & Hakuta, K. (September, 1984).
Statistical quintet (Review of statistical programs
for the IBM Personal Computer). PC World,
2, 186 195. |
Hakuta, K. (1984). Bilingual education in
the public eye: a case study of New Haven, Connecticut.
NABE Journal, 9, 53 76. |
Hakuta, K. (1984). In what ways are language
universals psychologically real? Typological
Studies in Language, Volume 6: Language Universals and Second
Language Acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
Hakuta, K. (1984). Review of Moerk (The Mother
of Eve as a First Language Teacher). Contemporary
Psychology, 29, 744 745. |
Hakuta, K. (1985). Cognitive development in
bilingual instruction. In Issues in English
development (pp. 63-67), Rosslyn, Va.: National Clearninghouse
for Bilingual Education. |
Hakuta, K. & Diaz, R. (1985). The relationship
between degree of bilingualism and cognitive
ability: a critical discussion and some new longitudinal data.
In K. E. Nelson (Ed.), Children's Language,
Volume 5 (Pp. 319-344). Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. |
Hakuta, K. & Campbell, R. (1985). The
future of bilingual education. COSSA
Washington Update,
4, (6), 4 6. |
Hakuta, K. (1985). Review of McLaughlin (Second
Language Acquisition in Childhood: Volume
I: Preschool Children). American Scientist,
73, 204. |
Hakuta, K. & Suben, J. (1985). Bilingualism
and cognitive development. Annual Review
Applied Linguistics, 6, 35-45. |
Hakuta, K. (1986). Mirror
of language: The debate on bilingualism. New York: Basic
Books. |
Hakuta, K. & Bloom, L. (1986). The search
for cross linguistic invariants and variation in language
development. In H. Azuma, K. Hakuta & H. Stevenson (Eds.),
Child development in Japan and the United
States. New York: W. H. Freeman. |
Hakuta, K. & Snow, C. E. (1986). Summary
of research in bilingual education. California
Boards Journal, 44 (7), 2 4. |
Hakuta, K. & Snow, C. (1986). The role
of research in policy decisions about bilingual education.
Written testimony to the U. S. House of Representatives, Committee
on Education and Labor, 99th Congress, 2nd Session. Reprinted
in NABE News, 9 (3), 1 21. |
Stevenson, H., Azuma, H. & Hakuta, K.
(Eds.). (1986). Child development and
education in
Japan. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. |
Hakuta, K. (1986). Cognitive development of
bilingual children. Center for Language
and Research Educational Report Series, No. 3. UCLA. |
Hakuta, K. (1987). The second language learner
in the context of the study of language acquisition.
In P. Homel, M. Palij & D. Aaronson (Eds.), Childhood
bilingualism: Aspects of cognitive, social and emotional development
(pp.31-55). Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. |
Hakuta, K., Ferdman, B. M. & Diaz, R.
M. (1987). Bilingualism and cognitive development: Three
perspectives. In S. Rosenberg (Ed.), Advances
in Applied Psycholinguistics Volume II: Reading, Writing and
Language Learning. (pp. 284-319). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1987). View of the bilingual child.
Review of A. Fantini, Language Acquisition of
a Bilingual Child: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Contemporary
Psychology, 32, 149-150. |
Hakuta, K. (1987). Societal and policy contexts
of research with language minority students.
In C. Underwood (Ed.), Proceedings of
the University of California Linguistic Minority Project Conference.
(pp. 7-20). Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley. |
Levy, J., Berreth, D. G., Garza, G., Hakuta,
K., Saville-Troike, M. & Zakariya, S. B. (1987). Building
an indivisible nation: Bilingual education in context. Alexandria,
VA.: ASCD. |
Hakuta, K. & Gould, L. (March, 1987).
Synthesis of research on bilingual education. Educational
Leadership, 44, 39-45. |
Hakuta, K. (1988). Why bilinguals? In F. Kessel
(Ed.), Development of language and language
researchers (Essays presented to Roger Brown) (Pp. 299-318).
Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. |
Hakuta, K. (1987). Degree of bilingualism
and cognitive ability in mainland Puerto Rican children.
Child Development, 58, 1372-1388. |
Hakuta, K. & Rodriguez-Lansberg, M. (in
press). El papel del primer idioma en la adquisicion
de un segundo idioma. To appear in the Proceedings
of the Ateneo Puertorriqueno International Symposium on Bilingualism. |
Prince, C. D. & Hakuta, K. (1987). Bilingualism
in a community perspective: The case of New
Haven. In Schooling Language Minority
Youth, Vol. III: Proceedings of the University of California
Linguistic Minority Research Project Conference (Pp.
17-38). Los Angeles: UCLA. |
Galambos, S. & Hakuta, K. (1988). Subject-specific
and task-specific characteristics of metalinguistic
awareness in bilingual children. Applied
Psycholinguistics, 9, 141-162. |
Hakuta, K. & Garcia, E. E. (1989). Bilingualism
and education. American Psychologist,
44, 374-379. |
Hakuta, K. (1989). An interview with Werner
F. Leopold. BRG Working Papers,
No. 89- 07.
Santa Cruz, California: University of California, Santa Cruz,
Bilingual Research Group. |
Hakuta, K. (1989). Bilingualism and intelligence
testing: An annotated bibliography. BRG
Papers, No. 89-08. Santa Cruz, California: University
of California, Santa Cruz, Bilingual Research Group. |
Hakuta, K. (1988). A wordly look at language
acquisition: Review of Dan I. Slobin (Ed.), The
crosslinguistic study of language acquisition. Contemporary
Psychology, 33, 576-578. |
Hakuta, K. (in press). Review of Eleanor Wilson
Orr, Twice as less: Does Black English stand
between black students and success in math and science? American
Scientist. |
Hakuta, K. (1989). Translation skills in bilingual
children. Stanford Forum for Research
in Language
and Culture. |
Hakuta, K. (1989). (Ed.), Policy
and research perspectives on linguistic minority education:
Proceedings of the 4th University of California Linguistic Minority
Research Project Conference. Berkeley, California: University
of California. |
Hakuta, K. (1989). Review of James Crawford,
Bilingual education: History, theory, politics,
and practice. American School Boards
Journal, 176 (October), 11.
Hakuta, K. (1989). Having it both ways. Review
of S. Romaine, Bilingualism and J. F. Hamers
& M. H. A. Blanc, Bilinguality and Bilingualism. Times
Literary Supplement, November 17-23, p. 1263. |
Hakuta, K. (1990). Language and cognition
in bilingual children. In A. Padilla, C. Valdez &
H. Fairchild (Eds.), Bilingual education:
Issues and strategies. (Pp. 47-59). Newbury Park, California:
Sage Publications. |
Malakoff, M. & Hakuta, K. (1990). History
of minority education in the United States. In A.
Padilla, C. Valdez & H. Fairchild (Eds.), Bilingual
education: Issues and strategies. (Pp. 27-43). Newbury
Park, California: Sage Publications. |
Hakuta, K. (1990). Bilingualism and bilingual
education: A research perspective. Occasional
Papers Series, No. 1. Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse
for Bilingual Education. |
Padilla, A. M, Lindholm, K. J., Chen, A.,
Durán, R., with Hakuta, K., Lambert, W. & Tucker,
R. (1991). The English-only movement: Myths, reality, and implications
for psychology. American Psychologist,
46, 120-130. |
Malakoff, M. & Hakuta, K. (1991). Translation
skill and metalinguistic awareness in bilinguals.
In E. Bialystok (Ed.), Language processing
and language awareness by bilingual children (pp. 141-166).
Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1991). What bilingual education
has taught the experimental psychologist: A
capsule account in honor of Joshua A. Fishman. In O. García
(Ed.), Bilingual education: Focusschrift
in honor of Joshua A. Fishman on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
(Pp. 203-212). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
Shannon, S. & Hakuta, K. (1991). Challenges
for limited English proficient students and the
schools. In M. Reynolds, H. Walberg & M. Wang (eds.), Handbook
of special education: Research and practice, Vol. 4: Emerging
programs (pp. 215-233). New York: Permagon Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1991). Review of K. Hyltenstam
& L. Obler (Eds.), Bilingualism across the lifespan:
Aspects of acquisition, maturity, and loss. Applied
Linguistics, 12, 337-339. |
Hakuta, K. (1991). Review of S. Foster, The
communicative competence of young children:
A modular approach. Child Development
Abstracts and Bibliography, 65, 97-98. |
Hakuta, K. (1991). Notes on Implications of
National Assessment for Special Populations.
Washington, DC: Task Force on Assessment, National Council on
Education Standards and Testing. |
Hakuta, K. (1992). Bilingualism. International
Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol. 1 (pp. 175-178).
Oxford University Press. |
Hakuta, K. & D'Andrea, D. (1992). Some
properties of bilingual maintenance and loss in Mexican
background high-school students. Applied
Linguistics, 13, 72-99. |
Pease-Alvarez, L. & Hakuta, K. (1992).
Enriching our views of bilingualism and bilingual education.
Educational Researcher, 21 (March),
4-19,24. |
Hakuta, K. & Pease-Alvarez, L. (1992).
(Eds.) Special issue on bilingual education. Educational
Researcher, 21, No. 2 (March). |
Snow, C. & Hakuta, K. (1992). The costs
of monolingualism. In J. Crawford (Ed.), Language
loyalties (pp. 384-394). Chicago: University of Chicago
Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1992). The gift of bilingualism.
Proceedings of the Esther Katz Rosen Symposium
on the Psychological Development of Gifted Children. American
Psychological Association. |
Hakuta, K. (1994). Distinguishing among proficiency,
choice, and attitudes in questions about
language for bilinguals. In C. Garcia Coll and G. Lamberty (eds.),
Health and develompent of Puerto Rican
mothers and children in the mainland, Vol. II (pp. 191-209).
New York: Plenum. |
Pease-Alvarez, L. & Hakuta, K. (1993).
Perspectives on language maintenance and shift in
Mexican-origin students. In P. Phelan & A. L. Davidson (Eds.),
Renegotiating cultural diversity in American
schools (pp. 89-107). New York: Teachers College Press.
Hakuta, K. (1993). Second-language acquisition,
bilingual education, and prospects for a
language-rich nation. Restructuring learning:
1990 Summer institute papers and recommendations by the Council
of Chief State School Officers (pp. 123-131). Washington,
DC: Council of Chief State School Officers. |
Hakuta, K. (in press). Bilingualism. In T.
Husén & T. N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), The
encyclopedia of education, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Permagon
Press. |
Hakuta, K. (in press). Bilingualism. In R.
Sternberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of intelligence.
York: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Hakuta, K. & Pease-Alvarez, L. (1994).
Proficiency, choice and attitudes in bilingual Mexican-American
children. In G. Extra & L. Verhoeven (eds.), The
cross-linguistic study of bilingual development (pp.
145-164). Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. North-Holland,
Amsterdam. |
Bialystok, E. & Hakuta, K. (1994). In
other words: The science and psychology
of second language
acquisition. New York: Basic Books. |
August, D., Hakuta, K. & Pompa, D. (1994).
For All Students: Limited English Proficient
and Goals 2000. Focus, Vol. 10 (Fall, 1994). Washington,
DC: National Clearninghouse for Bilingual Education. |
Hakuta, K. & Valdes, G. (1994). A study
design to evaluate strategies for the inclusion of
L.E.P. students in the NAEP State Trial Assessment. National
Academy of Education Panel on NAEP Trial State Assessment. |
August, D. & Hakuta, K. (1994). Evaluating
the inclusion of L.E.P. students in systemic reform.
In Issues and Strategies in Evaluating
Systemic Reform. U. S. Department of Education, Office of the
Undersecretary, Planning and Evaluation Service. |
Moran, C. & Hakuta, K. (1995). Bilingual
education: Broadening research perspectives. In
J. Banks (Ed.), Handbook of Multicultural
Education (pp. 445-462). New York: MacMillan Publishing
Co. |
Hakuta, K. (1995). Language minority students:
Challenges and Promises. In What Governors
Need to Know about Education Reform. Washington, DC:
National Governors' Association. |
August, D., Hakuta, K., Olguin, F. & Pompa,
D. (1995) LEP Students and Title I: A Guidebook
for Educators. National Clearinghouse
for Bilingual Education (NCBE) Resource Collection Series, No.
1 (available at http://www.ncbe.gwu.edu). |
Hakuta, K. & Feldman Mostafapour, E. (1996).
Perspectives from the history and politics of
bilingualism and bilingual education in the United States. In
I. Parasnis (ed.), Cultural and language
diversity: Reflections on the Deaf experience (pp. 38-50).
New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Hakuta, K. & McLaughlin, B. (1996). Bilingualism
and second language learning: Seven tensions
that define the research. In D. Berliner & R. Calfee (eds.),
Handbook of Educational Psychology
(pp. 603-621). New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. |
Pease-Alvarez, L., Hakuta, K. & Bayley,
R. (1996). Spanish proficiency and language use in
a California Mexicano community. Journal
of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest, 15, 137-152. |
August, D. & Hakuta, K. (1997). Improving
Schooling for Language-Minority Children. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press. |
Galguera, T. & Hakuta, K. (1997). Linguistically
diverse students. In H. J. Walberg & G. D.
Haertel (eds.), Psychology and educational
practice (pp. 387-407). Berkeley, CA: McCutchan Publishers. |
August, D. & Hakuta, K. (Eds.). (1998).
Educating Language Minority Children.
DC: National Academy Press. |
Hakuta, K. (1998). Improving education for
all children: Meeting the needs of language minority
children. In D. Clark (ed.), Education
and the Development of American Youth. Washington, DC:
The Aspen Institute. |
Bialystok, E. & Hakuta, K. (1999). Confounded
age: Linguistic and cognitive factors in age
differences for second language acquisition. In D. Birdsong
(ed.), Second language acquisition and
the critical period hypothesis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates. |
Hakuta, K., Butler, Y. Goto, & Bousquet,
M. (1999). SAT-9 scores and California’s Proposition
227. NABE News (November), 5-7.
More details are reported at the following site: SAT-9. |
Chang, M. J., Witt-Sandis, D. & Hakuta,
K. (1999). The dynamics of race in higher education:
An examination of the evidence. Equity
and Excellence in Education, 32, 12-16. |
Hakuta, K., Goto Butler, Y., & Witt, D.
(2000). How Long Does It Take English Learners to
Attain Proficiency? University of California
Linguistic Minority Research Institute Policy Report 2000-1. |
Milem, J. & Hakuta, K. (2000). The benefits
of racial and ethnic diversity in higher education.
In D. J. Wilds (ed.), Minorities in Higher
Education 1999-2000: Seventeenth Annual Status Report.
Washington, DC: American Council on Education. |
Goto-Butler, Y., Orr, J. E., Bousquet Gutierrez,
M. & Hakuta, K. (2000). Inadequate conclusions
from an inadequate assessment: What can SAT-9 scores tell us
about the impact of Proposition 227 in California? Bilingual
Research Journal, 24, 141-154. |
Hakuta, K. (2001). A Critical Period for Second
Language Acquisition? In D. Bailey, J. Bruer,
F. Symons & J. Lichtman (eds.), Critical
Thinking about Critical Periods. (pp. 193-205). Baltimore:
Paul Brookes Publishing Co. |
Chang, M. J., Witt, D., Jones, J. & Hakuta,
K. (Eds.) (2003). Compelling Interest:
the Evidence on Racial Dynamics in Higher Education.
Stanford University Press. |
Hakuta, K., Bialystok, E. & Wiley, E.
(2003). Critical Evidence: A Test of the Critical Period Hypothesis
for Second Language Acquisition. Psychological
Science, 14, 31-38. |
Bikle, K., Billings, E. & Hakuta, K. (in
press). Two-Way Immersion: Lessons for Language Education.
In J. Banks (ed.), Handbook of Research
in Multicultural Education, 2nd Edition. New York: MacMillan. |
Baker, S. & Hakuta, K. (in press). Bilingual
education and Latino civil rights. To appear in volume
edited by Gary Orfield and Chris Edley, Harvard Civil Rights
Project. |
Goto Butler, Y. & Hakuta, K. (in press).
Bilingualism and second language acquisition. To appear
in T. Bhatia & W. Ritchie (eds.), Handbook
of bilingualism. Blackwell Publishers. |