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A Survey of
Unanswered Questions in CALL: Background Computers are increasingly working their way
into the lives of language teachers and learners. Whether backed
by research or not, people are going to use computers to help them teach
and learn languages. As a field, CALL has the potential to aid
computer-using teachers and students by pointing them in the direction
of more effective implementations and away from less effective ones.
While a certain amount of this can reasonably be done by looking at the
face value of descriptions of content, applications, and practice
research has a critical role to play as well. CALL research is difficult. It is in principle more
diverse than language learning research itself, since it is informed not
only by the disciplines that underlie instructed second language
acquisition theory and practice, but also by those of computer science,
instructional design and human-computer interaction. It is further
influenced by constantly evolving technology and by shifts in the
technical sophistication of the users. This diversity results in a field
whose research agenda is diffuse and whose results are often difficult
to interpret and generalize. Navigating this field is especially
difficult for newcomers (both graduate students and professional
researchers) and for those coming into CALL from peripheral fields such
as education, psychology, linguistics, computer science, and so on.
Understanding what constitutes useful research questions is obviously
important. There a number of ways to identify interesting and
plausible research questions. Thinking helps, as does reviewing existing
research in edited volumes and journals such as CALICO
CALL Journal, ReCALL,
IALLT Journal, and especially
the free online journal Language
Learning and Technology. Looking to language learning theory
for applications to research is another useful method, and insuring that
hypotheses to be tested have some basis in theory whenever possible is
also important, a point that is central to Chapelle (2001). Another route into CALL research is to see what CALL professionals consider important. This can be done by inference through reviewing patterns of previous research, but there are also a few sources of suggested research questions. For example, Dunkel (1991) offers lists of both current questions (p. 8) and future ones (p. 26). Egbert & Hanson-Smith (1999) provide the richest collection of proposed research questions: there are lists at the end of each of the eight major sections of their edited volume. Chapelle (2001, p. 68) presents a list of evaluative questions that make it possible to judge empirically the degree to which proposed CALL tasks are consistent with some established findings in SLA theory. The current project is also built on the considered opinions of CALL professionals. In this case, a survey was sent to 120 of them, asking each to identify a single unanswered research question in the field. The following two research questions were addressed:
However, the primary motivation for the survey was
to collect the questions themselves and make them available online. The
survey was sent out in early July 2002 and submissions for the initial
study were accepted until August 14, yielding a total of 64 usable
responses. Several surveys that arrived after that date appear on this
site but are not part of the statistics in the following sections. The
results were presented at the 10th International CALL Conference in
Antwerp on August 19. The following section (Survey
& Respondents) presents the survey itself and some demographics
of the 64 respondents. The final section (Results
& Discussion) gives a few of the trends that emerged and some
tentative interpretations. REFERENCES Chapelle, C. (2001). Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition: Foundations for Teaching, Testing, and Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Dunkel,
P. (ed.) (1991). Computer Assisted Language Learning and Testing:
Research Issues and Practice. New York: Newbury House/Harper
Collins. Egbert,
J. & Hanson-Smith, E. (ed.) (1999). CALL Environments: Research,
Practice, and Critical Issues. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.