Since my retirement from teaching in 2008 I can no longer accept students for
thesis supervision.
Neal Snider, Ph.D. 2008 (co-supervisor: Tom
Wasow): An Exemplar Model of Syntactic Priming Tatiana
Nikitina, Ph.D. 2008: The Mixing of
Syntactic Properties and Language Change. Gabe
Recchia, BS Symbolic Systems 2007: STRATA: Search
Tools for Richly Annotated and Time-Aligned Linguistic Data.
Jan Strunk, MA, 2004: Possessive Constructions in
modern Low Saxon.
Shipra Dingare, M.A. 2001: The Effect of Feature
Hierarchies on Frequencies of Passivization in English.
Hanjung Lee, Ph.D. 2001 (co-supervisor: Peter Sells):
Optimization in Argument Expression and Interpretation: A Unified
Ida Toivonen, Ph.D. 2001 (co-supervisor: Paul
Kiparsky): The Phrase Structure of Non-Projecting Words.
Doug Bloom, M.A. 1999: Case Syncretism and Word
Order Freezing in the Russian Language.
Rachel Nordlinger, Ph.D. 1997: Constructive Case:
Dependent-Marking Nonconfigurationality in Australia.
John Mugane, Ph.D. 1996, University of Arizona,
Tucson (co-supervisor: Richard Oehrle): Bantu Nominalization
Hye-Won Choi, Ph.D. 1996: Optimizing Structure in
Context: Scrambling and Information Structure..
Chris Manning, Ph.D. 1994: Ergativity: Argument
Structure and Grammatical Relations.
Alex Alsina, Ph.D. 1993: Predicate Composition; A
Theory of Syntactic Function Alternations.
Smita Joshi, Ph.D. 1993: Selection of Grammatical
Logical functions in Marathi.
Lubna Alsagoff, Ph.D. 1992: Topic in Malay: The
Hong, Ph.D. 1992: Argument Selection and Case Marking in Korean.
Yo Matsumoto, Ph.D. 1992: On the Wordhood of
Complex Predicates in Japanese.
Kroeger, Ph.D. 1991: Phrase Structure and
Grammatical Relations in Tagalog.
Fu Tan, Ph.D. 1991: Notion of Subject in Chinese.
Dalrymple, Ph.D. 1990: Syntactic Constraints on
Anaphoric Binding.