Joan Bresnan, Anette Rosenbach, Benedikt Szmrecsányi, Sali
A. Tagliamonte, and Simon
Todd. 2017. "Syntactic
alternations data: datives and genitives in four varieties of
Downloadable datasets and documentation for the genitive and dative
alternations in four spoken varieties of English (American, British,
Canadian, and New Zealand), available from the Stanford Digital Repository.
Stephanie Shih, Jason Grafmiller, Richard Futrell, and Joan
Bresnan. 2015. "Rhythm's Role in Genitive Construction Choice in Spoken English."
In Rhythm in Cognition
and Grammar, edited by Ralf Vogel and Ruben van
de Vijver, in the series Trends in
Linguistics. Studies and Monographs (TiLSM), Mouton, 207-234.
Bresnan. 2011. "Linguistic
Uncertainty and the Knowledge of Knowledge.: Thinking
Reed. Centenial Essays by Graduates of Reed College}, edited by Roger
Porter and Robert Reynolds, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, pp.
69--75. (Original title differs from published.)
Joan Bresnan and Tatiana Nikitina. 2009. "The
Gradience of the Dative Alternation." In Reality
Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life,
edited by Linda Uyechi and Lian Hee Wee, 161--184. Stanford: CSLI Publications;
Pdf. A shortened, substantially revised version of Bresnan and
Nikitina 2003.
Rachel Nordlinger and Joan Bresnan. 2009. "Lexical-Functional Grammar:
Relations between Morphology and Syntax", in Kersti Börjars and
Robert Borsley (eds.), Nontransformational Syntax, Blackwell,
Devyani Sharma, Joan Bresnan, and Ashwini Deo. 2008. “Variation
and Change in the Individual: Evidence from the Survey of English
Dialects.” In Language in Flux:
Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation, Change and Evolution,
ed. by Robin Cooper and Ruth Kempson. College Publications, pp.
A version of Bresnan, Deo, and Sharma 2007 with new material
by Sharma.
Joan Bresnan, Anna Cueni, Tatiana
Nikitina, and Harald Baayen. 2007. "Predicting the
Dative Alternation." In Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation,
ed. by G. Boume, I. Kraemer, and J. Zwarts. Amsterdam: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Science, pp. 69--94. 33 pages. Pdf.
Joan Bresnan and John Mugane. 2006. "Agentive
Nominalizations in Gĩkũyũ and the Theory of Mixed Categories".
In Intelligent Linguistic
Architectures: Variations on themes by Ronald M. Kaplan, Miriam
Butt, Mary Dalrymple, and Tracy Holloway King (eds), CSLI Publications,
Stanford, California, 2006, pp. 201-234. 39 pp. Pdf.
Bresnan, Joan, Jean Carletta, Richard Crouch, Malvina Nissim, Mark
Steedman, Tom Wasow, and Annie Zaenen. 2005. Stanford
release of Switchboard Corpus annotated for animacy. Paraphrase
analysis for improved generation, LINK project, HRCR Edinburgh-CLSI
Judith Aissen and Joan Bresnan. 2004. "Remarks on Description and
Explanation in Grammar: Commentary on Haspelmath", in Martina Penke
and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), What Counts as Evidence in
Linguistics? The Case of Innateness, Special issue of Studies
in Language 28: 580-583.
Annie Zaenen, Jean Carletta, Gregory Garretson, Joan Bresnan, Andrew
Koontz-Garboden, Tatiana Nikitina, Catherine O'Connor, and Tom Wasow. 2004.
"Animacy Encoding in English: Why and How," in
D. Byron and B. Webber (eds.),
Proceedings of the 2004 ACL Workshop on Discourse Annotation,
Barcelona, July 2004, 118-125.
Joan Bresnan. 2002. "The Lexicon in
Optimality Theory", in The Lexical Basis of
Syntactic Processing: Formal,Computational and Experimental Issues,
edited by Suzanne Stevenson and Paola Merlo, pp. 39 - 58,
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 22 pages (pdf)
Joan Bresnan and Judith Aissen.
2002. "Optimality and Functionality: Objections and
Refutations". Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 20(1):
81 - 95. 18 pages. Postscript,
Joan Bresnan. 2001. Lexical-Functional Syntax. Oxford:
Joan Bresnan. 2001. "The Emergence of the
Unmarked Pronoun". In Optimality-theoretic Syntax,
edited by Geraldine Legendre, Jane Grimshaw, and Sten Vikner, 113 -
142. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 37 pages (postscript; also available in pdf).
Joan Bresnan, Shipra Dingare, and
Christopher D. Manning. 2001. "Soft Constraints Mirror Hard
Constraints: Voice and Person in English and Lummi". Proceedings
of the LFG '01 Conference. CSLI Publications. 20 pages. Postscript. Pdf.
Joan Bresnan. 2000. "Pidgin Genesis
and Optimality Theory". In Processes of Language Contact:
Case Studies from Australia and the Pacific, edited by Jeff Siegel.
Montreal: Les Editions Fides, 145--173. 34 pages. Postscript;
This is a revision of my LFG98 paper.
Joan Bresnan. 1998. "Pidgin
Genesis in Optimality Theory". Presented at the LFG98
Conference, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, June 30, 1998. 18
pages (postscript). Final revision of October 24,
1998. This paper can also be viewed on-line
in html. Please go to CSLI Publications
and look for their on-line proceedings, if you have trouble finding
this link; they change their URLs without warning.
Joan Bresnan. 1998. "Morphology
Competes with Syntax: Explaining Typological Variation in Weak
Crossover Effects". In Is the Best Good Enough?
Optimality and Competition in Syntax, edited by Pilar Barbosa,
Danny Fox, Paul Hagstrom, Martha McGinnis, and David Pesetsky, 59--92.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press and MIT Working Papers in
Linguistics. Revised version, March 18, 1996. About 40 pages
(postscript). [Some tree artwork missing.]
Alex Alsina, Joan Bresnan, and Peter Sells, eds. 1997. Complex
Predicates. CSLI Publications.
Joan Bresnan. 1997. "Mixed Categories as Head-Sharing
Constructions", in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds.,
Proceedings of the LFG97 Conference, University of California, San
Diego, on-line, CSLI Publications:
Joan Bresnan. 1997.
"The Emergence of the Unmarked Pronoun: Chicheŵa
Pronominals in Optimality Theory", BLS-23, Special Session on Syntax
and Semantics in Africa, 26-46.
Joan Bresnan. 1996. "Lexicality and
Argument Structure". Invited paper given at the Paris Syntax
and Semantics Conference, October 12-14, 1995. Corrected version:
12:57 p.m. April 15, 1996. 27 pages (postscript). Pdf version.
Rachel Nordlinger and Joan Bresnan. 1996. "Nonconfigurational Tense in
Wambaya", in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds.,
Proceedings of the First LFG Conference, Rank Xerox Research Center,
Grenoble, France, August 26--28, 1996; on-line, CSLI Publications:
Joan Bresnan. 1995. "Category Mismatches", in Akin Akinlabi,
ed., Theoretical Approaches to African Languages, Africa World Press,
Lawrenceville, N.J., 19-46.
Joan Bresnan. 1995. "Linear Order vs. Syntactic Rank: Evidence
from Weak Crossover", in Katie Beals, Jeannette Denton, Bob Knippen,
Lynette Melnar, Hisami Suzuki and Erika Zeinfeld, eds., CLS 30-I:
Papers from the Thirtieth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic
Society, 57--89. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. [Published
in revised form under the title "Linear Order, Syntactic Rank, and
Empty Categories: On Weak Crossover", in Mary Dalrymple, Ronald M.
Kaplan, John T. Maxwell III, and Annie Zaenen (eds), Formal
Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar, CSLI Publications, Stanford,
CA, 241-274.]
Joan Bresnan. 1993. "Interaction Between Grammar and Discourse in
Chicheŵa (Bantu): in William A. Foley, ed., The Role of
Theory in Language Description (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and
Monographs 69), Mouton-de Gruyter, Berlin, 45--60.
Joan Bresnan and Jonni M. Kanerva. 1993. "The Thematic
Hierarchy and Locative Inversion in UG. A Reply to Paul Schachter's
Comments", in T. Stowell and E. Wehrli, eds., Syntax and the
Lexicon (Syntax and Semantics Series No. 26), Academic Press, New
York, 111-125.
Joan Bresnan. 1991. "Locative Case vs. Locative Gender", in
Laurel Sutton and Christopher Johnson with Ruth Shields, eds.,
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California,
Joan Bresnan and Lioba
Moshi. 1990. "Object
Asymmetries in Comparative Bantu Syntax". Linguistic Inquiry 21.2 (Spring 1990),
147-185. Reprinted in Sam A. Mchombo, ed., Theoretical Issues
in Bantu Syntax, CSLI Publications, 47-91.
Joan Bresnan. 1990. "Linguistic and Computational Constraints on
Grammar", Tutorials of SICONLP'90, The Seoul International
Conference on Natural Language Processing Tutorials, November
21--24, 1990, Language Research Institute, Seoul National
University, 117-145.
Joan Bresnan and Höoskuldur Thráinsson. 1990. "A Note
on Icelandic Coordination", in Joan Maling and Annie Zaenen, eds.,
Modern Icelandic Syntax (Syntax and Semantics Series,
No. 24, Academic Press, Orlando, Florida, 355-365.
Joan Bresnan and Annie Zaenen. 1990. "Deep Unaccusativity in LFG", K.
Dziwirek, P. Farrell, and E. Mejías-Bikandi,
eds., Grammatical Relations: A Cross-Theoretical Perspective,
CSLI Publications/SLA, Stanford, 45-57.
Joan Bresnan. 1990. "Monotonicity and the Theory of
Relation-Changes in LFG", Language Research 26.4, Language
Research Institute, Seoul National University, 637-652.
Joan Bresnan. 1990. :African Languages and Syntactic
Theories", Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 20.1 (Spring
1990), 35-48.
Joan Bresnan and Jonni M. Kanerva. 1989. "Locative
Inversion in Chicheŵa: A Case Study of Factorization in
Grammar". Linguistic Inquiry 20.1 (Winter 1989), 1-50. Reprinted
in Tim Stowell and Eric Wehrli, eds., Syntax and the Lexicon (Syntax
and Semantics Series No. 26), Academic Press, New York,
Joan Bresnan. 1989. "The Syntactic Projection Problem and the
Comparative Syntax of Locative Inversion," Journal of
Information Science and Engineering 5.4 (Special Issue, R. O.
C. Computational Linguistics Workshops II 1989, Institute of
Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of
China), 287-303.
Joan Bresnan and Sam A. Mchombo. 1987. "Topic, Pronoun, and Agreement in
Chicheŵa. Language 63.4 (December 1987), 741-782.
Reprinted in Working Papers in Grammatical Theory and Discourse
Structure: Interactions of Morphology, Syntax, and Discourse, Masayo
Iida, Steven Wechsler, and Draga Zec,
eds. CSLI Publications/SLA, Stanford, 1-59.
David A. Swinney, Janet Nicol, Marilyn Ford, Uli Frauenfelder, and
Joan Bresnan. 1987. "The Time Course of Co-Indexation during Sentence
Comprehension", Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25:
Joan Bresnan and Sam A. Mchombo. 1986. "Grammatical and Anaphoric
Agreement", in CLS 22 Part 2: Papers from the Parasession
on Pragmatics and Grammatical Theory at the Twenty-Second
Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society, April 1986, The
Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, 278-297.
Jane Simpson and Joan Bresnan. 1983. "Control and Obviation in
Warlpiri", Natural Language and Linguistic Theory I,
Joan Bresnan. 1982. "The Passive in Lexical Theory", in J.
Bresnan, ed., The Mental Representation of Grammatical
Relations, Chapter 1, The MIT Press (1982), 3-86.
Ronald Kaplan and Joan Bresnan. 1982. "Lexical-Functional Grammar: A
Formal System for Grammatical Representation", in J. Bresnan, ed.,
The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations, Chapter 4,
The MIT Press, 173-281.
Ford, Marilyn, Joan Bresnan, and Ronald Kaplan. 1982. "A Competence-Based
Theory of Syntactic Closure", in J. Bresnan, ed., The Mental
Representation of Grammatical Relations, Chapter 11, The MIT Press,
Joan Bresnan. 1982. "Control and Complementation". Linguistic
Inquiry XIII.3 (Summer 1982), 343-434; also in J. Bresnan,
ed., The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations,
Chapter 5, The MIT Press, 282-390).
Joan Bresnan, Ronald Kaplan, Stanley Peters, and Annie Zaenen. 1982.
"Cross-Serial Dependencies in Dutch". Linguistic Inquiry
XIII.4 (Fall 1982), 613-635. Reprinted in The Formal
Complexity of Natural Language, W. Savitch et al., eds., D. Reidel
(1987), 286-319.
Joan Bresnan (Ed). 1982. The Mental Representation of
Grammatical Relations, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
(916 pp.).
Joan Bresnan and Ronald Kaplan. 1982. "Grammars as Mental Representations
of Language", in J. Bresnan, ed. The Mental Representation of
Grammatical Relations, Introduction, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, xvii-lii; slightly revised in W. Kintsch,
J. Miller, and P. G. Polson, eds., Methods and Tactics in
Cognitive Science, Erlbaum, 103-135.
Joan Bresnan. 1981. "An Approach to Universal Grammar and the Mental
Representation of Language", Cognition X (1981), 39-52.
Joan Bresnan. 1980. "Polyadicity", in T. Hoekstra, H. van der
Hulst and M. Moortgat, eds., Lexical Grammar, Foris
Publications, Dordrecht, Holland, 97-121; in revised form in J.
Bresnan, ed., The Mental Representation of Grammatical
Relations, Chapter 3, The MIT Press (1982), 149-172.
Joan Bresnan. 1979. Theory of Complementation in English
Syntax, Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics, Jorge
Hankamer, ed., Garland Press.
Joan Bresnan. 1978. "A Realistic Transformational Grammar", in Morris
Halle, Joan Bresnan, and George A. Miller, eds., Linguistic Theory
and Psychological Reality, The MIT Press, 1-59.
Morris Halle, Joan Bresnan, and George A. Miller, eds. 1978.
Linguistic Theory and Psychological Reality, The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Joan Bresnan. 1977. "Transformations and Categories in Syntax", in R. Butts and
J. Hintikka, eds., Basic Problems in Methodology and
Linguistics, Part 3 of the Proceedings of the Fifth International
Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, London,
Ontario, Canada, D. Reidel, 283-304.
Joan Bresnan. 1972. Theory of Complementation in English
Syntax. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT. Printed by Garland
Publishing in 1979. Printed by Routledge in 2017.
Joan Bresnan. 1972. "Stress and Syntax: A Reply", Language
XLVIII.2, 326-342.
Joan Bresnan. 1971. "On `A Non-Source for
Comparatives'", Linguistic Inquiry II.1, 117-124.
Joan Bresnan. 1971. "Sentence Stress and Syntactic
Transformations", Language XLVII.2, 257-281. Reprinted in
Contributions to Generative Phonology, M. Brame, ed.,
University of Texas Press (1972), 73-107; reprinted in an augmented
version in Approaches to Natural Language, Jaakko Hintikka,
Julius Moravcsik, and Patrick Suppes, eds., D. Reidel (1973), 3-47;
reprinted in Syntactic Argumentation, Donna Jo Napoli and Emily
Rando, eds., Georgetown University Press (1979), 233-257.
Joan Bresnan. 1971. "A Note on the Notion `Identity-of-Sense
Anaphora'", Linguistic Inquiry II.4 (Fall 1971), 589-597.
Joan Bresnan. 1971. "Contraction and the transformational cycle in English",
Unpublished paper, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Reproduced, Bloomington:
Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1978.
Joan Bresnan. 1970. "An Argument against Pronominalization",
Linguistic Inquiry I.1, 122-123.
Joan Bresnan. 1970. "A Grammatical Fiction", Linguistic
Inquiry I.2, 261-262.
Joan Bresnan. 1970. "On Complementizers: Toward a Syntactic Theory of
Complement Types", Foundations of Language VI.3, 297-321.
Joan Bresnan. 1969. "Instrumental Adverbs and the Concept of Deep Structure",
Quarterly Progress Report No. 92, Research
Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Cambridge, Mass, 365-375.
Reprinted in Portuguese translation as "A Respeito de Advérbios
Instrumentais e o Conceito de Estrutura Profunda" in
Fundamentos Metodológicos da Linguística,
Volume II: Fonologia et Sintaxe, Marcelo Dascal, ed., Instituto de
Estudos da Linguagem, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil (1981), 225-237.