"Although bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences is an important first step in providing students with opportunities to learn from diversity, it cannot be the only step. Diverse learning environments provide unique opportunities for and challenges to learning and teaching that must be addressed. If we are to maximize opportunities and minimize negative outcomes that may emerge from campus diversity, it is important that we understand more completely the forces that interact to create the often contested conditions under which students can successfully learn from diversity.
- from "Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research-based Perspective" (Milem, Chang, & Antonio, 2005)
Dr. Antonio's research addresses many of the major issues currently facing American higher education. First, as admission spots into higher education institutions become more and more competitive, he seeks to achieve a better understanding of how students and families gather and digest information about college admissions and college-going to make crucial college choice decisions. Second, his research investigates the impact that increasing racial and cultural diversity is having on higher education. He is specifically interested in socialization in multicultural environments and the role that campus diversity plays in the civic development of students.