Principal Investigator
Sindy K.Y. Tang, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University


Journal Articles


  1. Saisneha Koppaka, David Doan, Wei Cai, Wendy Gu, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Characterization of 3D printed micro-blades for cutting tissue-embedding material", Extreme Mechanics Letters, accepted. link

  2. Seth C. Cordts, Kanako Yuki, Maria F. Henao Echeverri, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, Calvin J. Kuo, Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Microdissection tools to generate organoids for modeling the tumor-immune microenvironment", Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 10, 125, 2024. link Podcast Also see highlight in Stanford news!

  3. Kevin S. Zhang, Ramon Rodriguez, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "SMORES: A Simple Microfluidic Operating Room for the Examination and Surgery of Stentor coeruleus", Scientific Reports, 14, 8684, 2024. link ScienceCast

  4. (invited editorial) Sindy K.Y. Tang, Nicolas Castano, Kari C. Nadeau, and Stephen J. Galli, "Can artificial intelligence (AI) replace oral food challenge?", The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 153, 666-668, 2024. link


  1. Sindy K.Y. Tang, and Wallace F. Marshall, "Physical forces in the regeneration of cells and tissues", Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a041527. link

  2. Justin Myles, Nicolas Castano, Sungu Kim, Zhenyun Zhu, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Parallelized Immunomagnetic Isolation of Basophils Directly from Whole Blood", Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 4, 2300122, 2024. link

  3. Nicolas Castano, Kaiser Chua, Abhinav Kaushik, Sungu Kim, Seth C. Cordts, Ceena D. Nafarzadegan, Grady H. Hofmann, Hana Seastedt, Jackson P. Schuetz, Diane Dunham, Ella S. Parsons, Mindy Tsai, Shu Cao, Manisha Desai, Sayantani B. Sindher, R. Sharon Chinthrajah, Stephen J. Galli, Kari C. Nadeau, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Combining avidin with CD63 improves basophil activation test accuracy in classifying peanut allergy", Allergy, 79: 445-455, 2024. link


  1. Rajorshi Paul, Kevin S. Zhang, Myra Kurosu Jalil, Nicolas Castano, Sungu Kim and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Hydrodynamic dissection of Stentor coeruleus in a microfluidic cross junction", Lab on a Chip, 22, 3508 - 3520, 2022. link

  2. Pranidhi Sood, Athena Lin, Connie Yan, Rebecca McGillivary, Ulises Diaz, Tatyana Makushok, Ambika Nadkarni, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Wallace F Marshall, "Modular, cascade-like transcriptional program of regeneration in Stentor", eLife, accepted. link

  3. (invited) Ya Gai, Andrea Montessori, Sauro Succi, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Collective Behavior of Crowded Drops in Microfluidic Systems", Physical Review Fluids, 7, 080501, 2022. link

  4. Nicolas Castano, Sungu Kim, Adrian M. Martin, Stephen J. Galli, Kari C. Nadeau, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Exponential magnetophoretic gradient for the direct isolation of basophils from whole blood in a microfluidic system", Lab on a Chip, 22, 1690-1701, 2022. ImmPort data. Featured on outside front cover! Also see highlight in Stanford news, and WebMD! link

  5. Allen P. Liu, Eric A. Appel, Paul D. Ashby, Brendon M. Baker, Elisa Franco, Luo Gu, Karmella Haynes, Neel S. Joshi, April M. Kloxin, Paul H. J. Kouwer, Jeetain Mittal, Leonardo Morsut, Vincent Noireaux, Sapun Parekh, Rebecca Schulman, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Megan T. Valentine, Sebastian L. Vega, Wilfried Weber, Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Ovijit Chaudhuri, "The 'living interface': a bridge between synthetic biology and biomaterials", Nature Materials, 21, 390-397, 2022. link

  6. Kevin S. Zhang, Ambika V. Nadkarni, Rajorshi Paul, Adrian M. Martin, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Microfluidic surgery in single cells and multicellular systems", Chemical Reviews, 122, 7097-7141, 2022. Equal contribution. link


  1. Saisneha Koppaka, Kevin S. Zhang, Myra Kurosu Jalil, Lucas R. Blauch, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Fabrication of 3D micro-blades for the cutting of biological structures in a microfluidic guillotine", Micromachines, 12(9), 1005, 2021. link

  2. Seth Cordts, Nicolas Castano, Saisneha Koppaka, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Fabrication of a silicon uDicer for uniform micro-dissection of tissue samples", Applied Physics Letters, 119, 011904, 2021. link

  3. Alison D. Bick, Jian Wei Khor, Ya Gai, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Strategic placement of an obstacle suppresses droplet break-up in the hopper flow of a microfluidic soft crystal", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2017822118. link Also see highlight in Stanford news!

  4. Sean Roelofs, Benoit Landry, Myra Kurosu Jalil, Adrian Martin, Saisneha Koppaka, Sindy KY Tang, and Marco Pavone. "Vision-based Autonomous Disinfection of High-Touch Surfaces in Indoor Environments." The 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), IEEE, 263-270, 2021.

  5. Tae Jin Kim, Byunghang Ha, Alison Bick, Minkyu Kim, Sindy K. Y. Tang, and Guillem Pratx, "Microfluidics-coupled radioluminescence microscopy for in vitro radiotracer kinetic studies", Analytical Chemistry, 93, 4425-4433, 2021. link

  6. Nicolas Castano, Seth Cordts, Myra Kurosu Jalil, Kevin Zhang, Saisneha Koppaka, Alison Bick, Rajorshi Paul, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Fomite transmission and disinfection strategies for SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses", ACS Omega, 6, 6509-6527, 2021. Equal contribution. link link

  7. Kevin S. Zhang, Lucas R. Blauch, Wesley Huang, Wallace F. Marshall, Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Microfluidic guillotine reveals multiple timescales and mechanical modes of wound response in Stentor coeruleus", BMC Biology, 19, 63, 2021. link


  1. Simon Schutz, Jian Wei Khor, Sindy K.Y. Tang, and Tobias Schneider, "Interaction and breakup of droplet pairs in a microchannel Y-junction", Physical Review Fluids, 5, 083605, 2020. link

  2. Athena Lin, Diana Summers, Sarah B Reiff, Aaron R Tipton, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Wallace F Marshall, "Aurora kinase inhibitors delay regeneration in Stentor coeruleus at an intermediate step", ScienceMatters, accepted. link

  3. Nicolas Castano, Seth Cordts, Kari C. Nadeau, Mindy Tsai, Stephen J. Galli, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Microfluidics methods for precision diagnostics in food allergy", Biomicrofluidics, 14, 021503, 2020. Equal contribution. link

  4. Nimit Jain, Lucas R. Blauch, Michal R. Szymanski, Rhiju Das, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Y. Whitney Yin, and Andrew Z. Fire, "Transcription polymerase-catalyzed emergence of novel RNA replicons", Science, 368, eaay0688, 2020. link


  1. Alison Bick, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Effect of Volume Fraction on Droplet Break-up in an Emulsion flowing through a Microfluidic Constriction", Applied Physics Letters, 115, 093702, 2019. link

  2. Hiroaki Ishikawa, Jefer E. Yu, Jie Tian, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Hongmin Qin, and Wallace F. Marshall, "Cell-based biosynthesis of linear protein nanoarrays", Proc. SPIE, 108930F, 2019. link

  3. Sidi Huang, Ming Pan, Sili Deng, Yue Jiang, Ben Levy-Wendt, Jiheng Zhao, Sindy K.Y. Tang*, and Xiaolin Zheng*, "Modified Micro-emulsion Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Al/PVDF Composites with Enhanced Combustion Properties", Advanced Engineering Materials, 1801330, 2019. link

  4. Ya Gai, Alison Bick, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Timescale and spatial distribution of local plastic events in a two-dimensional microfluidic crystal", Physical Review Fluids, 4, 014201, 2019. link

  5. Jian Wei Khor, Neal Jean, Eric S. Luxenberg, Stefano Ermon, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Using Machine Learning to Discover Shape Descriptors for Predicting Emulsion Stability", Soft Matter, 15, 1361-1372,


  1. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Malte Renz, Tom Shemesh, Meghan Driscoll, and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, "Cytoplasmic self-organization established by internal lipid membranes in the interplay with either actin or microtubules", bioRxiv, DOI:,

  2. Sindy K.Y. Tang, and Wallace Marshall, "Primer: Cell Learning", Current Biology, 28, PR1180-R1184, 2018. link

  3. Satoshi Toda, Lucas R. Blauch, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Leonardo Morsut, Wendell A. Lim, "Synthetic morphologies: Programming self-organizing multi-cellular structures using engineered cell-cell signaling cascades", Science, 361, 156-162, 2018. link

  4. Fengjiao Lyu, Ming Pan, Sunita Patil, Jing-Hung Wang, A.C. Matin, Jason R. Andrews, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Phenotyping antibiotic resistance with single-cell resolution for the detection of heteroresistance", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 270, 396-404, 2018. link

  5. Chia M. Leong, Ya Gai, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Internal flow inside droplets within a concentrated emulsion during droplet rearrangement", Physics of Fluids, 30, 032002, 2018. link. Chosen as Editor's Pick! Also see highlights here.


  1. Jian Wei Khor, Minkyu Kim, Simon Schutz, Tobias Schneider, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Time-varying droplet configuration determines break-up probability of drops within a concentrated emulsion", Applied Physics Letters, 111, 124102, 2017. link

  2. Ming Pan, Xinjian Shi, Fengjiao Lyu, Ben Levy-Wendt, Xiaolin Zheng, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Encapsulation of single nanoparticle in fast-evaporating micro-droplets prevents particle agglomeration in nanocomposites", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 26602-26609, 2017. link

  3. Ming Pan, Fengjiao Lyu, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Methods to Coalesce Fluorinated Pickering Emulsions", Analytical Methods, 9, 4622-4629, 2017. link

  4. Lucas R. Blauch, Ya Gai, Jian Wei Khor, Pranidhi Sood, Wallace F. Marshall, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Microfluidic guillotine for single-cell wound repair studies", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 7283-7288, 2017. link Also see highlight in Stanford news, C& EN, Science Daily, Futurity, and EurekAlert!!!

    Computer graphic credit: Ella Maru Studio

  5. Ya Gai, Minkyu Kim, Ming Pan, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Amphiphilic nanoparticles suppress droplet break-up in a concentrated emulsion flowing through a narrow constriction", Biomicrofluidics, 11, 034117, 2017. link

  6. Sindy K.Y. Tang*, and Wallace F. Marshall*, "Self-healing Cells: How single cells heal membrane ruptures and restore lost structures", Science, 356, 1022-1025, 2017. link

  7. Maria Elena Gallina, Tae Jin Kim, Mark Shelor, Jaime Vasquez, Amy Mongersun, Minkyu Kim, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Paul Abbyad, and Guillem Pratx, "Towards a droplet radiometric assay for single-cell analysis", Analytical Chemistry, 89, 6472-6481, 2017. link

  8. Minkyu Kim, Chia Min Leong, Ming Pan, Lucas R. Blauch, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "High-efficiency and high-throughput on-chip exchange of the continuous phase in droplet microfluidics systems", SLAS Technology, DOI: 10.1177/2472630317692558, 2017. link


  1. Chia Leong, Ya Gai, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Internal flow in droplets within a concentrated emulsion flowing in a microchannel", Physics of Fluids, 28, 112001, 2016. link

  2. Minkyu Kim, Guanya Shi, Ming Pan, Lucas R. Blauch, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Chips & Tips: Electric drill/driver as centrifuge with 3D-printed custom holders for non-conventional containers", Lab on a Chip, October 17, 2016. link

  3. Ya Gai, Chia Leong, Wei Cai, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Spatiotemporal periodicity of dislocation dynamics in a two-dimensional microfluidic crystal flowing in a tapered channel", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 12082-12087, 2016. link Also see highlight in Stanford news, Stanford Daily, Science Daily, and Futurity!!

  4. Ya Gai, Jian Wei Khor, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Confinement and viscosity ratio effect on droplet break-up in a concentrated emulsion flowing through a narrow constriction", Lab on a Chip, 16, 3058 - 3064, 2016. Featured in 2016 Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigators themed collection! link

  5. Ming Pan, Minkyu Kim, Lucas Blauch and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Surface-Functionalizable Amphiphilic Nanoparticles for Pickering Emulsions with Designer Fluid-Fluid Interfaces", RSC Advances, 6, 39926-39932, 2016. link

  6. Jaewook Myung, Minkyu Kim, Ming Pan, Craig Criddle and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Low energy emulsion-based fermentation enabling accelerated methane mass transfer and growth of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-accumulating methanotrophs", Bioresource Technology, 207, 302 307, 2016. link


  1. Fengjiao Lyu, Manqi Xu, Yunfeng Cheng, Jinghang Xie, Jianghong Rao and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Quantitative detection of cells expressing BlaC using droplet-based microfluidics for use in the diagnosis of tuberculosis", Biomicrofluidics, 9, 044120, 2015. link

  2. Ming Pan, Fengjiao Lyu and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Fluorinated Pickering Emulsions with Non-adsorbing Interfaces for Droplet-based Enzymatic Assays", Analytical Chemistry, 87, 7938 7943, 2015. link

  3. Minkyu Kim, Ming Pan, Ya Gai, Shuo Pang, Chao Han, Changhuei Yang, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Optofluidic ultrahigh-throughput detection of fluorescent drops", Lab on a Chip, 15, 1417-1423, 2015. Selected as Lab on a Chip 2015 HOT Article, and featured on outside front cover! link

  4. Ming Pan, Minkyu Kim, Stein Kuiper, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Actuating Fluid-fluid Interfaces for the Reconfiguration of Light", IEEE Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2392075, 2015. link Equal contribution.


  1. Ming Pan, Liat Rosenfeld, Minkyu Kim, Manqi Xu, Edith Lin, Ratmir Derda, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Fluorinated Pickering Emulsions Impede Interfacial Transport and Form Rigid Interface for the Growth of Anchorage-dependent Cells", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 21446-21453, 2014. link

  2. Lukas Gerber, Liat Rosenfeld, Yunhan Chen, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Time Capsule: An autonomous sensor and recorder based on diffusion-reaction", Lab on a Chip, 14, 4324-4328, 2014. Selected as Lab on a Chip 2014 HOT Article and Lab on a Chip Top 10%! link

    Also see highlight in Stanford News, Chemistry World, Futurity, and!

  3. (Invited) Liat Rosenfeld, Tiras Lin, Ratmir Derda, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Review and Analysis of Performance Metrics of Droplet Microfluidics Systems", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 16, 5, 921-939, 2014. link

  4. Liat Rosenfeld, Lin Fan, Yunhan Chen, Ryan Swoboda, and Sindy K.Y. Tang*, "Break-up of droplets in a concentrated emulsion flowing through a narrow constriction", Soft Matter, 10, 421-430, 2014. Featured on outside front cover. link


  1. Qimin Quan, Daniel L. Floyd, Ian B. Burgess, Parag B. Deotare, Ian W. Frank, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Rob Ilic, and Marko Loncar, "Single particle detection in CMOS compatible photonic crystal nanobeam cavities", Optics Express, 21, 32225-32233, 2013. link

  2. Wadim Matochko, Cory Li, Sindy K.Y. Tang, and Ratmir Derda, "Prospective identification of parasitic sequences in phage-display screens", Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1104, 2013. link

  3. Ratmir Derda, Matthew R. Lockett, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Renee C. Fuller, E. Jane Maxwell, Benjamin Breiten,Christine C. Cuddemi, Aysegul Ozdogan, and George M. Whitesides, "Filter-Based Assay for Escherichia coli in Aqueous Samples Using Bacteriophage-Based Amplification", Analytical Chemistry, 85, 7213 7220,


  1. Yunhan Chen, Adi Wijaya, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Characterization of Sensitivity and Specificity in Leaky Droplet-based Assays", Lab on a Chip, 12 (23), 5093-5103. link

  2. Wadim L. Matochko, Simon Ng, Mohammad R. Jafari, Joseph Romaniuk, Sindy K.Y. Tang, and Ratmir Derda, “Uniform amplification of phage display libraries in monodisperse emulsions”, Methods, 2012. link

2006 - 2011

  1. Qimin Quan, Ian B. Burgess, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Daniel L. Floyd, and Marko Loncar, “High-Q, low index-contrast polymeric photonic crystal nanobeam cavities”, Optics Express, 19, 22191,

  2. Tak-Sing Wong, Sung Hoon Kang, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Elizabeth Smythe, Benjamin Hatton, Alison Grinthal, and Joanna Aizenberg, “Slippery surfaces with omniphobicity, self-repair, high-pressure stability and optical transparency”, Nature, 477, 443,

  3. Andrew Lee, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Charles R. Mace, and George M. Whitesides, “Denaturation of Proteins by SDS and Tetraalkylammonium Dodecyl Sulfates”, Langmuir, 27, 11560 11574, 2011. link

  4. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Ratmir Derda, Aaron D. Mazzeo, and George M. Whitesides, “Reconfigurable Self-Assembly of Mesoscale Optical Components at a Liquid-Liquid Interface”, Advanced Materials, 23, 2413-2418, 2011. link

  5. Ratmir Derda, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Anna Laromaine, Estrella Lee, Martin Mwangi, Akiko Mammoto, Donald E. Ingber, and George M. Whitesides, “Multizone paper platform for 3D cell cultures”, PLoS ONE 6(5): e18940. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018940. link

  6. Ratmir Derda, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Cory Li, Simon Ng, Wadim Matochko, Seyed Jafari, “Diversity of Phage-Displayed Libraries of Peptides during Panning and Amplification”, Molecules, 16, 1776-1803, 2011. link

  7. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Ratmir Derda, Qimin Quan, Marko Loncar, and George M. Whitesides, “Continuously tunable microdroplet-laser in a microfluidic channel”, Optics Express, 19, 2204-2215, 2011. link This article was selected for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2011.

  8. Claudiu A. Stan, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Kyle J. M. Bishop, and George M. Whitesides, “Externally Applied Electric Fields up to 1.6 10^5 V/m Do Not Affect the Homogeneous Nucleation of Ice in Supercooled Water”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 1089-1097, 2011. link

  9. Ratmir Derda, Sindy K.Y. Tang, and George M. Whitesides “Uniform Amplification of Phage with Different Growth Characteristics in Monodisperse Droplet-Based Compartments”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49, 5301–5304, 2010. link

  10. Adam C. Siegel, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Christian A. Nijhuis, Michinao Hashimoto, Scott T. Phillips, Michael D. Dickey, and George M. Whitesides, “Co-Fabrication: A Strategy for Building Multi-Component Microsystems”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 43, 518–528, 2010. link

  11. Ratmir Derda, Anna Laromaine, Akiko Mammoto, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Tadanori Mammoto, Amy Brock, Donald E. Ingber & George M. Whitesides, “Paper-Supported Three-Dimensional Cell Culture for Tissue-Based Bioassays”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 18457–18462, 2009. link

  12. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Zhenyu Li, Adam R. Abate, Jeremy A. Agresti, Demetri Psaltis, David A. Weitz, and George M. Whitesides, “A multi-color fast-switching microfluidic droplet dye laser”, Lab on a Chip, 9, 2767 - 2771, 2009. This article was featured in Chemical & Engineering News, 87 (35), p.26, 2009. pdf

  13. Claudiu A. Stan, Sindy K.Y. Tang, and George M. Whitesides, “Independent control of drop size and velocity in microfluidic flow-focusing generators using variable temperature and flow rate”, Analytical Chemistry, 81, 2399–2402, 2009. pdf

  14. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Claudiu A. Stan, and George M. Whitesides, “Dynamically reconfigurable liquid-core liquid-cladding lens in a microfluidic channel”, Lab on a Chip, 8, 395–401, 2008. This article was featured in Chemical Technology, 5 (3), T18, 2008. pdf

  15. Sindy K.Y. Tang, Brian T. Mayers, Dmitri V. Vezenov, and George M. Whitesides, “Optical waveguiding using thermal gradients across homogeneous liquids in microfluidic channels”, Applied Physics Letters 88 (6): 061112, 2006. This article was featured in and Photonics Spectra May 2006 issue. pdf

Book Chapters

  • (invited book chapter) Fengjiao Lyu, Lucas R. Blauch, and Sindy K. Y. Tang*, "Quantifying Phenotypes in Single Cells using Droplet Microfluidics", Methods in Cell Biology, 148, 133-159, 2018 link
  • Sindy K.Y. Tang, George M. Whitesides, “Optical Components Based on Dynamic Liquid-liquid Interfaces”, Book chapter in “Optofluidics: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications”, McGraw-Hill 2009. link
  • Sindy K.Y. Tang, George M. Whitesides, “Basic Microfluidic and Soft Lithographic Techniques” Book chapter in “Optofluidics: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications”, McGraw-Hill. 2009. link

Popular Science

  • Sindy K.Y. Tang, “The Nanotechnology Solution to the Global Water Challenge”, Science in the News, HMS, Harvard. Jun 2011. link
  • Sindy K.Y. Tang, “The Rocket Swimsuit: Speedo’s LZR Racer”, Science in the News, HMS, Harvard. Sep 2008. link
  • Sindy K.Y. Tang, “Harnessing the Power of the Sun: The Bright Promise of Solar Cells”, Science in the News, HMS, Harvard. Aug 2007. link
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