Science Citation Index (SCI)
Teaching Points
- Unique type of searching, based on the culture of science
If you use someone’s work, you cite it in your paper
- Can trace forward in time from a basic work to see how it has been used
Pauling, Chemical Bond — written in 1930, cited today!
- Keyword and author searches are also possible
Because SCI covers approximately 3,000 of the most important journals in all
science, engineering, math, and some medical areas, it is an excellent source for
interdisciplinary topics
- Can locate “related” articles (in CD-ROM and some online versions.)
“Related” articles share the same footnotes, so are likely to be on
the same topic.
- Many authors enjoy seeing how many times they have been cited and by whom
Citation counts can be misleading
- Citations are indexed by first author listed
- No verification of citations is done — many errors exist in the database
Teaching Materials
This database is expensive, in print and online and may not be available in your
institution. However teaching materials exist which can give students a flavor
for this unique and valuable database.