ACS CINF Education Committee
- How to Teach Chemical Information (Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials-CCIIM)
- Includes latest version of the workshop
- Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques (August 2000)
- Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques (August 1998)
- Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques (March 1998)
- Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques (June 1997)
- Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques (March 1996)
- CAS Online Workshop: STN Version (August 1993)
- Finding and Verifying CAS Registry Numbers on STN (March 1993)
The CINF Electronic Newsletter is no longer hosted by Swain Library. Please visit the ACS Division of Chemical Information homepage to access the CINF E-News.
Procedures Manual
Procedures Manual for the ACS Division of Chemical Information (1998)
The most recent version is available from the
ACS Division of Chemical Information homepage.
For comments, please contact Grace Baysinger at