Procedures Manual for the ACS Division of Chemical Information (CINF)
January 1998
This is the 1998 version of the Procedures Manual. The most recent version is available from the ACS Division of Chemical Information homepage.
I. Introduction
This manual attempts to present in a concise and straightforward manner the duties of all officers and functionaries of the Division of Chemical Information (CINF). This manual in no way supersedes the Division Bylaws, and every attempt is made to keep the information here compatible and up-to-date with the Bylaws. In instances where conflict does arise, the Bylaws take precedence. Every officer and committee chair is requested to examine this document periodically to assure that the description of duties in this manual represents their actual tasks.
This manual is divided into five chapters. Chapter One is this introduction. Chapter Two details the members of the Executive Committee. Chapter Three describes each position in depth, along with highlighting important dates. Chapter Four is a description of the awards offered by the Division. The final chapter (Chapter Five) contains a timetable compiled from the individual timetables of each Executive Committee member.
All comments and updates to this manual should be submitted to the Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for inclusion.
II. Executive Committee
2.1 Voting Members
- Chair of the Division: One-year term, beginning January 1
- Chair-Elect: One-year term, beginning January 1
- Immediate Past Chair: One-year term, beginning January 1
- Secretary: Two-year term, beginning January 1 in even-numbered years
- Treasurer: Two-year term, beginning January 1 in odd-numbered years (overlapping with term of Secretary)
- Councilors and Alternate Councilors: Three-year terms, overlapping, beginning January 1. The number of Councilors and Alternate Councilors is that allotted to the Division by the Society; currently this is two Councilors and two Alternate Councilors.
- Program Committee Chair: Three-year term
- Membership Committee Chair: Three-year term
2.2 Non-Voting Members — Chairs of Other Standing Committees and Other Representatives
2.2.1 Other Standing Committees
- Audit
- Awards
- Careers
- Constitution and Bylaws
- Education
- Legislative Issues
- Nominating
- Publications
- Tellers
2.2.2 Divisional Representatives and Liaisons
- ACS Secretariats (currently CINF participates in the Biotechnology Secretariat)
- ACS Committee on Nomenclature
- CHEMTECH Editorial Advisory Board
- Documentation Abstracts, Inc. Board of Directors
- American Society for Information Science (ASIS)
- Special Libraries Association (SLA)
- Association of College Research Libraries (ACRL)
2.2.3 Other Functionaries
- Archivist/Historian
- Chemical Information Bulletin Editor
- Chemical Information Newsletter Editor
In addition, liaisons from other organizations will attend. Speakers on selected topics of interest may be invited. The Editor of the Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences is always invited.
III. Duties of Elected Officials and Other Functionaries
3.1 Elected Officials
3.1.1 Chair
Term of Office:
- One Year. The Chair-Elect for the previous year automatically succeeds to the office of Chair.
Key Responsibilities:
- Chair meetings of the Executive Committee and Divisional Business Meetings.
- Execute the decisions of the Executive Committee and the Division membership.
- Ascertain the status of activities of other officers and committees by calling for periodic reports.
- Perform duties in the key areas of committees, communications, national meetings, and in other areas as listed in the following subsections.
- The Chair appoints all Division Committee Chairs and members and Division Representatives and Liaisons. The appointments of the Membership and Program Committee Chairs must be approved by the Executive Committee. Committee members may serve a maximum of three successive one-year terms, provided, however, that a person may be Chair of a committee for three consecutive years after having served as a member of that committee for the three preceding years. Division committees are listed in Section 2.2.1 above. Their responsibilities are discussed in Section 3.2 below.
- Receive copies of all Division reports and correspondence.
- Read bulletins and reports of the ACS, and call information contained in them to the attention of other functionaries as appropriate.
- Send copies of all correspondence to the Chair-Elect.
- Maintain official contacts between the Division and other ACS Divisions, the Society and other organizations, except where specifically provided for by ACS regulations or other provisions.
- Following meetings and at other appropriate times, send “thank you” notes on behalf of the Division to Division or Society members or to others for services and courtesies received.
- Prepare the “Chair’s Message” for each issue of the Chemical Information Bulletin (CIB).
National Meetings:
- Call meetings of, prepare agenda for, and preside at the Divisional Executive Committee and Business meetings. The Chair is also responsible for inviting to these meetings other persons, such as committee chairs or publications editors, to serve in an advisory capacity. The Executive Committee meets at each meeting of the Division; it may meet more frequently at the discretion of the Chair. Business meetings are held at least once a year at a meeting of the Division.
- Preside at technical sessions unless this duty is delegated to the Program Committee Chair.
- Arrange for the Divisional luncheon and select the luncheon speaker or other program.
- Schedule Committee meetings and other functions, except for technical programs; arrange for rooms and meals or refreshments as needed.
Other Responsibilities:
- Organize the Herman Skolnik Award ceremony; arrange for preparation of the programs, order the plaque and arrange for the honorarium check. Present the Award.
- Obtain and present the Past Chair’s pin.
- Review and approve the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s annual reports before they are submitted to the Society and to the Division.
- Serve as a member of the Herman Skolnik Award Jury.
- Participate in the selection of the Patterson-Crane awardee (in odd-numbered years), or appoint a personal representative (see Section 4.2 below). Represent the Division at the Patterson-Crane Award ceremony, or appoint a representative.
- January — Arrange for the Divisional Luncheon speaker for the Spring meeting.
- February — Review and approve Secretary’s and Treasurer’s annual reports before submission to the Society. Arrange for committee meeting rooms, luncheon menu, receptions, and other services for the Spring meeting. Attend (in odd-numbered years) or arrange for a personal representative to attend the meeting of the Patterson-Crane Award Committee.
- March — Prepare and distribute agenda for Spring Executive Committee meeting.
- Spring Meeting — Chair Executive Committee meeting. Present the Herman Skolnik Award if it is scheduled.
- April–May — Send thank you notes for services and courtesies received in connection with the Spring meeting. Prepare the Chair’s Message for the Summer CIB issue. Arrange for committee meeting rooms, luncheon menu, receptions, and other services for Fall Meeting. Attend (in odd-numbered years), or arrange for a personal representative to attend, the Patterson-Crane Award Ceremony.
- June — Arrange for Divisional luncheon speaker. Order Past Chair’s pin.
- July–August — Appoint new chairs for committees whose current chairs are completing terms of office. Serve as a member of the Herman Skolnik Award Jury. Prepare and distribute agenda for the Fall Executive Committee meeting.
- Fall Meeting — Chair the Executive Committee meeting. Present the Herman Skolnik Award if it is scheduled. Present the Past Chair’s pin.
- September — Send thank you notes for services and courtesies received in connection with Fall Meeting.
- December — Prepare the Chair’s Message for the Spring CIB issue.
3.1.2 Chair-Elect
Term of Office:
- One Year. Automatically becomes Chair the following year.
Key Responsibilities:
- Act for the Chair at the latter’s request or in the absence of the Chair.
- Become familiar with current affairs of the Division through its major correspondence, all Committee reports, and ACS bulletins and reports.
- Attend the Divisional Business Meeting and Executive Committee meetings.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Program Committee and attend all Program Committee meetings.
- Attend the ACS Divisional Officers Conference.
- Prepare a Division budget for the coming year by consulting with other officers and committee chairs about their financial needs.
- Serve as a member of the Herman Skolnik Award Jury and work with the awardee for the following year to plan the Award ceremony.
- Raise funds to support social and technical sessions at the two national meetings occurring during the Term of Office.
- January — Attend the ACS Divisional Officers Conference.
- Spring meeting — Attend the Divisional Business meeting and the Program and Executive Committee meetings.
- Summer — Consult with other officers and committee chairs about their financial needs for the following year. Prepare the Division budget for the following year.
- Fall Meeting — Present the Division budget for the following year to the Executive Committee. Attend Program and Executive Committee Meetings. Determine which Committee Chairs and other memberships need to be filled for the coming year and find people to fill them.
3.1.3 Past Chair
Term of Office:
- One year, following the term as Chair.
Key Responsibilities:
- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee unless there is a conflict with a potential candidacy for the following year.
- Assist the Secretary in preparation of the Annual Report for the year of the term as Chair.
- If serving as Past Chair during the year that a salary survey is taken, write the cover memorandum for the survey instrument and work with the Survey Editor in writing and editing the survey results.
- Perform any other duties requested by the Chair.
3.1.4 Secretary
Term of Office:
- Two years, beginning January 1 in an even-numbered year.
Key Responsibilities:
- The Secretary will carry out (or cause to be carried out) all the official business of the Division according to the Bylaws. These responsibilities include:
- Responsibilities related to National Meetings:
- Verify the attendance of Councilors at national meetings, arrange for the attendance of Alternate Councilors if necessary, and accredit Councilors or Alternate Councilors for Council meetings in the manner and at the time specified by the Society.
- Act as secretary of the Executive Committee, take minutes, submit a report to members of the Executive Committee for approval, and send the approved report to the editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin for publication (coordinate with the CIB publication schedule).
- At Divisional Business Meetings, present a summary of the proceedings of the Executive Committee meeting, take minutes, and send a report to the editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin for publication.
- Send the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin updated names and addresses of Division Functionaries and Committees (chairs and members) for inclusion in the Administrative issue of the CIB (coordinate with the CIB publication schedule).
- Responsibilities related to other reports:
- Prepare the Annual Report of the Division, prepare additional interim reports for each meeting of the Executive Committee; supply copies of these reports to the Archivist/Historian.
- Responsibilities related to Division elections:
- Work with the ACS Divisional Activities Office to ensure that election ballots, including candidate biographies, are prepared and mailed to CINF members in a timely fashion.
- Promptly notify candidates of the election results.
- Notify the Executive Director of the Society of new officers, councilors and alternate councilors on forms provided by ACS Headquarters.
- Certify and send biographies for re-elected and newly elected Councilors to ACS Headquarters.
- Responsibilities related to files and correspondence:
- Handle and maintain a file of correspondence.
- Maintain the official files of the Division. Files of current correspondence need not be kept more than one year. Items of permanent value should be sent to the Archivist/Historian for further evaluation and storage in the Divisional archives.
- Order year supply of mailing labels for the CIB and CINF Newsletter to be delivered shortly prior to publication dates (coordinate with CIB and Newsletter Editors).
- At the termination of the Secretary’s Term of Office, transfer all files promptly to the incoming Secretary.
- February — Verify the attendance of the Division Councilor(s) at the Spring Meeting of the Society. Make arrangements for the attendance of the Alternate Councilor(s) if necessary. Prepare the annual report of the Division.
- March — Send the annual report of the Division to ACS headquarters before March 15, following approval by the Chair.
- Spring Meeting — Take the minutes at the Divisional Executive Committee meeting and send a copy of the minutes to the Executive Committee for comments. Allow 1–2 weeks for receipt of comments; then send a copy to the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin before the deadline for the next issue. Remind the Chair of the Nominating Committee to submit the slate of nominations and the biographies of nominees in time for May’s mailing of ballots.
- May — Send slate of nominees to the editor of Chemical Information Bulletin.
- August — Upon notification from the Nominating Committee, notify candidates of the results of the election for Division officers. Verify the attendance of the Division Councilor(s) (or Alternate Councilor(s), if necessary) at the Fall meeting of the Society.
- Fall Meeting — Take minutes at the Executive Committee and Business meetings. Summarize proceedings of the Executive Committee meeting(s) at the Business meeting. Send copy of minutes to the Executive Committee for comments. Allow 1–2 weeks for receipt of comments; then send copy to the editor of Chemical Information Bulletin before the deadline of the next issue.
- October — Notify ACS headquarters of Division officers, Councilors and Alternate Councilors. Certification and biography forms furnished by ACS headquarters for Councilors and Alternate Councilors must be completed and submitted to the ACS Executive Director.
- December — Review the Division files. Transfer to the Archivist/Historian items of permanent value which will not be needed by the Secretary in pursuance of duties. Weed the correspondence file. Prepare the files for transfer to the incoming Secretary (alternate years) (deadline January 1). Begin preparation of the annual report for the Society and for the Division.
3.1.5 Treasurer
Term of Office:
- Two years beginning January 1 of odd-numbered years.
Key Responsibilities:
- Receive all payments.
- Maintain Division financial records.
- Pay all duly-authorized bills for the Division.
- Prepare the Treasurer’s annual report and interim reports for the Spring and Fall ACS meetings, and supply copies of these reports to the Archivist/Historian.
- File the annual Federal Income Tax return.
- Recommend to the Executive Committee how Division funds should be invested.
Details of the Treasurer’s Responsibilities:
- Dues:
- Division Dues Notices (issued by ACS) for the coming year are included with ACS dues notices. These are mailed by the Society prior to November 15 (per Division Bylaws) to all members and affiliates except those who have paid dues in advance.
- Dues Payments are paid to ACS with the member’s annual Society membership fees. Data and a check for income from membership dues collected by the Society are received from ACS about February 1 and August 1. One dollar of the fee is for processing by ACS, the remainder is returned to the Division Treasurer. Additional dues for those joining the Division directly through the Membership Chair are forwarded to the Treasurer by said Chair.
- In April of each year, a form must be filled out detailing the dues schedules (member, affiliate, etc.) for the following year. This form should be returned to ACS Headquarters after discussion at the Executive Committee Meeting and prior to the ACS imposed deadline.
- Checking Account, Bookkeeping and Payment of Bills:
- The Treasurer maintains both savings and checking accounts for the Division in any convenient bank(s). The Treasurer and Chair of the Division are authorized to make withdrawals by writing checks drawn against the checking account. All income, except interest from savings accounts, and all expenses incurred by various officers, committee chairmen, and divisional functionaries are processed by the Treasurer through one checking account. Interest accrued from money market or savings accounts is entered when posted in the appropriate section of the ledger. Records should be kept accurately and should show the source of all receipts and bills and the reasons for all expenditures. All bills submitted to the Treasurer must be signed by the person submitting the bill. The rubber endorsement stamp. “For Deposit Only, Division of Chemical Information, American Chemical Society”, followed by the Treasurer’s signature and title should be used to endorse checks.
- Federal Income Tax Return:
- The Treasurer also files an annual statement with the Collector of Internal Revenue on or before May 15. The division is not subject to income tax, but must file an Information Return Form 990A with the District Director of Internal Revenue. With each change of Treasurer, this office should be informed by the outgoing treasurer of the change of address of the Division Treasurer so that records at the District Office can be corrected. The Internal Revenue Office supplies two copies of Form 990A, of which one is retained for Division records.
- Reports:
- The Treasurer must prepare an annual report of Division financial affairs each year for ACS headquarters. This report should be sent to the Divisional Activities Office no later than March 15. Report Forms are mailed to the Treasurer in January or early February. The report should be sent to the Executive Committee of the Division for review prior to the Spring Meeting. In addition, interim reports are sent to the Executive Committee shortly before the Spring and Fall ACS meetings.
- Audit:
- The Treasurer cooperates fully with the Audit Committee and supplies to the Audit Committee Chair all unaudited ledgers, check books, bank statements for checking and savings accounts, cancelled checks, invoices and deposit slips.
Timetable for Treasurer:
- February — Prepare the annual report on division financial affairs for ACS. Mail to ACS before March 15. Send copy to Division Chair for approval prior to submission to the ACS office.
- March — Prepare Division financial report to the CINF Executive Committee for presentation at the Spring meeting.
- April — Prepare Internal Revenue Service Information Return Form 990A and file with District Director of Internal Revenue on or before May 15.
- August — Prepare the Division financial report to the Executive Committee for presentation at the Fall meeting.
- December — File bank signature cards at bank for succeeding Treasurer and Chair so that they may sign checks during their Term of Office. With each change of Treasurer, inform District IRS Office of new Treasurer’s name and address.
3.1.6 Councilors and Alternate Councilors
Term of Office:
- Three years. One Councilor and one Alternate Councilor are elected at intervals as necessary to satisfy divisional councilor quotas as determined by Council. The Society’s Executive Secretary’s office recommends that Councilors serve more than one term to give the unit (local Section or Division) they represent the advantage of the experience gained in the earlier term. They can represent only one unit (local Section or Division) at one time and, therefore, should not accept nomination in more than one unit for the same period.
Key Responsibilities:
- Represent the Division at ACS Council meetings (the Alternate Councilors in the absence of the Councilors). They should have a thorough knowledge of Division affairs, and at least some acquaintance and experience in ACS affairs.
- Attend Divisional Business Meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Alternate Councilors should represent the Division at the annual Divisional Officers Conference.
- Obtain recommendations or instructions from the Executive Committee in regard to representing the Division on the Council, particularly if matters of concern to the Division are to be discussed and voted on.
- Report to the Division any matters arising at Council meetings which are of interest to the Division.
- NOTE: Councilors are required to notify the Secretary of the Division regarding their attendance at Council meetings during the Spring and Fall meetings of the Society. When a Councilor is unable to attend such a meeting, the Division Secretary will authorize an Alternate Councilor to represent the Division.
3.2 Duties of Committees
CINF Committees are the resources through which the Division plans its activities, fulfills members’ expectations, and ensures continuing growth and financial health. It is essential that Committee Chairs and members meet the commitments that they have made when volunteering their services.
In addition, CINF Committees serve as a means for identifying and training the future leaders of the Division. Therefore, all Committee Chairs are encouraged to act as role models for those who will follow in their footsteps.
All Committee Chairs and Committee members should be appointed prior to the Fall ACS National Meeting immediately preceding their terms of office. There should be no overlap among membership of Committees that meet at the National Meetings.
Committee Chairs will serve three-year terms. No later than the end of their second year, they should identify and groom a replacement from among current or past members of the Committee.
Committee members may serve a maximum of three successive one-year terms.
All Committees should have stated and measurable annual objectives that are in line with the Division’s overall strategic goals.
Each Committee Chair should submit a written progress report to the CINF Chair and to all Division functionaries prior to each ACS National Meeting as well as an annual report (in January) to the CINF Secretary to help in creation of the Division’s Annual Report. The Annual Report should include an accounting of the year’s forecasted goals versus attainment and a plan for the coming year. If there is a new incoming Chair, that person should prepare the plan for the coming year.
Committee Chairs are expected to hold meetings as requested by the CINF Chair. Normally, these are held at National Meetings on Saturday or Sunday prior to the CINF Executive Committee meeting. Committee Chairs are expected to attend the Executive Committee meeting, as well as part of the Executive Committee Planning Session which is usually held on Saturday at the Fall Meeting.
3.2.1 Audit Committee
Term of Office:
- One year. Consists of a chair and at least one other member appointed by Division Chair. The Division Treasurer may not be a member of this committee but shall supply records needed by the committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Review the Treasurer’s records once each fiscal year and ascertain that record-keeping methods are adequate.
- Certify to the Executive Committee that the Treasurer’s Report is a true statement of the Division’s financial condition.
- Submit an Annual Report of the Division’s financial situation to the Executive Committee.
3.2.2 Awards Committee
Term of Office:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Administer all the Divisional awards to the extent of the authorization given by the Executive Committee.
- For the Herman Skolnik Award (See Section 4.1 for a detailed description of the award):
- Issue a call for nominations prior to January 31 of the year preceding the year in which the award is to be made and mail it to the editors of the Chemical and Engineering News, Chemical Information Bulletin, and any other appropriate media. The deadline for receipt of nominations will be either April 1 or June 1 of that year, depending on when the award will be presented in the following year (spring or fall meeting respectively). [This should be coordinated with the Program Chair.]
- Act as the collection point for nominations and distribute copies of the nominations received, along with all supporting documents, to the Herman Skolnik Award Jury, which consists of the Division Chair, the Division Chair-Elect, and the Awards Committee Chair.
- As a member of the Herman Skolnik Award Jury, help the Division Chair organize a meeting (or conference call) of the Jury for the purposes of selecting the awardee not later than July 15.
- Notify the awardee of the decision and of the date and place for the award address and symposium.
- Prepare and distribute a press release regarding the Award decision.
- Help the Division Chair and Program Chair in developing an appropriate award ceremony and symposium. Note: The organization of the award ceremony and of the award symposium is primarily the responsibility of the Division Chair and the Program Chair, respectively.
- Provide the Archivist/Historian with copies of the commendation, award certificate, award scroll, photograph, etc., as applicable.
- For the Student Scholarship Award (see Section 4.3):
- Issue a call for applications prior to December 31 of the year preceding the year of the award and mail it to the editors of the Chemical Information Bulletin and the Divisional Newsletter, and to the information oriented professional organizations and graduate schools. The deadline for receipt of nominations will be March 1.
- Act as a collection point for applications and distribute copies of the applications received, along with all the supporting documents, to the members of the Awards Committee.
- Select the awardee at the regular Awards Committee meeting at the Spring ACS National Meeting.
- Notify the awardee of the decision and of the time and place for presenting the award (normally this will be arranged with the nearest ACS Local Section).
- Prepare and distribute a press release with an announcement of the awardee.
- Order the certificate with an appropriate inscription and deliver it to the presenter prior to the local section meeting or National Meeting at which the Award will be presented.
- Provide the Archivist/Historian with copies of the commendation, award certificate, award scroll, photograph, etc., as applicable.
- For the Meritorious Service Award (see Section 4.4 for the description):
- Issue a call for nominations prior to December 31 of the year preceding the year of the award and send it to the editors of the CIB and the CINF Newsletter. The deadline for receipt of nominations is one month before the Spring ACS National Meeting.
- Act as a collection point for nominations and distribute copies of the nominations and the supporting documents to the members of the Award Committee.
- Present the nominations and a recommendation to the Executive Committee for voting at the Spring ACS Meeting.
- Prepare a press release for the Public Relations Committee to send to the same journals and newsletters as other Division award announcements.
- Order the plaque with an appropriate inscription and deliver it to the presenter prior to the National meeting at which the Award will be presented.
- Provide the Archivist/Historian with copies of the commendation, award certificate, award scroll, photograph, etc., as applicable.
- Prepare correspondence as needed to confirm the receipt of nominations, notify the unsuccessful nominators encouraging them to resubmit, etc.
- Consider any proposals for additional Divisional Awards or for ad hoc grants, and submit findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee.
3.2.3 Careers Committee
Term of Office:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Increase awareness among members of the Society, the profession, and the public on careers available in scientific information fields.
- Provide information on career pathways and professional advancement opportunities in scientific information fields.
3.2.4 Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Term of Office:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee.
- To maintain the Division Constitution and Bylaws and the Procedures Manual.
Key Responsibilities:
- Determine changes needed in the CINF Constitution and/or Bylaws.
- Formulate the changes and submit them to the Executive Committee.
- Following the Executive Committee’s approval, send the proposed modifications to the ACS Committee on Constitution and Bylaws for informal review.
- After receiving comments from the ACS Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, transmit the changes to the Secretary for inclusion in the annual ballots for approval by CINF members. Following the election, submit the changes to the ACS Committee on Constitution and Bylaws for formal approval.
- Provide a copy of the official version of the revised Constitution and Bylaws to Executive Committee and the Archivist/Historian.
- Communicate with all officers and Committee Chairs and determine whether changes are required in the Procedures Manual.
- Make necessary revisions to the Procedures Manual.
- Send copies of the current version of the Procedures Manual to all incoming officers before the end of each year and to all Committee Chairs as they are appointed.
- Maintain an inventory of Procedures Manuals. If possible, collect copies of manuals from those officers or Committee Chairs who no longer need them.
3.2.5 Education Committee
Term of Office and Composition:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee. Members should include representatives from a wide range of chemical information areas, such as chemistry faculty, academic librarians, industrial information specialists, government information specialists, and database producers and vendors.
- To provide educational outreach to chemical information users, of all degrees of experience.
Key Responsibilities:
- Produce and distribute chemical searching training modules.
- Organize workshops or tutorials of an educational nature at national or regional ACS meetings.
- Provide a liaison relationship with information producers and vendors. Help chemical information instructors (in academia, industry, government, etc.) increase the quantity and quality of information instruction.
3.2.6 Legislative Issues Committee
Term of Office and Composition:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee. Non-members of the Division may be asked to serve as needed in order to provide specialized knowledge. These non-members have no voting privileges in the Committee.
- The Committee will seek to identify and keep informed of those legal issues related to all aspects of chemical information. The Committee will act in such a manner as to ensure that the free flow of information as applied to the chemical sciences is maintained. The Committee will endeavor to keep the Division membership informed of matters of interest in this area. In addition, the Committee will take the initiative in order to serve as a resource and knowledge base for other related committees and agencies.
Key Responsibilities:
- Follow trends and actions which may have an impact on the information activities in the chemical sector.
- Notify Division members of the above cited trends and actions.
- Assist Division members in the area of legislative and governmental activities.
- Intervene in any trend/action deemed necessary by the Committee, the Division, or the Executive Committee.
- Serve as a knowledge base and information resource for other committees of the American Chemical Society.
3.2.7 Membership Committee
Term of Office:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee. The Membership Committee Chair is a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Recruit new members, and send a welcoming letter and a copy of the bylaws to any new members who have not already received them.
- Act as the principal contact with the ACS Membership Division.
- Send names, addresses, and membership status of new members to the ACS Membership Subscriber Services, the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin, and update the divisional membership roster.
- Follow up on cancelled memberships to learn why they were cancelled and try to persuade these persons to renew the membership.
- Make appropriate revisions to the brochure describing the activities of the Division and containing an application for membership, and have copies printed (500 copies are generally adequate for a 2-year term).
- At Spring and Fall ACS meetings, ensure that there is a supply of brochures in the CINF meeting room and on the Information Desk in the ACS Registration area.
- Write to people whose names are forwarded to the Division by ACS Headquarters as potential Division members or interested in learning more about the Division, and send them copies of the brochure.
- Present short reports to the Executive Committee at National Meetings on total numbers of members and affiliates, number of new members, etc.
- Maintain the electronic version of the membership roster, update the recruiting materials on the CINF web page, and update the membership activity information.
- Maintain liaison with the Program and Publications Committee and other relevant Division committees that require publicity, and handle the marketing of material produced by a requesting committee.
- Assemble guidelines for publicity and make them available for local sections.
- Compile lists of local section newsletters and other relevant publications and names of contacts.
- Assist the Publications Committee with the publicity for any Salary Survey published (see Publications Committee procedures).
- Spring and Fall Meetings — Present a short report to the CINF Executive Committee on the total number of members and affiliates, number of new members, etc.
3.2.8 Nominating Committee
Term of Office:
- One year. Customarily the Past Chair serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee and selects at least two other members. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be candidates for any Division office.
Key Responsibilities:
- Determine offices to be filled in that year and place calls for nominations in the first issues of the Chemical Information Bulletin and the Divisional Newsletter.
- Select at least two eligible candidates for each office to be filled. All paid-up full members of the Division who are members of the ACS are eligible to be nominated for Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilor, or Alternate Councilor. Any elected officer of the Division who will not have completed his/her Term of Office at the end of the election year is not eligible to be a candidate for another office in the following year.
- Communicate with each candidate to ascertain the candidate’s willingness to run and, if elected, to serve, and to inform the candidate that he/she must prepare and mail a biography to the Secretary by May 1.
- Notify the Secretary by May 15 of the names of these candidates so ballots can be prepared and sent out.
- January 1–15 — Determine the offices to be filled and notify the Secretary and the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin.
- March — Select candidates and obtain short biographies. Transmit to the Secretary by May 15.
- Spring Meeting — Report names of candidates to the Executive Committee.
3.2.9 Program Committee
Term of Office and Composition:
- The Committee Chair is appointed by the Division Chair, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, for a term of three years. Other members are appointed by the Committee Chair for three-year terms with the approval of the Division Chair. The Committee Chair may previously have served on the Committee. Customarily the person who is to serve as new Program Committee Chair is selected prior to the beginning of the third year of the term of the current Chair. During that third year the newly selected person serves as Assistant Chair. The Program Committee Chair is a voting member of the Executive Committee.
- In order to preserve the Committee’s continuity, members’ appointments are done in such a way that each year the various areas of chemical information processing (for example, academia, industry, U.S. government, publishers, database producers, database vendors, etc.) are represented to the extent possible in order to provide programs catering to the various needs and interests of the Division members.
- The Chair-Elect of the Division, the Editor of the Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, and the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin are ex officio members of the Program Committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Responsibilities of the Program Committee Chair:
- Attend the annual ACS Program Coordination Conference except when there is an Assistant Chair, who will attend.
- Organize and chair meetings of the Committee at the Spring and Fall National Meetings. Additional meetings may also be held at other times of the year at the request of the Chair. For each meeting, prepare the agenda and minutes and distribute the minutes to the Committee members as well as to the Executive Committee members.
- Plan for specific symposia to be presented at ACS National Meetings at least a year in advance, and coordinate joint and sponsored symposia with other ACS Divisions and Committees.
- Assume the responsibility for implementing the Division technical program
at each ACS National Meeting during the tenure of the office. This includes:
- Ensuring the quality of presentation with respect to both content and visual aids, such as slides and transparencies.
- Chairing the general papers session.
- Informing in advance the symposia chairs and individual speakers (for the general papers sessions) of all their duties and obligations.
- Acknowledging prospective speakers, through the symposia chairs or directly, of receipt of all papers and their eventual acceptance or rejection.
- Notifying the speakers, through the symposia chairs or directly, of the time and place of each presentation.
- Handling operational details such as ensuring that the meeting rooms are in suitable condition, that adequate seating is provided, and that necessary audio-visual equipment is available and functioning properly.
- Writing thank you notes after each meeting to the symposia chairs and to the individual speakers, through the symposia chairs or directly.
- Maintain necessary contacts with the ACS Department of Meetings and Divisional
Activities, which includes:
- Providing twice-a-year information on future Division programs to be published under “Calls for Papers for National and Divisional Meetings” in Chemical and Engineering News in June and December.
- Preparing and submitting the preliminary program for each ACS National Meeting.
- Preparing and forwarding the final program, with a complete set of abstracts, for each ACS National Meeting.
- Forwarding the attendance figures after each ACS National Meeting.
- Provide the Committee and the Executive Committee with useful compilations and statistics, such as listings of past programs and summaries of attendance at the ACS National Meetings.
- Provide the Executive Committee on request with the written and oral reports on the Program Committee’s activities, and to report on the same at the Divisional Business meetings.
- Cooperate with other Divisional Committees, in particular the Education Committee, on matters of mutual concern.
- Cooperate with the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin by providing him/her with advance copies of announcements, listings of future programs, and final programs (including abstracts of all the symposia and sessions in which the Division is involved, even in a “secondary” capacity) for each ACS National Meeting.
- Encourage submission of publication-version manuscripts of papers presented in the Divisional symposia and sessions to the Editor of the Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences.
- Responsibilities of Assistant Chair:
- Assist the Chair in managing the Program Committee’s activities.
- Take over as chair of the Committee upon expiration of the incumbent Chair’s term.
- Attend the ACS Program Coordination Conference.
3.2.10 Publications Committee
Term of Office and Composition:
- The Committee Chair will serve for three consecutive years. The Chair will appoint an Assistant Chair to serve during his/her final year as Chair to ensure continuity. Other Committee members will include the Editor of the CIB, the CIB Associate Editor, the CIB Business Manager, the Newsletter Editor, the Salary Survey Coordinator, and any regularly contributing corresponding editors. Each Committee member will serve a three-year term and may be appointed to one-year terms thereafter. All Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair with the approval of the Division Chair.
- To serve as the official communication vehicle for the Division. The Committee carries out the publication of the CIB and the CINF Newsletter. The CIB carries “official” material such as meeting abstracts, summaries of minutes, etc. It is distributed prior to each ACS National Meeting. The Newsletter is the “newsy” publication, distributed immediately after each ACS National Meeting and as otherwise recommended by the CINF Executive Committee. The Publications Committee also oversees the creation of a salary survey and the publication of the results. This survey will be taken every three years (1994, 1997, 2000, etc.) if approved by the CINF Executive Committee.
Key Responsibilities:
- Responsibilities of the Committee Chair:
- Coordinate all activities of the Committee and distribute a calendar year publication schedule in the fourth quarter of the preceding year.
- Schedule and chair one Committee meeting at each ACS National Meeting and distribute minutes of those meetings to all Division Functionaries.
- Identify and solicit material to be included in each issue of the Division’s publications.
- Ensure that all publications are prepared and mailed on schedule.
- Appoint the Salary Survey Coordinator and Editor at the beginning of each survey publication cycle (see Salary Survey Coordinator).
- Recommend to the Executive Committee any format and subscription price changes as well as price changes for ads in the Bulletin.
- Prepare an annual publications budget in July of the preceding year for review at the Fall National ACS Meeting.
- Appoint an Assistant Chair during the final year as Chair to ensure continuity of expertise.
- Responsibilities of the Publication Committee Assistant Chair:
- Fulfill the responsibilities of the Committee Chair in his/her absence.
- Assist the Committee Chair throughout the year in order to learn the Chair’s responsibilities.
- Assume the Committee Chair upon completion of a one-year apprenticeship.
- Responsibilities of the Chemical Information Bulletin Editor:
- Publish and direct the mailing of two issues of the CIB annually according to the schedule set by the Publications Committee Chair. This consists of issue before each of the ACS National Meetings. Additional issues may be published as dictated by news volume, special events, etc., with Executive Committee prior approval. The term “publish” includes the coordination of the editorial material, ads, and the organization of the typesetting and physical layout of each issue, as well as approval of press-proofs prior to printing, coordination of arrangements with a mail-house for domestic and foreign mailings. Final editorial discretion, control, and authority rests with this position. The Bulletin is to be sent to Division members, affiliates, and institutional subscribers. The CIB publication schedule is set at the end of each calendar year for the following year.
- Order ACS mailing labels via the CINF Secretary in time for distribution of each publication (allow 45 days). Label orders should be placed at the beginning of the year for each publication date in order to obtain a discount.
- Submit a report to the Publications Committee Chair prior to each ACS National Meeting and at the close of each calendar year.
- Provide the CIB Business Manager with extra copies of each issue for claims as well as for advertisers (exact number to be coordinated with the Business Manager).
- Provide the Archivist/Historian with five copies of each issue of the Bulletin.
- Provide twenty copies of each meeting issue to the Program Chair.
- Maintain appropriate postal registration and a postal account, coordinating all postal activities with the CINF Newsletter editor.
- Contact the CINF Treasurer at least 30 days before the postal account needs to be updated (coordinate with the CINF Newsletter Editor, who shares the account).
- Responsibilities of the CIB Assistant Editor:
- Assume the responsibilities of the CIB Editor in his/her absence.
- Assist the CIB Editor in order to learn the responsibilities of editorship.
- Assume the role of CIB Editor after completion of the apprenticeship.
- Responsibilities of the CIB Business Manager:
- Solicit advertisements for each issue of the CIB.
- Ensure the timely receipt of advertising copy by the CIB Editor.
- Issue invoices to advertisers and subscribers on the following schedule:
- Subscribers: invoices mailed immediate following the ACS National Meeting in the Fall.
- Advertisers: For those advertisers who commit to a package (same size ad in each of the two issues for a year), invoices will be mailed immediately following mailing of the Spring issue; for all others they will be mailed after each issue containing their ad is mailed.
- Collect checks from advertisers and subscribers and forward them to the Treasurer.
- Report activities to the Publications Committee Chair prior to each ACS National Meeting and at year’s end.
- Fill claims for missing issues.
- Recommend price changes in July of the preceding year.
- Submit a budget and revenue forecast to the Publications Committee Chairman in July of the preceding year.
- Attend the ACS National Meetings, particularly the Publications Committee and Executive Committee meetings.
- Timetable for the CIB Business Manager:
- The Publications Committee sets the overall timeline when it sets the publication schedule for the CIB in the fourth quarter of the preceding year. The exact dates of deadlines for confirmation of advertisements and receipt of ad copy are set each year by the Committee Chair. The following schedule is representative of the annual schedule:
- January — Complete the solicitation of ads for the Spring issue. Confirm the number and size of ads with the Editor, and send a confirmatory letter to the Editor, detailing the number, size, and customer for each ad.
- January — Submit Annual Report to Publications Committee Chair.
- March — On receipt of extra copies of the Spring issue from the Editor, prepare and mail invoices to advertisers in that issue. Send at least one copy of the CIB with each invoice. Invoices are sent as soon as possible after publication of the issue. Submit first quarter activity report to the Publications Committee Chair.
- May — Begin soliciting ads for the Summer issue.
- June — Complete the solicitation of ads for the Summer issue. Confirm the number and size of ads with the Editor, and send a confirmatory letter to the Editor, detailing the number, size, and customer for each ad. Contact standing order advertisers concerning the coming year.
- July — Send out invoices for the Summer issue. Remind standing order advertisers to consider CINF as they compile their next year forecasts. Submit annual budget revenue forecast and pricing recommendations for the coming year to the Publications Committee Chair. Submit second quarter activity report to the Publications Committee Chair.
- August — Send out invoices for CIB institutional subscriptions.
- Responsibilities of the CINF Newsletter Editor:
- Publish and direct the mailing of at least two issues of the CINF Newsletter annually — one immediately after each ACS National Meeting, according to the schedule set by the Publications Committee Chair. Additional issues may be published as dictated by news volumes, special events, etc., with prior approval of the CINF Executive Committee.
- Order ACS mailing labels via the CINF Secretary in sufficient time to meet the mailing schedule for each issue (allow 45 days).
- Obtain printing/mailing lists from appropriate vendors.
- Submit a report to the Publications Committee Chair prior to each ACS National Meeting year and at the close of each calendar year.
- Provide the CINF Membership Committee Chair with 25 copies of each issue of the Newsletter for inclusion in the new members package.
- Provide the Archivist/Historian with five copies of each issue of the Newsletter.
- Contact the CINF Treasurer at least 30 days before the postal account needs to be updated (coordinate with the CIB Editor who may share the account).
- Maintain appropriate postal registration (3rd class, nonprofit) and a postage account, coordinating all postal activities with the CIB Editor, particularly if the account is shared.
- Responsibilities of Corresponding Editors:
- Submit requested articles for the CINF Newsletter and/or CIB as scheduled; e.g., the European correspondent supplies material on chemical information from a European prospective for each CINF Newsletter immediately following each ACS Meeting.
- Responsibilities of Salary Survey Coordinator/Editor:
- The Salary Survey Coordinator is responsible for developing the survey instrument, managing the printing/mailing of the survey instrument, and handling the details of publishing the results.
- The Salary Survey Editor, if not also serving as Coordinator, coordinates the data input, writing, and editing of the survey results.
- The typical survey timeline is as follows (it covers three calendar years):
- Year One
- Spring Meeting
- Publications Committee Chair selects a coordinator for developing and mailing the survey instrument and for arranging the final publication.
- Publications Committee Chair selects an editor for inputting, sorting, and writing survey.
- Fall Meeting
- Review previous survey (Coordinator)
- Determine focus of planned survey, discuss mailing list (Coordinator)
- Start design of survey instrument (Coordinator)
- Spring Meeting
- Year Two
- Spring Meeting
- CINF Past Chair completes the cover memo that will accompany the survey
- Initial draft of survey instrument ready for pretest (Coordinator)
- Mailing list finalized, labels requested (Coordinator)
- Fall Meeting
- Approval for final draft of survey and cover memo (Publications Committee)
- Select evaluation software (Editor)
- September
- Print survey instrument (Coordinator)
- October
- Mail survey instrument (Coordinator)
- Spring Meeting
- Year Three
- January–March
- Input data (Editor)
- Initial evaluation of data (Editor, CINF Past Chair)
- Determine scope of published survey (Editor, CINF Past Chair, Publication Committee)
- Spring Meeting
- Select and finalize publisher arrangements (Coordinator)
- Initial report to Executive Committee
- Initial article for Division publications
- Fall Meeting
- Final edit draft presented to Executive Committee
- Press release planned (Publications Committee/Public Relations Committee)
- October
- Final document to publisher (Editor, Coordinator)
- Publicity as planned (coordinate with Public Relations Committee)
- January–March
- Year One
3.2.11 Tellers Committee
Term of Office:
- One year for Chair and at least two members. No member of the Committee may be considered for candidacy to elected office in the Division.
Key Responsibilities:
- Count the ballots and report the results to the CINF Chair, Secretary, the Executive
Committee, and the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin. This should be done
after the first Monday in August.
[NOTE: Elections shall be held by a preferential ballot according to the Hare system or such other method of counting preferential ballots as the Executive Committee may adopt. In case of a tie, a vote by the members of the Executive Committee shall decide the winner. Prompt notification of election results shall be made to the Secretary, who in turn will notify the candidates. Affiliates may not vote for Councilors and Alternate Councilors. Therefore, all return ballots shall be separated into two groups, members and affiliates. Any votes for Councilor or Alternate Councilor among the Affiliate group shall not be counted.]
- August 1 — Count the ballots. Report the results to the Division Chair, the Secretary and the Editor of the Chemical Information Bulletin.
- Fall Meeting — Report the election results to the Executive Committee.
3.3 Duties of CINF Liaison Representatives
3.3.1 CHEMTECH Editorial Advisory Board Representative
Term of Office:
- Minimum of 3 years
- Attend meetings of CHEMTECH Editorial Advisory Board, generally two per year.
- Suggest subjects for inclusion in CHEMTECH.
- Report CHEMTECH changes and policies to the Executive Committee.
Alternate Representative:
- An alternate representative with a Term of Office concurrent with the representative will also be appointed by the CINF Chair. The alternate representative will represent the Division when the representative is unable to attend.
3.3.2 Documentation Abstracts, Inc. Board Representative
Term of Office:
- Three years. May be continued for more than one term. The representative is appointed by the Division Chair, subject to approval by the Chair of the Board of Documentation Abstracts, Inc.
- Attend meetings of the Board of Documentation Abstracts, Inc. As a member of that Board, help establish policies for the successful publication of Information Science Abstracts.
- Inform the Executive Committee of the status of Information Science Abstracts.
Alternate Representative:
- An alternate representative with a Term of Office concurrent with the representative will also be appointed by the Chair. The alternate representative will represent the Division when the representative is unable to attend.
3.3.3 ACS Secretariat Representatives
Term of Office:
- The Division Chair may appoint representatives to meetings of any Secretariat that CINF wishes to participate in [currently only the Biotechnology Secretariat]. There is no fixed term of office.
- Attend meetings of the specific Secretariat and to report all relevant issues to the Executive Committee.
- Represent the Division in activities of the specific Secretariat.
3.3.4 ASIS Liaison Representative
Term of Office:
- Indefinite. Appointment reviewed annually by the Division Chair.
- Report to the Executive Committee ASIS plans for future symposia, workshops, etc., of interest to CINF members.
- Advise the Executive Committee of possible areas of cooperation or conflict with ASIS.
3.3.5 SLA Liaison Representative
Term of Office:
- Indefinite. Appointment reviewed annually by the Division Chair.
- Report to the Executive Committee SLA plans for future symposia, workshops, etc., of interest to CINF members.
- Advise the Executive Committee of possible areas of cooperation or conflict with SLA.
3.3.6 ACRL Liaison Representative
Term of Office:
- Indefinite, from ACS perspective. Appointed for 3 year terms by the President of ACRL, in consultation with the ACRL Professional Liaison Committee.
- Report to the CINF and ACRL membership news of mutual interest, via newsletter, reports to executive committees, etc. Information provided should include reports of upcoming meetings and past meetings, information for committees working on similar issues, etc.
- Take actions to improve understanding of mutual areas of interest for either organization.
- Advise the Executive Committee of possible areas of cooperation or conflict with ACRL.
3.3.7 ACS Committee on Nomenclature Representative
Term of Office:
- Indefinite. Appointment reviewed annually by the Division Chair.
- Report to the Executive Committee on the areas of concern, topics under consideration, planned and scheduled meetings and symposia, etc., of the ACS Committee on Nomenclature of interest to CINF members.
- Advise the Executive Committee of possible areas of cooperation (e.g., joint symposia) or potential conflicts with the ACS Committee on Nomenclature.
3.4 Miscellaneous Functions
3.4.1 Archivist/Historian
Term of Office:
- Indefinite. Appointment reviewed annually by the Division Chair.
- The Archivist/Historian is selected by the Division Chair. The Archivist/Historian selects Division members on an ad hoc basis to assist in fulfilling his/her responsibilities.
- Collect, maintain, and organize the records, correspondence, and reports of permanent value to the Division. To aid in organizing and repackaging the above, the Archivist/Historian will solicit the assistance of past officers and committee chairs. The objective of the organizing and repackaging is to reduce the voluminous records, correspondence, and reports into a meaningful, readable, and usable history of significance to future officers and committee chairs.
- Interview Division members who have made major contributions to chemical information science, recording the interviews and making the recordings available to interested members of the Division. Various Division members will be recruited to assist in these interviews.
- Write a continuing history of the Division of Chemical Information.
- Alert the Divisional Executive Committee to the significant anniversaries, related to Divisional history, and worthy of observing through special symposia, receptions, publications, etc.
3.4.2 Subdivision Officers
[NOTE: At this time there are no Subdivisions in CINF. However, at such time as there are subdivisions, these positions shall be activated and shall be filled.]
IV. CINF Division Awards
4.1 Herman Skolnik Award
- To recognize outstanding contributions and sustained service to the advancement of chemical information.
- The award shall consist of a plaque and a $2000 honorarium to be awarded annually at the Division’s Spring or Fall meeting, provided qualified candidates are proposed and an awardee is selected.
- The recipient of the award is expected to deliver an award address to the Division at the occasion on which the award is presented. This may be followed by a symposium organized to honor the awardee, who usually selects the speakers for this symposium. Following the symposium there may be a Reception in honor of the awardee. The occasion for the award may also be the Divisional luncheon.
Establishment and Support:
- The award was established by vote of the Divisional Executive Committee in 1976 and is supported by the Division of Chemical Information. The initial recipient of this award, in 1976, was Herman Skolnik.
Rules of Eligibility:
- The recipient must have made an outstanding contribution to the field of chemical information. The recipient is selected by the Herman Skolnik Award Jury. The award is international in scope.
Rules of Selection:
- The Divisional Awards Committee will solicit nominations by a suitable call for nominations in the Chemical and Engineering News, Chemical Information Bulletin, and any other appropriate information community media prior to January 31 of the year preceding the award. The deadline for receiving nominations will be April 1 or June 1 of that year, depending on whether the ceremony is scheduled for the spring or fall meeting, respectively.
- The selection will be made by May 15 if the Award is to be presented in the Spring, or July 15 if it is to be in the Fall. The awardee is selected by the Herman Skolnik Award Jury (see Awards Committee for details). The recipient will be notified in a sufficiently timely manner to provide an opportunity to nominate speakers and suggest appropriate topics for the award address.
- An announcement of the Award will be made in the Chemical & Engineering News and the Chemical Information Bulletin following the fall ACS meeting of the year preceding the year in which the Award is to be presented.
Description and Availability of the Plaque:
- A 8ʺ x 11ʺ walnut plaque displaying an ACS emblem and engraved as follows:
Division of Chemical Information
[year] Herman Skolnik Award
Presented to
In Recognition of Outstanding Contributions
to the Field of Chemical Information
[Month/Day/Year] - If feasible, the Divisional logo should be included.
- The plaque may be ordered from the Department of Membership Activities, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
4.2 Patterson-Crane Award
- To recognize outstanding contributions of international notice to the documentation of chemistry or to chemical information theory or practice.
- The award consists of a $2,000 honorarium and a personalized commendation to be awarded every other year, in odd-numbered years, at either a Dayton or Columbus Local Section meeting in May or June, provided qualified candidates are nominated and an awardee is selected.
- The recipient of the award is expected to deliver an award address to the section, at which time the award will be presented.
Establishment and Support:
- The Austin M. Patterson Award was established in 1949 by the Dayton Local Section in honor of its first recipient. In 1975, the Austin M. Patterson – E.J. Crane Award was established to be jointly sponsored by the Dayton and Columbus Local Sections. The first recipient of the joint award was Ben H. Weil in 1977.
- The award is supported by subscription of the Patterson family, by the income from the Helen G.Crane Fund of the Columbus Foundation, and from the Patterson-Crane Award Fund of the Columbus Section.
Rules of Eligibility:
- The recipient must have made an outstanding contribution to the field of chemical information. The award is international in scope.
Rules of Selection:
- The Patterson-Crane Award Committee will solicit nominations by a suitable call for nominations in the Chemical & Engineering News, ACS Local Section Bulletins, and national and international chemical information science media prior to October 1 of the year preceding the award year, with a deadline for nominations of the following January 31.
- The selection will be made by March 1 of the award year. The awardee is selected by the Patterson-Crane Award Committee, which consists of three members of the Dayton Section, three members of the Columbus Section, and the Chair of the Division (or a personal representative appointed by the Chair — see Section 3.1.1 above).
- A press release announcing the awardee will be sent to the Chemical and Engineering News, and national and foreign information community media.
4.3 Student Scholarship Award
- To help a student with an interest in the fields of chemistry and information to pursue graduate study in library, information, or computer science.
- The award consists of a $1,000 grant and a certificate to be awarded annually, provided qualified candidates apply and an awardee is selected.
- The award will be presented at a meeting of the ACS Local Section closest to the awardee’s school on a mutually agreed upon date.
Establishment and Support:
- The award was established by vote of the Executive Committee in 1988 and is supported by the Division. The first recipient was Joan M. Evans in 1989.
Rules of Eligibility:
- The recipient must have shown a strong interest in pursuing a career in chemical information. A B.S. degree with a major in Chemistry and a good academic record is required, as well as acceptance into a graduate program in library science, information science or computer science at an accredited school, college or university.
Rules of Selection:
- The Divisional Awards Committee will solicit applications by a suitable call for applications published in the Chemical Information Bulletin, and distributed to the information community professional organizations and graduate schools. The information will be provided prior to December 31 of the year preceding the award year, with a deadline of the following March 1 for receipt of applications.
- The selection will be made at the Divisional Spring meeting. The awardee is selected by the Awards Committee.
- An announcement will be published in the Chemical Information Bulletin and distributed to appropriate information organizations and graduate schools.
4.4 Meritorious Service Award
- To recognize outstanding contributions to the Division.
- The award shall consist of an engraved plaque, to be presented at the Division luncheon at the Fall ACS National Meeting. The award is given at least every two years and may be given to more than one person per year. An individual may receive the award only once.
Rules of Eligibility:
- The recipient(s) must be members of the Division who have performed activities benefiting the Division and deserving of special recognition. Current voting Executive Committee members would not be eligible. The contribution to the Division might, for example, be the preparation of a major report or study, completion of term as Editor of a Division publication, continuing leadership of the Division in a particular area, or sustained active contribution to major tasks over many years.
Rules of Selection:
- The Divisional Awards Committee will solicit nominations by a suitable call for nominations in the CIB and the CINF Newsletter. Nominations will be submitted by letter, with appropriate documentation of contributions and one seconding letter, approximately one month before the Spring ACS National Meeting. The Awards Committee will receive, collect, and organize the nominations and make a preliminary recommendation to the Executive Committee for voting at the Spring meeting. The Chair of the Division will notify the winner(s). The award will be presented at the Division luncheon at the Fall ACS National Meeting. A press release will be prepared by the Awards Committee and sent by the Public Relations Committee to the same journals and newsletters as other Division award announcements.
V. Division Timetable
This timetable has been compiled from the individual timetables of each Executive Committee member. It is organized by month, with the actions of the member listed, in order of the descriptions in the previous chapters.