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Indiana University: Assignment 3 Answer Key

CHEM 400, Section 1
Assignment #3
Fall, 1995
Due: 20 September 1995

Name: Answer Key

General Sources

Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI)

Find the full title of the following journal abbreviations:

  1. C R Acad Sci Ser 2

    Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Serie 2: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l’Univers, Sciences de la Terre

  2. Ann Chem

    Annalen der Chemie, Justus Liebigs

  3. Z Naturforsch A: Phys Sci

    Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung A: Physical Sciences

According to CASSI does Penn State own these titles?

  1. Faraday Discuss R Soc Chem


  2. J Org Chem


Merck Index

  1. Under what name is formic aldehyde listed?

    formaldehyde gas

  2. Given the following — C4H7N30 — under what name is this listed?


Commodity Price Locator

  1. In what sources can I find weekly commodity listings for copper chloride? (Give full name of source.)

    Chemical Marketing Reporter (weekly)
    Journal of Commerce & Commercial (daily)

Chem Sources U.S.A.

  1. What company (full name) produces memantine?

    Sigma Chemical Company

  2. What is the address of the company having the abbreviation CCI?

    Centerchem, Inc.
    225 High Ridge Road
    Stamford, CT 06905

Gardiner’s Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names

  1. You have a chemical with the trade name Retarder AK. What is its CAS registry number?


Encyclopedia of Associations

  1. What is the address of the American Association of Cereal Chemists?

    3340 Pilot Knob Rd.
    St. Paul, MN 55121-2097

Directory of Research Grants?

  1. What is the submission deadline for the American Oil Chemists’ Society Honored Student Award?

    15 October

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

  1. What is the Henry’s Law constant for maleic acid?


  2. What is the boiling point of butane?


CAS Registry Handbook

  1. Using the Common Names Section find the registry number for carbon tetradeuteride.
  2. Using the Registry Number Update identify the registry number that replaced 61119-08-2.


  3. According to the Registry Number Update, is 12619-87-3 still a valid registry number?

    no; no longer in use

  4. Using both the Numbers Section and the Registry Number Update, identify the name of the compound having the registry number 125596-44-3.

    Calotropine oxime

  5. Is this still a valid registry number?
