Teaching Aids
Major chemical information textbooks
- Gary Wiggins. Chemical Information Sources. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1991.
- Comes with a disk.
- Yecheskel Wolman. Chemical Information: A Practical Guide to Utilization. 2nd ed. Wiley, NY 1988.
- Robert E. Maizell. How to Find Chemical Information: A Guide for Practicing Chemists, Educators,
and Students. 2nd ed. Wiley, NY, 1987.
- M.G. Mellon. Chemical Publications: Their Nature and Use. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1982.
Major articles; publications
- Carol Carr, “Teaching and using chemical information; an updated bibliography”,
J.Chem. Ed., 1993, v.70, p.719-26.
- This is a comprehensive list of all articles, publications, and organizations which cover
all aspects of teaching chemical information.
- “The Chemical Information Instructor”, quarterly column
in J.Chem.Ed., July 1991+. Editor, Arleen N. Somerville, University of Rochester.
- Offers practical information to instructors of chemical information. List of articles
published in column follows on next 2 pages.
Teaching modules
Available from the Education Committee, ACS Division of Chemical Information. Materials are
provided without charge as a service of the Division. Modules include:
- Introduction to Computer Searching of Chemical Abstracts (Dialog) 1990
- Introduction to Computer Searching of Chemical Abstracts (STN International) 1993
- Citation Searching Module (Dialog) 1990
- Patent Searching (Dialog) 1990
- Patent Searching (STN International) 1990
Send requests to:
Mrs. Arleen Somerville
Carlson Library
University of Rochester
Rochester NY 14627-0236
Phone: 716/275-4465
FAX: 716/473-1712
email: ansv@dbv.cc.rochester.edu
ACS/SLA Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials
The Clearinghouse is a project initiated by the chemical information divisions of the
American Chemical Society and the Special Libraries Association. Its purpose is to collect
and distribute items for use in instructing students and scientists in the use of chemical
information sources. Includes approximately 200 items.
Cost to requestor: $.10 per page.
List of available items can be acquired via:
- WWW at URL:
- contacting:
Dr. Gary Wiggins
Chemistry Library
Chemistry Bldg. 003
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812/855-9452
FAX: 812/855-6611
Internet: wiggins@ucs.indiana.edu
Internet courses on chemical information
- CICOURSE. Chemical Information Course via Internet. From Gary Wiggins, Indiana University,
Chemistry Library.
- To subscribe, send message to: LISTSERV@IUBVM.INDIANA.EDU
Leave Subject line blank.
In message, type: SUB CICOURSE yourfirstname yourlastname
Updates will appear in your Internet mailbox.
Also available via World Wide Web at:
- CIStudio — a Chemical Information Course. From Profesor Joseph Warden and Instruction Librarian
Colette Holmes, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
- Available via WWW at URL: