- 2020 began rolling out 4th virtual exhibit, "Challenges of Climate Change: An Artistic Perspective”.
- 2018 experiment with waterproof labels to turn single-use plastic household spray containers into countertop displays for Science Art.
- 2016 co-sponsored project: Art at Exits: Seeing Stanford Species expands. Y2E2 is the most recent building to participate, and the first with a digital display. Of the six species featured in the display, five are involved in Y2E2 research
- 2015 artist/scientist collaboration: Are there caterpillars on butterfly wings? News of the Lepidopterist's Society Winter, 2015, Vol. 57(4), pp.182-193. Darryl Wheye (SA-N CEO) and Paul R. Ehrlich, (SA-N founding board member, 2009-2011) ask if the apparent resemblances between some butterfly larvae and elements on the wings of adults are coincidental or adaptive and call for a citizen science program to create a databse of resemblances.
- 2014 co-sponsored project: Art at Exits: Seeing Stanford Species. The exhibit--and its web coverage--include 10 works by John James Audubon featuring birds found on Stanford's main campus. The Audubons are placed near building exits opening toward areas the featured birds frequent. Science Art captions provide a science lens.
- 2013 produced third virtual Science Art exhibit (and first juried and themed exhibit): Windows on Evolution: An Artistic Celebration of Charles Darwin (February 14-March 31)
- 2013 established Facebook page
- 2011 produced second virtual Science Art exhibit Bringing Symposia to Life inspired by the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
in Washington, DC. (February 17-21)
- 2010 produced first virtual Science Art exhibit: The Art of Science, in association with the 2010 Pacific Division's meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Ashland, OR. (June)
- 2010 co-sponsored podcast Stanford University Science Art Nature Walk
- 2009 launched a preview of Science Art-Nature website
- 2009 formed Science Art-Nature, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation
- 2008 launched Humans, Nature, and Birds website, hosted at Stanford University featuring a sample of
images and captions from the book (below) as well as a portion of the 30,000 year timeline (linking the study of birds, technological developments and art), and a guide for those producing or seeking Science Art.
- 2008 published Humans, Nature, and Birds: Science Art from Cave Walls to Computer Screens
(Darryl Wheye and Donald Kennedy, Yale University Press) featuring 60+ works of art, a timeline (linking the study of birds, technological developments and art), and a guide for those producing or seeking Science Art
- 2007 posted virtual Science Art exhibit featuring the work of 35 artists from the Artist Registry for
Ornithological Researchers
- 2002 launched Artist Registry for Ornithological Researchers, hosted at Stanford University, featuring
110 artists and sponsored by 16 organizations
- 2000 strengthened efforts to raise the visibility of Science Art at Stanford University
- 1996 launched experimental Biology of Birds website, tested in a Stanford University bird course and featuring
500 images with Science and Art captions