The following is a partial list of invited lectures given by Rehab R&D Center staff members. |
2005McGill KC: Doubly innervated, branched, and recurrent muscle fibers in normal muscles. Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences Colloquium, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2005. McGill KC: Restoration of pinch in tetraplegia. Institute of Orthopedics, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 2005. McGill KC: Doubly innervated, branched, and recurrent muscle fibers in normal muscles. Institute of Neurology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 2005. Murray WM: "Parameters In, Ideas Out: Biomechanical Modeling of the Upper Extremity as a Framework for Clinical Research", Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University, December 2005. Murray WM: "Significance of Surgical Attachment Length for Hand Function following Brachioradialis Tendon Transfer" Kinesiology Department Action Club Seminar, Penn State University, April 2005. Murray WM: "Computer Simulation of the Upper Extremity" Department of Kinesiology Colloquium, Penn State University, March 2005. 2004Hentz VR. Tetraplegia, the journey. Keynote lecture. 8th Intl Conf Upper Limb Surgery for Tetraplegia, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb, 2004. Hentz VR. Computer modeling and biomechanical analysis: toward improved outcomes in surgical rehabilitation for the tetraplegic upper limb. 5th Symp Spinal Cord Injury Research, Brescia, Italy, Mar, 2004. Jaffe DL, "An Overview of Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation", Tele-presentation at HURIC to two Japanese classes, Burlingame, CA, June 10, 2004. Jaffe DL, "Using a Simulator to Assess and Improve Driving Ability" Presentation to Stanford Medical School Residents, Stanford, CA, February 17, 2004. Johanson ME. Functional restoration of grasp in tetraplegia. 9th Ann Mtg Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Soc, Lexington, KY, Apr, 2004. McGill KC, Lateva ZC. The dynamic sensitivity of human motoneurons.15th Congress Intl Soc Electrophysiol Kinesiol (ISEK), Boston, MA, Jun, 2004. Murray WM. Computer simulation of the upper extremity. Symp on Improving Exercise Intervention: Integrating Science and Evidence into Practice, Physical Therapy Dept, University of California, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004. 2003Carter DR, van der Meulen MCH, Loboa EG, Beaupré GS. The role of musculoskeletal forces in the development and regulation of bone structure. Intl Conf Osteoperosis and Bone Res, Oct, 2003. Carter DR. Mechanics and genes in early skeletogenesis. Mechanobiological Influences in Musculoskeletal Development, Orthop Res Soc Workshop, New Orleans, LA, Feb, 2003. Carter DR. Mechanobiology of skeletal development and regeneration. Institute for Pure and Applied Math Program on Cells & Materials: At the Tissue Engineering Interface, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, Feb, 2003. Carter DR. Cartilage mechanobiology in development and regeneration. Koret Foundation Lectureship, Dept of Orthop Surg Graduate Res Symp, University of Californa Davis Medical School, Sacramento, CA, Jun, 2003. Carter DR. Mechanobiological influences on tissue regeneration and angiogenesis. Stanford-Guidant Lecture Series, Santa Clara, CA, Sep, 2003. Carter DR. The role of musculoskeletal forces in the development and regulation of bone structure. Intl Conf Osteoporosis and Bone Res, Beijing, China, Oct, 2003. Carter DR. The mechanobiology of articular cartilage development and osteoarthritic degeneration. Osteoarthritis Workshop, Assoc Bone and Joint Surgeons, Tampa Bay, FL, 2003. Jacobs CR. Mechanisms of cellular mechanosensitivity. Gordon Conf Cartilage Biology and Pathology, Venture, CA, Mar, 2003. Jacobs CR. Cellular mechanotransduction in bone. University of California, Davis, CA, Apr, 2003. Jacobs CR. Cellular mechanotransduction in bone. Dept Endocrinology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, May, 2003. Jacobs CR. Cellular mechanotransduction in bone. Stanford-Guidant Lecture Series, Sep, 2003. Jaffe DL. Projects at the RR&D Center. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, Mar, 2003. Jaffe DL. Projects at the RR&D Center. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CA, Mar, 2003. Jaffe DL. An overview of virtual reality in rehabilitation. Tele-presentation to Japan, Burlingame, CA, Jun, 2003. Jaffe DL, Schwandt DF. Design for individuals with special needs. Honda Research, Mt View, CA, Aug, 2003. Jaffe DL, Schwandt DF. Design for individuals with special needs. SRI, Menlo Park, CA, Sep, 2003. McGill KC. Contributions of motor-unit recruitment and rate coding to force production. Am Assoc Electrodiagnostic Med 50th Ann Sci Mtg, San Francisco, CA, Sep, 2003. Smith RL. Mechanical regulation of articular chondrocyte metabolism. Stanford University Guidant Lecture Series, Sunnyvale, CA, Mar, 2003. Van der Loos HFM. The future of rehabilitation robotics. Proc 8th Intl Conf Rehab Robotics, 270-273, Daejeon, Korea, Apr, 2003. |
2002Andriacchi TP. Clinical implications of functional adaptations in patients with non-operated ACL rupture. Invited lecture, Beppu City, Japan, Feb 22-23, 2002. Andriacchi TP. Gait analysis and its applications to the disorders of the knee. Invited lecture, Beppu City, Japan, Feb 22-23, 2002. Burgar CG, Lum PS, Van der Loos HFM. Therapy robotics at the VA Palo Alto Rehabilitation R&D Center. Falk Workshop on Innovation in Neurorehabilitation, Milwaukee, WI, Nov 2-3, 2001. Carter DR. Mechanobiology of cartilage development and regeneration. Cartilage Tissue Eng BioX Symp, Stanford, CA, Mar 2002. Carter DR. Modelling cartilage mechanobiology. Experimental Soc Biol Symp Modelling, Swansea, Wales, Apr 2002. Carter DR. Mechanobiology of skeletal regeneration. SICOT/SIROT Congr Symp Fracture Healing and Interventional Strategies, San Diego, CA, Aug 2002. Murray WM. Improving outcomes of tendon transfers in tetraplegia. VA RR&D Service/Al Mann Foundation Workshop,Valencia, CA, Sept, 2002. Patten C. Identifying mechanisms of weakness in post-stroke hemilegia. Seminar, Department of Physical Therapy and Biokinesiology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, Oct, 2002. Sabelman EE. Accelerometric motion analysis to detect and minimize freezing episodes in parkinson's patients. Best Practices in Care of Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases, Stanford Hospital and Clinics Center for Education, Stanford, CA, Sept 24, 2002. Sabelman EE, The bioengineered human. Invited lecture, Thayer Engineering School, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Mar 28, 2002. Sabelman EE. Emerging role of telemedicine in home healthcare for the elderly. Special session, 25th RESNA Conf, Minneapolis, MN, Jul 1, 2002. Smith RL. Cartilage repair and regeneration. Seminar, Histogenic Corporation, Malden, MA, Oct 16, 2002. Van der Loos HFM. The design of immersive user environments with rehabilitation robots for clinical therapy, assessment, assistance and experimentation. RESNA Ann Mtg, Minneapolis, MN, Jun 26-Jul 2, 2002. Zajac FE. Neuromechanical control of pedaling and walking. NSF IGERT Program, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Oct 18, 2001. Zajac FE. Muscle coordination and biomechanics of walking. Symposium on Neuronal and Mechanical Modeling of Locomotor Systems, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany, May 7-17, 2002. Zajac FE. Biomechanics and coordination of pedaling and walking. Seminar, Physical Therapy Division, University of Illinois-Chicago Circle, Chicago, IL, Sept 9, 2002. Zajac FE. Biomechanics and coordination of pedaling and walking. Seminar, Neuromuscular Research Center, Boston University, Boston, MA, Sept 12, 2002. |
2001Burgar CG, Lum PS, Van der Loos HFM. Therapy robotics at the VA Palo Alto Rehabilitation R&D Center. Falk Workshop on Innovation in Neurorehabilitation, Milwaukee, WI, Nov 2-3, 2001. Burgar CG. Engineering solutions to mobility impairments. Houston Society on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Houston, TX, Feb 7, 2001. Burgar CG. EMG guidance for muscle selection and injection with botulinum toxin. PM&R Grand Rounds, St Mary's Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, March 5, 2001. Burgar CG. Rehabilitation robotics: assistive and therapeutic applications. Lecture, Seoul VA Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, May 23, 2001. Carter DR. Skeletal function and form. Keynote Lecture, University of Washington Biomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA, April, 2001. Carter DR. Form and function of cartilage. George W. Bagby Research Lecture, University of British Columbia Orthopaedic Department Golden Jubilee Anniversary Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, June, 2001. Carter DR. Evolutionary innovations related to the mechanobiology of skeletal development. Symposium on the Emergence of Novelties in Morphological Evolution, Intl Congr Vertebrate Morphology, Jena, Germany, July, 2001. Hentz VR. Modeling of the hand yields new solutions to old problems. Ann Mtg Am Soc Surgery of the Hand, Baltimore, MD, Oct, 2001. Hentz VR. Improving surgical outcomes in the tetraplegic upper limb. Ann Mtg Columbian Soc for Surgery of the Hand, Bogata, Columbia, Sept, 2001. Jacobs CR. Topic in biomechanics: cell mechanics. Sun Valley Hard Tissue Workshop, Sun Valley, ID, Aug 14-18, 2000. Jaffe, DL Ralph fingerspelling hand. Demonstrations, Tech Museum, San Jose, CA, 2001. Jaffe, DL Ralph fingerspelling hand. Demonstrations, Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA, 2001. Jaffe DL, Buckley EL. Using virtual reality to improve walking in people with stroke. Movement Disorders Seminar, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, March 6, 2001. Jaffe, DL. Using virtual reality and telerehabilitation to improve walking in individuals with stroke. Telerehabilitation: State of the Science Conf, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC, October 12-13, 2001. Kautz SA. Interlimb influences on paretic leg muscle excitation. Center on Aging Seminar, Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, Nov, 2001. McGill KC. Deconstructing EMG: using EMG to investigate motor-unit physiology and anatomy in normal subjects and subjects with cerebral palsy. From Gee Whiz to What Is Symposium, Am Soc Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, CA, 2000. Patten C. Is there evidence for neurorehabilitation practice? Symposium on Function-focused Rehabilitation for the Neurologic Patient, Am Phys Therapy Assn Ann Mtg, Anaheim, CA, June, 2001. Patten C. Motor unit firing patterns in hemiplegia-identifying mechanisms contributing to weakness in post-stroke hemiparesis. From Gee Whiz to What Is Symposium, Am Soc Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, CA, Apr, 2000. Patten C. Motor unit activity during isometric force production in post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, Dec, 2001. Patten C. Motor unit firing patterns in post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Dept Physical Therapy and Movement Science, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, April, 2001. Patten C. Towards understanding mechanisms of weakness in post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Biomechanical Engineering Program, Stanford University, Stanford CA, Feb, 2001. Patten C. Identifying mechanisms of weakness in post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Department of Physical Therapy and Movement Science, Boston University, Boston MA, Dec, 2000. Sabelman EE. Tissue engineering: present and future. Lecture, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, March 29, 2001. Smith RL. Mechanical regulation of chondrocyte metabolism. Founders Day Lectures, Division of Orthopaedics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, June, 2000. Smith RL, Mechanical loading and cartilage metabolism. Lecture, Dept Orthopaedics, Kyushu University, Kyushu, Japan, Oct, 2000. Smith RL. Hydrostatic pressure and articular cartilage repair and regeneration. Lecture, Korean Orthop Assoc Ann Mtg, Seoul, Korea, Oct, 2000. Smith RL. Articular cartilage biochemistry. Lecture, Korean Orthop Assoc Ann Mtg, Seoul, Korea, Oct, 2000. Smith RL. Soluble mediators in total joint implant loosening. Total Joint Arthroplasty 2000, Am Acad Orthop Surg Workshop, Chicago, IL, Oct, 2000. Smith RL. Mechanical loading and cartilage repair and regeneration. Lecture, Am Soc Mech Eng, Orlando, FL, Nov, 2000. Smith RL. Mechanical stimulation of cartilage matrix gene expression. Seminar, Roche Biosciences, Palo Alto, CA, May, 2001. Smith RL. Mechanical loading and cartilage matrix gene expression: normal human verus osteoarthritic. Founders Day Lectures, Division of Orthopaedics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, June, 2001. Smith RL. Intermittent hydrostatic pressure and the articular cartilage proteome. Orthopaedic Research Day, Combined Program, VA Palo Alto HCS and Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Sep, 2001. Van der Loos HFM. Personal robotic assistants in rehabilitation. NSF-NIOSH Workshop on Human-Assist Devices and Automation, Baltimore, MD, Sep 14, 2000. Zajac FE. Human pedaling and walking: muscle coordination, biomechanics, and neuromechanical control. Lecture, NIH Conf on The Spinal Cord in Health and Disease, Bethesda, MD, April 5-6, 2001. Zajac FE. Understanding muscle coordination of the human leg with dynamical simulations. Plenary lecture, Giovanni Borelli Award, Amer Soc Biomechanics, San Diego, CA, Aug 11, 2001. Zajac FE. Pedaling and walking propulsion: muscle coordination and biomechanics. Lecture, Conf to honor the career of Carlo Terzuolo, Brainerd, MN, Sept 26-30, 2001. |
1998 - 2000
Carter DR, Polefka EGL, Beaupré GS: Mechanical influences on skeletal regeneration and bone resorption, Bone Engineering Workshop, University of Toronto, December 2-3, 1999. Carter DR, Loboa Polefka EG, Beaupré GS: Mechanical influences on skeletal regeneration, Toyota International Symposium on Human Life Support Biomechanics, Nagoya, Japan, Dec 12-15, 1999. Carter DR: A series of eight invited lectures on bone development, regeneration, and evolution. College de France, Paris, France, Oct and Nov 1998. Carter DR: Effects of nutritional and metabolic factors on bone remodeling and strength. Vitamin D Brainstorming Mtg, Palm Springs, CA, Feb, 1999. Carter DR: Functional determinant of bone architecture. Session moderator, Intl Workshop Osteoporosis, Creaton, UK, Oct, 1999. Hentz VR: Reconstruction of the upper extremity in tetraplegia. Instructional course, Ann Mtg, Am Soc Surg of the Hand, Boston, MA, Sept, 1999. Hentz VR: Reconstruction of the upper extremity in tetraplegia. Visiting Professor, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland, OR, Feb, 2000. Hernandez CJ, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Mechanobiologic and metabolic factors in bone remodeling. Sun Valley Hard Tissue Workshop, Sun Valley, ID, Aug, 1999. Jaffe DL: Mechanisms for technology transfer, 2nd National Rehab R&D Conf, Arlington, VA, Feb 20, 2000. Jaffe DL: Interfaces for people with disabilities, CS 377A / Music 252 Human-Computer Interface Technology Class, Stanford University, Nov 8, 1999. Jaffe DL: Using the internet. RESNA '99 Concurrent Session, Long Beach, CA, Jun 27, 1999. Jaffe DL: An overview of rehabilitation research projects, Java in Societal Automation Conf, Santa Clara, CA, Jun 23, 1999. Jaffe DL: Interfaces for people with disabilities. EE 2961 Human Computer Interface Design Class, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, Nov 10, 1998. Patten C: Age and training-related effects on force regulation and movement control with aging. Invited presentation, Movement Control Symp, Intl Soc Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, Aug, 1999. Patten C: Motor unit firing patterns and age related changes. Invited presentation, Intl Symp Motor Control in Human Voluntary Upper Limb Precision Tasks, Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 25-27, 1999. Patten C: Age and training-related adaptations in motor unit control properties. Invited seminar, Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health Science University, Portland, OR, Feb 26, 1999. Sabelman EE: Clinical trial of peripheral nerve graft. Invited lecture, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, 1999. Sabelman EE: Clinical trial of peripheral nerve graft. Invited lecture, Dept Mechanical Engineering, Santa Clara University, San Jose, CA, 1999. Smith RL: Protein Opsonization of orthopaedic biomaterials particles. Biomaterials Research Symposium, Memphis, TN, March, 1999. Smith RL: Effects of mechanical loading on chondrocyte metabolism in vitro. Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System Research Seminar, Palo Alto, CA, April, 1999 Smith RL: Effects of hydrostatic pressure on chondrocyte metabolism. Dept Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA May, 1999. Smith RL: Effects of mechanical stimulation on cartilage repair. Sports Medicine Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, May, 1999. Smith RL: Articular cartilage extracellular matrix biology. Dept Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, May, 1999. Van der Loos HFM: Robots in rehabilitation. Homebrew Robotics Meeting, San Jose, CA, Oct 28, 1998. Van der Loos HFM: Design issues in rehabilitation robots. NSF-sponsored Workshop on Personal Robotics, Toulouse, France, Jan 14-15, 1999. Van der Loos HFM: Virtual reality in rehabilitation. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality at Stanford (MMVR-SU), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Jan 24, 1999. Van der Loos HFM, Mahoney R: Emergence of immersive user environments for the design and operation of rehabilitation robots. Proc iRv Sponsored Workshop on Rehab Robotics, Hoensbroek, Netherlands, Oct 29-31, pp. 34-41, 1999. Van der Loos HFM: Immersive user environments in rehabilitation robotics and mechatronics. Proc Human-friendly Welfare Robotic Systems Workshop, Taejon, Korea, Jan 24-25, pp. 1-9, 2000. |