The following theses and dissertations have grown out of work supported wholly or in part by the Rehabilitation R&D Center. 1989-1996
Blenman-Fyhrie P. Finite element analysis of fracture healing in long bones. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Bouxsein M. Physical activity and bone density. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1992. Delp SL. Surgery simulation: a computer graphics system to analyze and design musculoskeletal reconstructions of the lower limb. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Fischer KJ. Correspondence between bone density distributions and mechanical loading. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1994. Fregly BJ. The significance of crank load dynamics to steady-state pedaling biomechanics: an experimental and computer modeling study. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1993. Giori NJ. Mechanical influences on the differentiation and modulation of skeletal and connective tissues. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1994. Gordon MG. An analysis of the biomechanics and muscular synergies of human standing. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Jacobs CR. Numerical simulation of bone adaptation to mechanical loading. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1994. Kovacs GTA. Technology development for a chronic neural interface. PhD dissertation, Dept Electrical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Kuo A. Visualization techniques for analyzing control of human movement: affine mappings between multi-dimensional spaces. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1992. Levenston ME. Simulation of functional adaptation in trabecular and cortical bone. PhD disseration, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1994. Mikic B. Epigenetic influences on long bone growth, development and evolution. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1996. Orr TE. The role of mechanical stresses in bone remodeling. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Pattin C. Cyclic mechanical property degradation in bone during fatigue loading. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1991. Raasch CC. Coordination of pedaling: functional muscle groups and locomotor strategies. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1995. Schutte L. Using musculoskeletal models to explore strategies for improving performance in electrical stimulation-induced leg cycle ergometry. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1992. van der Meulen M. The influence of mechancis on long bone development and adaptation. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1993. Wong M. The role of mechanical loading histories in skeletal morphogenesis. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1990. Xiao S. Quantitative electrophysiological assessment of nerve lesions. PhD dissertation, Dept Electrical Eng, Stanford University, 1993. Van der Loos HFM, Design of a Six Degree-of-Freedom Manual Controller for Telemanipulator and Robotic Applications. Degree of Engineer (EDME) Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1984. Van der Loos HFM, A History List Design Methodology for Interactive Robotic Systems, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1992. Yamaguchi GT. Feasibility and conceptual design of functional neuromuscular stimulation systems for the restoration of natural gait to paraplegics based on dynamic musculoskeletal models. PhD dissertation, Dept Mechanical Eng, Stanford University, 1989. Republished from the Rehabilitation R&D Center Progress Reports. |