The following list is a record of books, chapters, and peer-reviewed scientific papers that have resulted from work performed at the Rehab R&D Center. |
Peer Reviewed ArticlesAndriacchi TP, Mundermann A, Smith RL, Alexander EJ, Dyrby CO, and Koo S: A framework for the in vivo pathomechanics of osteoarthritis at the knee. Ann Biomed Eng. 32:447-457, 2004. Andriacchi TP and Dyrby CO: Interactions between kinematics and loading during walking for the normal and ACL deficient knee. J Biomech, Feb;38(2 SPEC. ISS):293-8, 2005. Andriacchi TP, Briant P, Bevill S, and Koo S: Rotational changes at the knee during walking cause cartilage thinning, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (Virtual Reality in Orthopaedic Surgery symposium), accepted for publication, September 2005. Batra NN, Li YJ, Yellowley CE, You L, Malone A, Kim C, and Jacobs CR: Effects of Short-term Recovery Periods on Fluid Induced Signaling in Osetoblastic Cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 38:1909-1917, 2005. Besier TF, Draper CE, Gold GE, Beaupré GS, and Delp SL: Patellofemoral joint contact area increases with knee flexion and weight bearing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 23: 345-350, 2005. Besier TF, Gold GE, Beaupré GS, and Delp SL: Subject specific modeling to estimate patellofemoral joint cartilage stress. Med Sci Sports Exercise, 37(11)1924-1930, 2005. Carpenter RD, Beaupré GS, Lang TF, Orwoll ES, and Carter DR: New QCT Analysis Approach Shows the Importance of Fall Orientation on Femoral Neck Strength. J Bone Min Res, 20(9):1533-1542, 2005. Carter DR, Beaupré GS, Wong M, Smith RL, Andriacchi TP, Schurman DJ, and Smith RL: The mechanobiology of articular cartilage development and degeneration. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Oct(427 Suppl):S69-77, 2004. Carter DR, Beaupré GS, Wong M, Smith RL, Andriacchi TP, and Schurman DJ: The mechanobiology of articular cartilage development and degeneration. Clin Orthop Rel Res, 427S:S69-S77, 2004. Chaudhari A, Hearn B, and Andriacchi TP: Sport-Dependent Variations in Arm Position During Single Limb Landing Influence Knee Loading: Implications for ACL Injury. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 33(6):824-30, June 2005. Chaudhari A and Andriacchi TP: The mechanical consequences of dynamic limb alignment for non-contact ACL injury, J Biomechanics, in press, available online, June 2005. Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE: "Gait deviations associated with post-stroke hemiparesis: Improvement during treadmill walking using weight support, speed, support stiffness, and handrail hold." Gait and Posture, 22(1): 57-62, 2005. Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE: "Gait differences between individuals with post-stroke hemiparesis and non-disabled controls at matched speeds." Gait and Posture, 22(1): 51-56, 2005. Clark DJ, Condliffe EG, and Patten C: "Reliability of Concentric and Eccentric Torque During Isokinetic Knee Extension in Post-stroke Hemiparesis." Clinical Biomechanics, 21(4): 395-404, 2006. Condliffe EG, Clark DJ, and Patten C: Reliability of Elbow Stretch Reflex Assessment in Chronic Post-stroke Hemiparesis, Clinical Neurophysiology, 116(8): 1870-1878, 2005. Corazza S, Muendermann L, Chaudhari A, Demattio T, Cobelli C, and Andriacchi TP: A markerless motion capture system to study musculoskeletal biomechanics: visual hull and simulated annealing approach, Annals of Biomechanical Engineering, submitted for publication, July 2005. Fisher D, Dyrby CO, Muendermann A, Morag E, and Andriacchi TP: The peak knee adduction moment prior to intervention influences the effect of shoe interventions designed to reduce medial compartment knee load, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, accepted for publication, August 2005. Flansbjer U-B, Holmback AM, Downham D, Patten C, and Lexell J: "Reliability of Gait Performance Tests in Men and Women with Hemiparesis after Stroke." Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 37: 75-82, 2005. Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, and Lee AT: Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation. Clin Orthop in press. Accepted for publication on December 22, 2005. Gold GE, Besier TF, Draper CE, Asakawa DS, Delp SL, and Beaupré GS: Weight-bearing MRI of patellofemoral joint cartilage contact area. J Magn Reson Imaging, 20:526-530, 2004. Goodman SB, Trindade M, Ma T, Genovese M, and Smith RL: Pharmacologic modulation of periprosthetic osteolysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2005 Jan(430):39-45, 2005. Haemer JM, Wang MJ, Carter DR, and Giori NJ: No benefit of sparing a single leaf in extensive horizontal meniscus tears. Submitted to Clin Orthop on October 25, 2005. Holzbaur KRS, Murray WM, and Delp SL: A model of the upper extremity for simulating musculoskeletal surgery and analyzing neuromuscular control. Ann Biomed Eng. 2005;33(6):829-840. Johanson ME and Radtka SA: Amplitude threshold criteria improve surface electrode specificity during walking and functional movements. In press. Gait and Posture. Accepted September 12, 2005. Kautz SA, Patten C, and Neptune RR: "Does Unilateral Pedaling Activate a Rhythmic Locomotor Pattern in the Non-pedaling Leg in Post-stroke Hemiparesis?" in press, Journal of Neurophysiology. Kautz SA and Patten C: "Interlimb Influences on Paretic Leg Function in Post-stroke Hemiparesis." Journal of Neurophysiology, 93(5): 2460-73, 2005. Kim CM, Kothari DH, Lum PS, and Patten C: "Reliability of Dynamic Muscle Performance in the Hemiparetic Upper-Limb." Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 29(1): 9-17, 2005. Koo S, Gold GE, and Andriacchi TP: Considerations in measuring cartilage thickness using MRI: factors influencing reproducibility and accuracy, Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, 13(9): 782-789, September 2005. Koo S, Giori NJ, Gold GE, Dyrby CO, and Andriacchi TP: Accuracy of cartilage thickness in MRI changes with cartilage thickness: laser scanner based validation of in vivo osteoarthritis cartilage. Arthritis and Rheumatism, submitted for publication, September 2005. Kornaat PR, Koo S, Andriacchi TP, Bloem JL, and Gold GE: Comparison of quantitative cartilage measurements acquired on two 3.0T MR imaging systems from different manufacturers, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, accepted for publication, 2005. Kornaat P, Reeder S, Koo S, Brittain J, Yu H, Andriacchi TP, and Gold GE: MR Imaging of Articular Cartilage at 1.5T and 3.0T: Comparison of SPGR and SSFP Sequences. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Apr;13(4):338-44, 2005. Epub April 12, 2005. Lew HL, Date ES, Pan S, Ware PF, Wu PB, and Kingery WS: Sensitivity, specificity, and variability of nerve conduction velocity measurements in carpal tunnel syndrome, Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2005, 86: 12-16. Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL, Carter DR, and Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a Wrap-Around Tendon. Submitted to Tissue Engineering on June 7, 2005, currently being revised. Lieber RL, Murray WM, Clark DL, Hentz VR, and Friden J: Biomechanical properties of the brachioradialis muscle: Implications for surgical tendon transfer. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2005;30(2):273-82. Offley SC, Guo TZ, Wei T, Clark DJ, Vogel H, Lindsey DP, Jacobs CR, Yao W, Lane, NE, and Kingery WS: Capsaicin-sensitive Sensory Neurons Contribute to the Maintenance of Trabecular Bone Intregrity, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20:257-67, 2005. Malone AM, Narain R, and Jacobs CR: Biomechanical Regulation of Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cells and the Implications for Regenerative Medicine. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 16:363-367, 2005. McAdams TR, Lee AT, Centeno J, Giori NJ, and Lindsey DP: Two ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction methods: The docking technique versus bioabsorbable interference screw fixation: A biomechanical evaluation with cyclic loading. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in press. Accepted for publication December 2005. Muendermann A, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP, and King KB: Serum Concentration of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) is Sensitive to Physiological Cyclic Loading in Healthy Adults, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Jan;13(1): 34-38, 2005. Muendermann L, Corazza S, Chaudhari A, Alexander E, and Andriacchi TP: Most favorable camera configuration for a shape-from-silhouette markerless motion capture system for biomechanical analysis, SPIE (the International Society for Optical Engineering), v.5665, 278-287, 2005. Muendermann L, Muendermann A, Chaudhari A, and Andriacchi TP: Conditions that influence the accuracy of anthropometric parameter estimation for human body segments using shape-from-silhouette, SPIE (the International Society for Optical Engineering), v.5665, 268-277, 2005. Muendermann L, Corazza S, and Andriacchi TP: The Evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, accepted for publication, 2005. Nagura T, Matsumoto H, Chaudhari A, and Andriacchi TP: Joint contact force of the normal tibiofemoral joint in deep flexion. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, submitted for publication, 2005. Richards JC, Majumdar S, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, and Yerby SA: The treatment mechanism of an interspinous process implant for lumbar neurogenic intermittent claudication. Spine, 30(7):744-749, 2005. Schurman DJ and Smith RL: Osteoarthritis: current treatment and future prospects for surgical, medical, and biologic intervention. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Oct(427 Suppl):S183-189, 2004. Schwenke T, Borgstede LL, Schneider E, Andriacchi TP, and Wimmer M: The influence of slip velocity on wear of total knee arthroplasty, Elsevier Wear, 259 (7-12): 926-932, August 2005. Siston RA, Daub AC, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, and Delp SL: Evaluation of methods for determining the center of the ankle for computer-assisted total knee replacement. Clin Orthop 2005 439:129-135. Siston RA, Patel JJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL, and Giori NJ: High variability of femoral rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2005 87-A:2276-2280. Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, and Delp SL: In-vivo Kinematics of Osteoarthritic Knees Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty. Submitted to Journal of Orthopedic Research on May 19, 2005, revised December 8, 2005. Siston RA, Goodman SB, Patel JJ, Delp SL, and Giori NJ: The high variability of tibial component rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty. Submitted to Clin Orthop on September 30, 2005. Smith, RL, Carter DR, and Schurman DJ: Pressure and shear differentially alter human articular chondrocyte metabolism: a review. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004 Oct(427 Suppl):S89-95, 2004. Song Y, Greve J, Carter DR, Koo S, and Giori NJ: Articular cartilage MR imaging and thickness mapping of a loaded knee joint before and after meniscectomy. Submitted to Osteoarthritis and Cartilage on October 27, 2005, revised December 12, 2005. Venook RD, Matter NI, Ramachandran M, Ungersma SE, Gold GE, Giori NJ, Macovski A, Scott GC, and Conolly SM: Prepolarized MRI: Reducing susceptibility artifacts around orthopedic implants without sacrificing image quality. Submitted to Magnetic Resonance in Medicine on November 2, 2005, currently being revised. Book Chapters Andriacchi TP, Johnson TS, Hurwitz DE, and Natarajan R: Musculoskeletal Dynamics, Locomotion, and Clinical Applications. In: Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Third Edition, Drs. Van C. Mow and Rik Huiskes (eds.), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Andriacchi TP and Dyrby CO: Gait Analysis and Total Knee Replacement (Chapter 6). In: Total Knee Arthroplasty-A Guide to Get Better Performance. J. Bellemans, M. Ries, J. Victor (eds.), Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2005. Andriacchi TP and Muendermann A: A Model for Understanding the Pathomechanics of Osteoarthritis in Aging. In: P. Michael Conn (Editor), Handbook of Models for Human Aging. Elsevier Academic Press. In press, 2005. Carter DR and Giori NJ: (1991). Effect of mechanical stress on tissue differentiation in the bony implant bed. In: JE Davies (ed.), The Bone Biomaterial Interface (pp. 367-379). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Chaudhari A and Andriacchi TP: The Importance of the ACL for the Function of the Knee: Relevance to Future Developments in Total Knee Arthroplasty (Chapter 19). In: Total Knee Arthroplasty-A Guide to Get Better Performance. J. Bellemans, M. Ries, J. Victor (eds.), Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2005. Kermoian R, Johanson ME, Butler E, and Skinner SR: Development of Gait in Human Walking 3rd ed. Edited by Gamble J and Rose J. Lippencott Williams and Wilkins, Philadephia, PA. 2005. Wimmer MA and Andriacchi TP: The Basic Science of Human Motion and its Relevance to Wear and Failure in Total Knee Arthroplasty. In: Joint Replacements and Bone Resorption: Pathology, Biomaterials and Clinical Practice. Shanbhag, A., Rubash, H. Jacobs, J. (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, in press, 2005. |
Peer Reviewed ArticlesAlford AI, Yellowley CE, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Increases in cytosolic calcium, but not fluid flow, affect aggrecan mRNA levels in articular chondrocytes. J Cellular Biochem, 90:938-944, 2003. Andriacchi TP. Requirements for biological replacement of the articular cartilage at the knee joint. In: Functional Tissue Engineering, Guilak F, Butler D, Goldstein S, Mooney D (eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, 2003. Andriacchi TP, Dyrby CO, Johnson TS. The Use of functional analysis in evaluating knee kinematics. Clin Orthop Related Res, 410: 44-53, 2003. Andriacchi T Chaudhari A. Self-reported giving-way episode during a stepping-down task: Case report of a subject with an ACL-deficient knee. Invited commentary. J Orthop & Sports Physical Therapy, 33:282-284, 2003. Andriacchi TP, Muendermann A, Smith RL, Alexander EJ, Dyrby CO, Koo S. A Framework for the in vivo pathomechanics of osteoarthritis at the knee. Annals Biomech Eng, 32: 447-457, 2004. Carter DR, Beaupre GS, Wong M, Smith RL, Andriacchi TP, Schurman DJ: The mechanobiology of articular cartilage development and degeneration. Clin Orthop Rel Res, 427S: S69-S77, 2004. Dyrby C, Chou L, Andriacchi T, Mann R. Functional evaluation of the scandinavian total ankle replacement. Foot Ankle Intl, 25: 377-381, 2004. Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. Secondary motions of the knee during weight bearing and non-weight bearing activities. J Orthop Res, 22: 794-800, 2004. Edlich M, Yellowley CE, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Cycle number and waveform of fluid flow affect bovine articular chondrocytes. Biorheology, 41:315-22, 2004. Gold GE, Besier TF, Draper CE, Asakawa DS, Delp SL, Beaupre GS: Weight-bearing MRI of patellofemoral joint cartilage contact area. J Magn Reson Imaging, 20: 526-530, 2004. Guo TZ, Offley SC, Boyd EA, Jacobs CR, Kingery WS. Substance P Signaling contributes to the vascular and nociceptive abnormalities observed in a tibial fracture rat model of complex regional pain syndrome type I. Pain, 108:95-107, 2004. Haut Donahue TL, Hull ML, Rashid MM, Jacobs CR. The sensitivity of tibiofemoral contact pressure to the size and shape of the lateral and medial menisci. J Orthop Res, 22: 807-814, 2004. Haut Donahue TL, Genetos DC, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ, Yellowley CE. Annexin V disruption impairs mechanically-induced calcium signaling in osteoblastic cells. Bone, 35: 656-663, 2004. Haut Donahue TL, Haut TR, Yellowley CE, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Mechanosensitivity of bone cells to oscillating fluid flow-induced shear stress may be modulated by chemotransport. J Biomech, 36: 1363-71, 2003. Hurwitz DE, Foucher KC, Andriacchi TP: A new parametric approach for modeling hip forces during gait. J Biomech, 36: 113-119, 2003. Johnson TS, Andriacchi TP, Erdman, AG. The sensitivity of finite helical axis parameters to temporally varying realistic motion utilizing an idealized knee model. J Eng in Med, 218 (part H): 89-100, 2004. Kautz SA, Patten C. Interlimb influences on paretic leg function in post-stroke hemiparesis. J Neurophysiol, epub ahead of print, 2004. Kingery WS, Offley SC, Guo TZ, Davies MF, Clark JD, Jacobs CR. A substance P receptor (NK1) antagonist enhances the widespread osteoporotic effects of sciatic nerve section. Bone, 33:927-936, 2003. Larsson U-B, Holmback AM, Downham D, Patten C, Lexell J. Reliability of gait performance tests in men and women with hemiparesis after stroke. J Rehab Med, 36: 1-9, 2004. Lew HL, Poole JH, Lee EH, Jaffe DL, Huang HC, and Brodd E: Predictive Validity of Driving-simulator Assessments following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Study, Brain Injury, 19(3):233-248, March 2005. Lew HL, Brodd E, Date ES, Huang H, and Jaffe DL: Driving Issues after TBI, In Traumatic Brain Injury, Veterans Health Initiative, Employee Training Program, Document Number 03.VHI.TBI.W.A, Catalog Number SPVET-EES-A139, October 2003, 113-116. Li YJ, Batra NN, You L, Meier SC, Coe IA, Yellowley CE, Jacobs CR. Oscillatory fluid flow affects human marrow stromal cell proliferation and differentiation. J Orthop Res, 22: 1283-1289, 2004. Lum PS, Patten C, Kothari D, Yap R. Effects of velocity and angle on elbow torque during isokinetic strength testing in post-stroke hemiparesis. Muscle Nerve, 30: 732-42, 2004. Ma T, Miyanishi K, Trindade MC, Genovese M, Regula D, Smith RL, Goodman SB. Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist inhibits localized bone formation in vivo. J Rheumatol, 30: 2547-52, 2003. Ma T, Miyanishi K, Suen A, Epstein NJ, Tomita T, Smith RL, Goodman SB. Human interleukin-1-induced murine osteoclastogenesis is dependent on RANKL, but independent of TNF-alpha. Cytokine, 26:138-44, 2004. Mandell JA, Carter DR, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Beaupré GS. A conical-collared femoral stem can improve stress transfer and limit micromotion compared to conventional designs. Clin Biomech, 19:695-703, 2004. McGill KC. Surface electromyogram signal modelling. Med Biol Eng Comput, 42: 446-54, 2004. Muendermann A, Dyrby C, Hurwitz D, Sharma L, Andriacchi T. Potential strategies to reduce medial compartment loading in patients with knee OA of varying severity: reduced walking speed. Arthritis Rheumatism, 50: 1172-1178, 2004. Patel R, Hurwitz D, Bush-Joseph C, Bach B, Andriacchi T. Comparison of clinical and dynamic knee function in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Am J Sports Med, 31: 68-74, 2003. Reilly GC, Haut TR, Yellowley CE, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Fluid flow induced PGE2 release by bone cells is reduced by glycocalyx degradation whereas calcium signals are not. Biorheology, 40:591-603, 2003. Sharma L, Dunlop D, Andriacchi T, Hayes K, Song J, Cahue S, Ryals A, Chang A, Hurwitz D. The adduction moment and knee osteoarthritis (OA), a longitudinal study. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 48: S452-S452, 2003. Towles JD, Murray WM, Hentz VR. The effect of percutaneous pin fixation of the interphalangeal joint on the thumb-tip force produced by the flexor pollicis longus: a cadaver study. J Hand Surg [Am], 29:1056-62, 2004. Trindade MC, Shida J, Ikenoue T, Lee MS, Lin EY, Yaszay B, Yerby S, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Intermittent hydrostatic pressure inhibits matrix metalloproteinase and pro-inflammatory mediator release from human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in vitro. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 12: 729-35, 2004. Warme BA, Epstein NJ, Trindade MC, Miyanishi K, Ma T, Saket RR, Regula D, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Proinflammatory mediator expression in a novel murine model of titanium-particle-induced intramedullary inflammation. J Biomed Mater Res, 71B: 360-6, 2004. Wong N, Trindade MC, Patel R, Yaszay B, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Effects of interleukin-10 on titanium particle-induced macrophage transcription factor activation and cytokine expression in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res A, 69: 40-6, 2004. |
Peer Reviewed ArticlesAlexander EJ, Bregler C, Andriacchi TP. Non-rigid modeling of body segments for improved bone motion estimation. Computer Modeling Eng Sci, 4: 351-364, 2003. Alford AI, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Oscillating fluid flow regulates gap junction communication in osteocytic MLO-Y4 cells by an ERK1/2 MAP kinase-dependent mechanism. Bone, 33: 64-70, 2003. Arora A, Song Y, Chun L, Huie P, Trindade MCD, Smith RL, Goodman SB. The role of the TH1 and TH2 immune response in loosening and osteolysis of total hip replacements. J Biomed Mater Res, 64A: 693-697, 2003. Buhl KM, Jacobs CR, Turner RT, Evans GL, Farrell PA, Donahue HJ. Parallel changes in extracellular matrix protein gene expression, bone formation, and biomechanical properties in aging rat bone. J Musculoskel Res, 6: 157-169, 2002. Carter DR, Wong M. Modelling cartilage mechanobiology. Phil Trans R Soc Lond B, 358: 1461-1471, 2003. Donahue SW, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Osteoblastic cells have refractory periods for fluid-flow-induced intracellular calcium oscillations for short bouts of flow and display multiple low-magnitude oscillations during long-term flow. J Biomech, 36: 35-43, 2003. Fong KD, Nacamuli RP, Loboa EG, Henderson JH, Fang TD, Song HM, Cowan CM, Warren SM, Carter DR, Longaker MT. Equibiaxial tensile strain affects calvarial osteoblast biology. J Craniofacial Surg, 14: 348-355, 2003. Fong KD, SM Warren, EG Loboa, JH Henderson, TD Fang, Cowen CM, Carter DR, Longaker MT. Mechanical strain affects dura mater biology: implications for immature calvarial healing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surg, 112: 1312-1327, 2003. Giori NJ. Offset acetabular components introduce torsion on the implant and may increase the risk of fixation failure. J Arthroplasty, 18: 89-91, 2003. Giori NJ, Trousdale RT. Radiographic appearance of acetabular retroversion is associated with osteoarthritis of the hip. Clin Orthop, 417: 263-269, 2003. Goodman SB, Song Y, Yoo JY, Fox N, Trindade MCD, Kajiyama G, Ma T, Regula D, Brown J, Smith RL. Local infusion of FGF-2 enhances bone ingrowth in rabbit chambers in the presence of polyethylene particles. J Biomed Mater Res, 65A: 454-461, 2003. Goodman SB, Trindade MCD, Ma T, Lee M, Wang N, Ikenou T, Matsuura I, Miyanishi K, Fox N, Regula D, Genovese M, Klein J, Bloch D, Smith RL. Modulation of bone ingrowth and tissue differentiation by local infusion of interleukin-10 in the presence of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) wear particles. J Biomed Mater Res, 65A: 43-50, 2003. Haut-Donahue TL, Rosenberg G, Jacobs CR, Weiss WJ. Finite element analysis of stresses developed in blood sacs of a pusherplate blood pump. Computer Methods Biomech Biomed Eng, 6: 7-15, 2003. Haut-Donahue TL, Hull ML, Rashid MM, Jacobs CR. How the stiffness of meniscal attachments and meniscal material properties affect tibio-femoral contact pressure computed using a validated finite element model of the human knee joint. J Biomech, 36: 19-34, 2003. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. A theoretical analysis of the changes in basic multicellular unit activity at menopause. Bone, 32: 357-363, 2003. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. A theoretical analysis of the relative influences of peak BMD, age-related bone loss and menopause on the development of osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int, 14: 843-847, 2003. Ikenoue T, Trindade MCD, Lee MS, Lin EY, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Mechanoregulation of human articular chondrocyte aggrecan and type II collagen expression by intermittent hydrostatic pressure in vitro. J Orthop Res, 21: 110-116, 2003. Lateva ZC, McGill KC, Johanson ME. Increased jitter and blocking in normal muscles due to doubly innervated muscle fibers. Muscle & Nerve, 28: 423-31, 2003. Lee MS, Trindade MCD, Ikenoue T, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Regulation of nitric oxide and bcl-2 expression by shear stress in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in vitro. J Cellular Biochem, 90: 80-86, 2003. Lee MS, Trindade MCD, Ikenoue T, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Intermittent hydrostatic pressure inhibits shear stress-induced nitric oxide release in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in vitro. J Rheumatol, 30: 326-328, 2003. Lee MS, Ikenoue T, Trindade MCD, Wong N, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Protective effects of intermittent hydrostatic pressure on osteoarthritic chondrocytes activated by bacterial endotoxin in vitro. J Orthop Res, 21: 117-122, 2003. Lew HL, Jaffe DL, Brodd E, Huang HC, Date ES. Driving issues after TBI. Traumatic Brain Injury, Veterans Health Initiative, 113-116, 2003. Lindsey DP, Swanson KE, Fuchs P, Hsu KY, Zucherman JF, Yerby SA. The effects of an interspinous implant on the kinematics of the instrumented and adjacent levels in the lumbar spine. Spine, 28: 2192-2197, 2003. Loboa EG, Wren TAL, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Mechanobiology of soft skeletal tissue differentiation - a computational approach of a fiber-reinforced poroelastic model based on homogeneous and isotropic assumptions. Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 2: 83-96, 2003. Miyanishi K, Trindade MCD, Ma T, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Periprosthetic osteolysis: induction of vascular endothelial growth factor from human monocyte/macrophages by orthopaedic biomaterial particles. J Bone Mineral Res, 18: 1573-1583, 2003. Patten C, Meyer RA, Fleckenstein JL. T2 mapping of muscle. Dynamic and Functional Musculoskeletal ImagingSeminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, 7: 297-305, 2003. Patten C, Horak FB, Krebs DE. Head and body center of gravity control strategies: adaptations following vestibular rehabilitation. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 123: 32-40, 2003. Puskas BL, Menke NE, Huie P, Song Y, Ecklund K, Trindade MCD, Smith RL, Goodman SB. Expression of nitric oxide, peroxynitrite, and apoptosis in loose total hip replacements. J Biomed Mater Res, 66A: 541-549, 2003. Saul KR, Murray WM, Hentz VR, Delp SL. Biomechanics of the steindler flexorplasty surgery: a computer simulation study. J Hand Surg, 28A: 979-986, 2003. Saunders MM, Schwentker EP, Kay DB, Bennett GL, Jacobs CR, Verstraete MC, Njus GO. Finite element analysis as a tool for parametric prosthetic foot design and evaluation. Technique development in the solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) foot. Computer Methods Biomech Biomed Eng, 6: 75-87, 2003. Saunders MM, You J, Zhou Z, Li Z, Yellowley CE, Kunze EL, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Fluid flow-induced prostaglandin E2 response of osteoblastic ROS 17/2.8 cells is gap junction-mediated and independent of cytosolic calcium. Bone, 32: 350-356, 2003. Sun DH, Trindade MCD, Nakashima Y, Maloney WJ, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Human serum opsonization of orthopaedic particles: protein-binding and monocyte/macrophage activation in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res, 65A: 290-298, 2003. Swanson KE, Lindsey DP, Hsu KY, Zucherman JF, Yerby SA. The effects of an interspinous implant on intervertebral disc pressures. Spine, 28: 26-32, 2003. Valero-Cuevas FJ, Johanson ME, Towles JD. Towards a realistic biomechanical model of the thumb: the choice of kinematic description may be more critical than the solution method or the variability/uncertainty of musculoskeletal parameters. J Biomech, 36: 1019-1030, 2003. Van der Loos HFM, Ullrich N, Kobayashi H. Development of sensate and robotic bed technologies for vital signs monitoring and sleep quality improvement. Autonomous Robots, 15: 67-79, 2003. Wong M, Carter DR. Articular cartilage functional histomorphology and mechanobiology: a research perspective. Bone, 33: 1-13, 2003. Wren TAL, Loboa EG, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Mechanobiology of skeletal tissue differentiation and regeneration. Recent Research Developments in Biomechanics, Transworld Research Network, Kerela, India, 1-10, 2003. Wren TAL, Lindsey D, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Effects of creep and cyclic loading on the mechanical properties and failure of human Achilles tendons. Ann Biomed Eng, 31: 710-717, 2003. You J, Jacobs CR, Steinberg TH, Donahue HJ. P2Y purinoceptors are responsible for oscillatory fluid flow induced intracellular calcium mobilization in osteoblastic cells. J Biol Chem, 277: 48724-729, 2002. Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Biomechanics and muscle coordination of human walking: Part II: Lessons from dynamical simulations and clinical applications. Gait and Posture, 17: 1-17, 2003. |
Books and ChaptersAndriacchi TP, Dyrby CO, Alexander EJ. Femoral rollback is obtainable and beneficial in the total knee patient. In: Controversies in Total Knee Replacement. Oxford University Press, 2001. Andriacchi TP. Requirements for biological replacement of the articular cartilage at the knee joint. In: Functional Tissue Engineering, eds: Guilak F, Butler D, Goldstein S, Mooney D. New York: Springer Verlag, 2002. Andriacchi TP.Dynamic function and imaging in the analysis of osteoarthritis at the knee. In: The Many Faces of Osteoarthritis, eds: Hascall V, Kuettner K. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag, 2002. Andriacchi TP, Johnson TS, Hurwitz DE, Natarajan R. Musculoskeletal dynamics, locomotion, and clinical applications. In: Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Third Edition, eds: Mow VC, Huiskes R. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002. Andriacchi TP, Dyrby CO, Johnson TS. The use of functional analysis in evaluating knee kinematics. In: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, vol 410. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002. Carter DR, and Spengler DM. Biomechanics of fracture. In Bone in Clinical Orthopaedics, 2nd Edition, ed: Sumner-Smith G.New York, NY: AO Publishing, chap 8: 261-285, 2002. Hurwitz DE, Andriacchi TP, Andersson GBJ. Biomechanics of arthroplasty.In: Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System, Third Edition, eds: Nordin M, Frankel VH. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 400-419, 2001. Thonar E, Hurwitz D, Andriacchi T, Lenz M, Sharma L.Linking the biology of osteoarthritis to locomotion mechanics. In: The Many Faces of Osteoarthritis, eds: Hascall V, Kuettner K.Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag, 2002. Wimmer MA, Andriacchi TP. The basic science of human motion and its relevance to wear and failure in total knee arthroplasty. In: Joint Replacements and Bone Resorption: Pathology, Biomaterials and Clinical Practice, eds: Shanbhag A, Rubash H, Jacobs J. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001. Peer Reviewed ArticlesAlexander EJ, Andriacchi TP. Correcting for deformation in skin based marker systems. J Biomech, 34: 355-361, 2001. Baliunas AJ, Hurwitz DE, Ryals A, Karrar A, Case JP, Block JA, Andriacchi TP. Increased knee joint loads during walking are present in subjects with knee OA. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 10: 573-579, 2002. Berzins A, Jacobs J, Berger R, Ed C, Natarajan R, Andriacchi T, Galante J. Surface damage in machined ram-extruded and net-shape molded retrieved polyethylene tibial inserts of total knee replacements. J Bone Joint Surg, 84-A: 1534-1540, 2002. Bush-Joseph CA, Hurwitz DE, Patel RR, Bahrani Y, Garretson R, Bach Jr BR, Andriacchi TP. Dynamic function during walking, stair and jogging activities following ACL reconstruction with autologous patella tendon. Amer J Sports Med, 29: 36-41, 2001. Bragg RW, MacMahon JM, Overom EK, Yerby SA, Matheson GO, Carter DR, Andriacchi TP. Failure and fatigue characteristics of adhesive athletic tape. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34: 403-10 2002. Donahue SW, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Flow-induced calcium oscillations in rat osteoblastic cells are age, loading frequency, and shear stress dependent. Amer J Physiol, 281: C1635-1641, 2001. Eng JJ, Kim CM, MacIntyre DL. Reliability of lower extremity strength measures in persons with chronic stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 83: 322-328, 2002. Eng JJ, Chu KS, Dawson AS, Kim CM, Hepburn KE. Functional walk tests in individuals with stroke: relationship to perceived exertion and myocardial exertion. Stroke, 33: 756-761, 2002. Fernandes PR, Folgado J, Jacobs CR, Pellegrini V. A contact model with ingrowth control for bone remodelling around cementless stems. J Biomech, 35: 167-176, 2002. Fredericson M, White JJ, MacMahon JM, Andriacchi TP. Quantitative analysis of the relative effectiveness of 3 iliotibial band stretches. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 83: 589-92, 2002. Giori NJ, Giori KL, Woolson ST, Goodman SB, Lannin JV, Schurman DJ. Measurement of perioperative flexion-extension mechanics of the knee joint.J Arthroplasty, 16: 877-881, 2001. Giori NJ, Lewallen DG.Total knee arthroplasty in limbs affected by poliomyelitis.J Bone Joint Surg, 84-A: 1157-1161, 2002. Goodman S, Ma T, Trindade M, Ikenoue T, Matsuura I, Wong N, Fox N, Genovese M, Regula D, Smith RL. COX-2 selective NSAID decreases bone ingrowth in vivo. J Orthop Res, 20: 1164-1169, 2002. Haut TL, Hull ML, Rashid MM, Jacobs CR. A finite element model of the human knee joint for the study of tibio-femoral contact. J Biomech Eng, 124: 273-280, 2002. Haut Donahue TL, Hull ML, Rashid MM, Jacobs CR. How the stiffness of meniscal attachments and meniscal material properties affect tibio-femoral contact pressure computed using a validated finite element model of the human knee joint. J Biomech, 36: 19-34, 2003. Henderson JH, Carter DR. Mechanical induction in limb morphogenesis: the role of growth-generated strains and pressures. Bone, 31: 645-653, 2002. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Marcus R, Carter DR. Long term predictions of the therapeutic equivalence of daily and less than daily alendronate dosing. J Bone Min Res, 17: 1662-1666, 2002. Hurwitz DE, Ryals AB, Case JP, Block JA, Andriacchi TP. The knee adduction moment during gait in subjects with knee osteoarthritis is more closely correlated with static alignment than radiographic disease severity, toe out angle and pain. J Orthop Res, 20: 101-107, 2002. Johanson ME, Murray WM. The unoperated hand: the role of passive forces in hand function after tetraplegia. Hand Clinics, 18: 391-398, 2002. Kautz SA, Brown DA, Van der Loos HFM, Zajac FE. Mutability of bifunctional thigh muscle activity in pedaling due to contralateral leg force generation. J Neurophysiol, 88: 1308-1317, 2002. Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Biomechanical determinants of pedaling energetics: internal and external work are not independent. Exer Sports Sci Rev, 30: 159-165, 2002. Kim CM, Eng JJ, MacIntyre DL, Dawson AS. Effects of isokinetic strength training on walking in persons with stroke: a double-blind controlled pilot study. J Stroke Cerebrovascular Diseases, 10: 265-273, 2001. Kreshak JL, Kim DH, Lindsey DP, Kam AC, Panjabi M, Yerby SA. Posterior stabilization at the cervicothoracic junction: a biomechanical study. Spine, 27: 2763-2770, 2002. Lateva ZC, McGill KC, Johanson ME. Electrophysiological evidence of adult human skeletal muscle fibres with multiple endplates and polyneuronal innervation. J Physiol, 544(Pt 2): 549-565, 2002. Lee MS, Trindade MC, Ikenoue T, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Effects of shear stress on nitric oxide and matrix protein gene expression in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in vitro. J Orthop Res, 20: 556-561, 2002. Les CM, Whalen RT, Yan CH, Cleek TM, Beaupré GS, Willis JS. The x-ray attenuation characteristics of human calcaneal marrow do not change significantly during adulthood. J Orthop Res, 20: 633-641, 2002. Loboa Polefka EG, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Mechanobiology of initial pseudarthrosis formation with oblique fractures. J Orthop Res, 19: 1067-1072, 2001. Lum PS, Burgar CG, Shor PC, Majmundar M, Van der Loos HFM. Robot-assisted movement training compared with conventional therapy techniques for the rehabilitation of upper limb motor function after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 83: 952-959, 2002. Lum PS, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Mahoney R, Rymer WZ, Burgar CG. Clinical considerations in the use of robotic devices for movement therapy following stroke. Topics Stroke Rehab, 8:40-53, 2002. McGill KC. Optimal resolution of superimposed action potentials. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 49: 640-650, 2002. Murray WM, Bryden AM, Kilgore KL, Keith MW. The influence of elbow position on range of motion of the wrist following transfer of the brachioradialis to the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon. J Bone Joint Surg, 84-A: 2203-2210, 2002. Murray WM, Buchanan TS, Delp SL. Scaling of peak moment arms of elbow muscles with dimensions of the upper extremity. J Biomech, 35: 19-26, 2002. Nagura T, Dyrby CO, Alexander EJ, Andriacchi TP. Mechanical demand of the knee joint during deep flexion. J Orthop Res, 20: 881-886, 2002. Pappas GP, Asakawa DS, Delp SL, Zajac FE, Drace JE. Non-uniform shortening in the biceps brachii during elbow flexion. J Appl Physiol, 92: 2381-2389, 2002. Saunders MM, You J, Trosko JE, Yamasaki H, Li Z, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Gap junctions and fluid flow response MC3T3-E1 cells. Amer J Physiol, 281: C1917-1925, 2001. Shah SN, Knoblich GO, Lindsey DP, Kreshak J, Yerby SA, Chou LB. Intramedullary screw fixation of proximal fifth metatarsal fractures: a biomechanical study. Foot Ankle Int, 22: 581-584, 2001. Valero-Cuevas FJ Hentz VR. Releasing the A3 pulley and leaving flexor superficialis intact increases pinch force following the Zancolli lasso procedures to prevent claw deformity in the intrinsic palsied finger. J Orthop Res, 20: 902-909, 2002. Van der Loos HFM. Immersive user environments in rehabilitation robotics and mechatronics. Artificial Life and Robotics, 4: 176-181, 2001. van der Meulen MCH, Beaupré GS, Smith RL, Giddings VL, Allen WA, Athanasiou KA, Zhu CF, Mandell JA, Song Y, Poser RD, Goodman SB.Factors influencing changes in articular cartilage followinghemiarthroplasty in sheep. J Orthop Res, 20: 669-675, 2002. Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Biomechanics and muscle coordination of human walking: Part I: Introduction to concepts, power transfer, dynamics and simulations. Gait Posture, 16: 215-232, 2002. Zajac FE. Understanding muscle coordination of the human leg with dynamical simulations. J Biomech 35: 1011-1018, 2002. |
BooksCarter DR, Beaupré GS. Skeletal Function and Form - Mechanobiology of Skeletal Development, Aging, and Regeneration. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2001. Wagner JJ, Van der Loos HFM, Leifer LJ, Construction of social relationships between user and robot, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, May, 2000 (accepted for publication). Peer Reviewed ArticlesBuhl KM, Jacobs CR, Turner RT, Evans GL, Farrel PA, Donahue HJ. Aged bone displays an increased responsiveness to low-intensity resistance exercise. J Appl Physiol, 90: 1359-1364, 2001. Carter DR, Spengler DM. Biomechanics of fracture. In Bone in Clinical Orthopaedics, 2nd Ed, (ed: Sumner-Smith G). AO Publishing, Davos Switzerland, pp 136-154, 2001. Carter DR, Polefka EGL, GS Beaupré GS. Mechanical influences on skeletal regeneration and bone resorption. In: Bone Engineering (ed: Davies J). University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, pp 358-368, 2000. Carter, DR, Polefka EGL, Beaupré GS. Mechanical influences on skeletal regeneration. In: Human Biomechanics and Injury Prevention (eds: Kajzer J, Tanaka E, Yamada H). Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, pp 129-136, 2000. Chen G, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Simulation analysis of muscle activity with altered body orientations during pedaling. J Biomech, 34: 749-756, 2001. Fregly BJ, Zajac FE, Dairaghi CA. Bicycle drive system dynamics: theory and experimental validation. ASME J Biomech Eng, 122: 297-461, 2000. Goodman S, Song Y, Chun L, Aspenberg P, Plouhar P, Glancy T, Regula D, Smith RL. Effects of local infusion of TGF-beta on bone ingrowth in rabbit chambers. J Biomed Material Res, 53: 475-479, 2000. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Keller TS, Carter DR. The influence of bone volume fraction and ash fraction on bone strength and modulus. Bone, 29: 74-78, 2001. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Marcus R, Carter DR. A theoretical analysis of the contributions of remodeling space, mineralization and bone balance to changes in bone mineral density during alendronate treatment. Bone, 29: 511-516, 2001. Hu M, Sabelman EE, Tsai C, Tan J, Hentz VR, Improvement of Schwann cell attachment and proliferation on modified hyaluronic acid strands by polylysine. Tissue Eng, 6: 585-593, 2000. Johanson ME, Valero-Cuevas FJ, Hentz VR. Activation patterns of the thumb muscles during stable and unstable pinch tasks. J Hand Surg, 26: 698-705, 2001. Kautz SA, Neptune RR, Zajac FE. General coordination principles elucidated by forward dynamics: Minimum fatigue does not explain muscle excitation in dynamic tasks. Motor Control, 4: 75-80, 2000. Kurokouchi K, Jacobs CR, Donahue HJ. Oscillating fluid flow inhibits TNF-a-induced NF-kB activation via an IkB kinase pathway in osteoblast-like UMR106 cells. J Biol Chem, 276: 13499-13504, 2001. Lateva ZC, McGill KC. Estimating motor-unit architectural properties by analyzing motor-unit action potential morphology. Clin Neurophysiol, 112: 127-135, 2001. Lind, M, Trindade, MCD, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Monocyte migration inhibitory factor synthesis and gene expression in particle-activated macrophages. Cytokine, 12: 909-913, 2000. McGill KC, Lateva ZC. Slow repolarization phase of the intracellular action potential influences the motor unit action potential (letter to the editor). Muscle & Nerve, 23: 826-827, 2000. McGill KC, Lateva ZC, Xiao S. Models of the leading edge, terminal wave, and slow afterwave of the muscle action potential. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 48: 1357-1365, 2001. McGill KC, Lateva ZC. A model of the muscle-fiber intracellular action potential waveform, including the slow-repolarization phase. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 48: 1480-1483, 2001. Memberg WD, Murray WM, Ringleb SI, Kilgore KL, Snyder SA. A transducer to measure elbow extension moments. Clin Biomech, 16: 918-920, 2001. Moulton MJR, Parentis MA, Kelly MJ, Jacobs CR, Naidu SH, Pellegrini VD. Influence of metacarpophalangeal joint position on basal joint-loading in the thumb. J Bone Joint Surg, 83-A: 709-716, 2001. Murray WM, Buchanan TS, Delp SL. Scaling of peak moment arms of elbow muscles with dimensions of the upper extremity. J Biomech, 35: 19-26, 2002. Murray WM, Buchanan TS, Delp SL. The isometric functional capacity of muscles that cross the elbow. J Biomech, 28: 513-525, 2000. Neptune R., Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Muscle contributions to specific biomechanical functions do not change in forward verses backward pedaling. J Biomech, 33: 155-164, 2000. Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Comments on "Propulsive adaptation to changing gait speed" (letter to the editor). J Biomech, 34: 1667-1668, 2001. Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Contributions of the ankle plantar flexors to support, forward progression and swing initiation during walking. J Biomech, 34: 1387-1398, 2001. Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Muscle activation and deactivation dynamics: the governing properties in fast cyclical human movement performance? Exer Sport Sci Rev, 29:76-81, 2001. Patten C, Kamen G, Rowland DM. Adaptations in maximal motor unit discharge rate following strength training in young and older adults. Muscle Nerve, 24: 542-550, 2001. Patten C, Kamen G. Adaptations in motor unit discharge activity with force control training in young and older adults. Eur J App Physiol, 83: 128-143, 2000. Patten C, Craik RL. Sensorimotor changes and adaptation in the older adult. In Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2nd Ed, (ed: Guccione AA). Mosby-Year Book, 2000. Schurman DJ, Maloney WJ, Smith RL. Localized osteoporosis. In Osteoporosis (eds: Marcus R, Feldman D). Academic Press, New York, 2001. Shida J, Trindade MCD, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Induction of interleukin-6 release in human osteoblast-like cells exposed to titanium particles in vitro. Calcified Tissue Intl, 67: 151-155, 2000. Smith LR, Trindade MC, Ikenoue T, Mohtai M, Das P, Carter DR, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ. Effects of shear stress on articular chondrocyte metabolism. Biorheology, 37: 95-107, 2000. Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA, Zajac FE. Contralateral movement and extensor force generation alter flexion phase muscle coordination in pedaling. J Neurophysiol 83: 3351-3365, 2000. Trindade MCD, Schurman DJ, Maloney WJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. G-protein activity requirement for polymethylmethacrylate and titanium particle-induced fibroblast interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 release in vitro. J Biomed Materials Res, 51: 360-368, 2000. Trindade MC, Lind M, Nakashima Y, Sun D, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL. Interleukin-10 inhibits polymethylmethacrylate particle induced interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha release by human monocyte/macrophages in vitro. Biomaterials, 22: 2067-2073, 2001. Trindade MC, Lind M, Sun D, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL. In vitro reaction to orthopaedic biomaterials by macrophages and lymphocytes isolated from patients undergoing revision surgery. Biomaterials, 22: 253-259, 2001. Valero-Cuevas FJ. Predictive modulation of muscle coordination pattern magnitude scales fingertip force magnitude over the voluntary range. J Neurophysiol 83: 1469-1479, 2000. Valero-Cuevas FJ, Towles JD, Hentz VR. Quantification of fingertip force reduction in the forefinger following simulated paralysis of extensor and intrinsic muscles. J Biomech, 33: 1601-1609, 2000. van der Meulen MCH, Carter DR, Beaupré GS. Skeletal development: mechanical consequences of growth, aging, and disease. In Osteoporosis, 2nd ed, (eds: Marcus R, Feldman D, Kelsey J), Academic Press, pp 471488, 2001. Wagner JJ, Van der Loos HFM, Leifer LJ. Construction of social relationships between user and robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 31: 185-191, 2000. Wren TAL, Yerby SA, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Interpretation of calcaneus DXA measurements in the assessment of osteopenia and fracture risk. J Bone Min Res, 15: 1573-1578, 2000. Wren TAL, Yerby SA, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Mechanical properties of the human Achilles tendon. Clin Biomech, 16: 245-251, 2001. Wren TAL, Yerby SA, Beaupré GS, Carter DR. Influence of bone mineral density, age, and strain rate on the failure mode of human Achilles tendons. Clin Biomech, 16: 529-534, 2001. Wren TAL, Carter DR. Tendon and ligament response to mechanical loading: implications for rehabilitation. Biomech (Supplement, Rehabilitation), 2000. Yaszay B, Trindade MCD, Lind M, Goodman SB, Smith RL. Fibroblast expression of C-C chemokines in response to orthopaedic biomaterial particle challenge in vitro. J Orthop Res, 19: 970-976, 2001. Yerby S, Scott CC, Evans NJ, Messing KL, Carter DR. Effect of cutting flute design on cortical bone screw insertion torque and pullout strength. J Orthop Trauma, 15: 216-221, 2001. Yerby SA, Carter DR. Bone fatigue and stress fractures. In Musculoskeletal Fatigue and Stress Fractures, (eds: Burr D, Milgrom S). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 85-103, 2001. Yetkinler DN, McClellan RT, Reindel ES, Carter DR, Poser RD. Biomechanical comparison of conventional open reduction and internal fixation versus calcium phosphate cement fixation of a central depressed tibial plateau fracture. J Orthop Trauma, 15: 197-206, 2001. You J, Reilly GC, Zhen X, Yellowley CE, Chen Q, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Osteopontin gene regulation by oscillatory fluid flow via intracellular calcium mobilization and activation of mitogenactivated protein kinase in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts. J Biol Chem, 276: 13365-13371, 2001. |
1998 - 2000
Brown DA, Kautz SA: Speed-dependent reductions of force output in people with poststroke hemiparesis. Phys Ther 79:919-930, 1999 Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Linear elastic and poroelastic models of cartilage can produce comparable stress results: a comment on Tanck et al. (J Biomech 32:153-161), Letter to the Editor. J Biomech 32:1255-1256, 1999. Carter, DR, Beaupré GS, Giori NJ, Helms JA: Mechanobiology of skeletal regeneration. Clin Orthop Rel Res 355S:S41-S55, 1998. Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Skeletal Function and Form - Mechanobiology of Skeletal Development, Aging and Regeneration. Cambridge University Press, In press. Fischer KJ, Jacobs CR, Levenston ME, Cody DD, Carter DR: Proximal femoral density patterns are consistent with bicentric joint loads. Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng 2:271-283, 1999. Giddings VL, Beaupré GS, Whalen RT, Carter DR: Calcaneal loading during walking and running. Med Sci Sports Exercise 32:627-634, 2000. Heegaard JH, Beaupré GS, Carter DR: Mechanically modulated cartilage growth may regulate joint surface morphogenesis. J Orthop Res 17:509-517, 1999. Hu M, Sabelman EE, Lai S, Timek EK, Zhang F, Hentz VR, Lineaweaver WC: Polypeptide resurfacing method improves fibroblast's adhesion to hyaluronan strands. J Biomed Mater Res 47:79-84, 1999. Kautz SA, Neptune RR, Zajac FE: General coordination principles elucidated by forward dynamics: Minimum fatigue does not explain muscle excitation in dynamic tasks. Motor Control 4:75-80, 2000. Lateva ZC, McGill KC: Satellite potentials of motor unit action potentials in normal muscles: a new hypothesis for their origin. Clin Neurophysiol 110:1625-1633, 1999. Leifer LJ, Toye G, Van der Loos HFM, Tele-Service-Robot: Integrating the socio-technical framework of human service through the InterNet-World-Wide-Web. International Workshop on Biorobotics: Human-Robot Symbiosis, in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 18, Elsevier Press, 1996, pp. 117-126. Leong B, Kamen G, Patten C, Burke JR: Maximal motor unit discharge rates in older weightlifters. Med Sci Sports Exercise 31:1638-1644, 1999. Lind M, Trindade MC, Nakashima Y, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith L: Chemotaxis and activation of particle-challenged human monocytes in response to monocyte migration inhibitory factor and C-C chemokines. J Biomed Mat Res (Applied Biomaterials) 48:246-250, 1999. Lum PS, Burgar CG, Kenney D, Van der Loos HFM, Quantification of force abnormalities during passive and active-assisted upper-limb reaching movements in post-stroke hemiparesis, IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering 46:6, June, 1999, pp. 652-662. McGill KC, Lateva ZC: The contribution of the interosseous muscles to the hypothenar compound muscle action potential. Muscle & Nerve 22: 1-10, 1999. Nakashima Y, Sun DH, Trindade MC, Chun LE, Song Y, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Maloney WJ, Smith RL: Induction of macrophage C-C chemokine expression by titanium alloy and bone cement particles. J Bone Jt Surg 81-B:155-162, 1999. Nakashima Y, Sun DH, Trindade MC, Maloney WJ, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Signaling pathways for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 expression in human macrophages exposed to titanium-alloy particulate debris in vitro. J Bone Jt Surg 81-A:603-615, 1999. Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE: Muscle contributions to specific biomechanical functions do not change in forward versus backward pedaling. J Biomech 33: 155-164, 2000. Neptune RR: Computer modeling and simulation of human movement: Applications in sport and rehabilitation. Physical Med Rehab Clinics North Amer 11: 417-434, 2000. Patten C: Motor unit firing patterns and age-related changes. PROCID Symposium on Muscular Disorders inComputerUusers: Mechanisms and Models. Copenhagen, Denmark, pp 84-89, 1999. Patten C: Reeducating force control in older persons through strength training. Topics in Geriatric Rehab, 15:46-58, 2000. Reinkensmeyer DJ, Hogan N, Krebs HI, Lehman SL, Lum PS: Rehabilitators, robots, and guides: new tools for neurological rehabilitation. In: Biomechanics and Neural Control of Posture and Movement. Winters JM & Crago PE (editors), Springer-Verlag, 2000. Sarin VK, Loboa Polekfa EG, Beaupré GS, Kiratli BJ, Carter DR, van der Meulen MCH: DXA-derived section modulus and bone mineral content predict long bone torsional strength. Acta Orthop Scand 70:71-76, 1999. Sarin VK, Erickson GM, Giori NJ, Bergman AG, Carter DR: Coincident development of sesamoid bones and clues to their evolution. Anat Rec (New Anat. 257:174-180, 1999. Smith RL: Evaluation of clinical agents on articular chondrocyte metabolism in vitro. J Rheumatol 25:1871-1873, 1998. Smith RL: Degradative enzymes in osteoarthritis. Front Biosci 4:D704-712, 1999. Stevens, SS, Beaupré GS, Carter DR: A computational model of endochondral growth and ossification in long bones: biological and mechanobiological influences. J Orthop Res 17:646-653, 1999. Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA, Van der Loos HFM, Zajac FE: Bilateral integration of sensorimotor signals during pedaling. Ann New York Acad Sci 860:513-516, 1999. Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA, Zajac FE: Phase reversal of biomechanical functions and muscle activity in backward human locomotion. J Neurophys 81:544-551, 1999 Trindade MC, Song Y, Aspenberg P, Smith RL, Goodman SB: Proinflammatory mediator release in response to particle challenge: studies using the bone harvest chamber. J Biomed Mat Res (Applied Biomaterials) 48:434-439, 1999. Trindade MC, Lind M, Goodman SB, Maloney WJ, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Interferon-gamma exacerbates polymethylmethacrylate particle-induced interleukin-6 release by human monocyte/macrophages in vitro. J Biomed Mat Res 47:1-7, 1999. Trindade MC, Nakashima Y, Lind M, Sun DH, Goodman SB, Maloney WJ, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Interleukin-4 inhibits granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression by human monocytes in response to polymethylmethacrylate particle challenge in vitro. J Orthop Res 17:797-802, 1999. Valero-Cuevas, FJ: Predictive modulation of muscle coordination pattern magnitude scales fingertip force magnitude over the voluntary range. J Neurophysiol 83:1469-1479, 2000. Van der Loos HFM, Leifer LJ, The design and use of history list systems for rehabilitation robots. Technology and Disability 5:2, 1996, pp. 177-196. Van der Loos HFM, Hammel J, Engineering reasonable accommodation: the delivery and use of assistive technology in a vocational training program. Technology and Disability 5:3/4, 1996, pp. 371-382. Van der Loos HFM, Hammel J, Lees DS, Chang D, Perkash I, Field evaluation of a robot workstation for quadriplegic office workers. European Review of Biomedical Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, 1990, pp. 317-319. Yan CH, Whalen RT, Beaupré GS, Yen SY, Napel S: Reconstruction algorithm for poly-chromatic CT imaging: with application to beam hardening correction. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 19:1-12, 2000. Yan CH, Whalen RT, Beaupré GS, Yen SY, Napel S: Modeling of polychromatic attenuation using computed tomography reconstructed images. Med Phys 26:631-642, 1999. Yerby SA, Paal AF, Young PM, Beaupré GS, Ohashi KL, Goodman SB: The effect of a silane coupling agent on the bond strength of bone cement and cobalt-chrome alloy. J Biomed Mater Res 49:127-133, 2000. Yetkinler DN, Ladd AL, Poser RD, Constantz BR, Carter DR: Biomechanical evaluation of fixation of the intra-articular fractures of the distal part of the radius in cadavera: Kirschner wires compared with calcium-phosphate bone cement. J Bone Joint Surg 81A:391-399, 1999. |
1989 - 1998
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Portions republished from the Rehabilitation R&D Center Progress Reports. |