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Investigator: H.F. Machiel Van der Loos, PhD Project Staff: Maurice LeBlanc, MS; Joe Norman, MS; and Joel Ford, MS Project Category: Other - 2000 Objective: The objective of the SleepSmart project was to develop an instrumented sheet with sensors to detect human body position shifts, temperature variation and certain physiological states, such as breathing rate and heart rate, without the need to attach wired sensors to the person's body. Our goal is to use this sheet while a person is sleeping and develop it for several applications, such as a homebased sleep quality measurement system and as a vital signs detection and alert system. Findings: In this phase of the project we developed the technical specifications of a sheet, designed and built a prototype sheet, developed the software to extract and interpret the events of interest from the sensor readings, and developed the interface software to display the information on a computer monitor. The sheet uses flexible elements for wiring and force sensing as well as thermistors that can not be detected by a person lying on them if covered by a thin foam pad. The software uses wavelet-transformation signal analysis algorithms, which has certain advantages over Fourier transform based methods, to detect cyclic signals such as respiration and heart rate. Development from this phase of research has led to the initiation of the patenting process for the SleepSmart concept. Following the current development phase, clinical trials will be conducted at the Palo Alto VA to validate that the sheet can detect heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature and body position as well as classical vital signs measurement systems in use in Sleep Disorder Clinics. Clinical Relevance: This will be a low-cost device capable of being used in Assisted Living Centers, the home and other sites for unobtrusive life signs monitoring and for the long-term monitoring of persons with certain sleep disorders. Publications: H.F.M. Van der Loos, M. LeBlanc, H. Kobayashi, J. Norman, J. Ford, T. Osada, SleepSmart Invention Disclosure. 12/1999, the Office of Technology Licensing, Stanford University Funding Source: Paramount Bed Corp. |