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Investigator: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD Project Staff: Dennis R. Carter, PhD; R. Lane Smith, PhD; Scott A. Yerby, PhD; Tishya A.L. Wren, PhD; Stuart B. Goodman, MD, PhD; and David J. Schurman, MD Project Categories: Arthritis / Osteoporosis - 2000 Purpose: Mechanobiology is the study of how mechanical stimuli regulate biological processes. The mechanobiology of bone and cartilage lies at the heart of two of the most common skeletal diseases in the elderly - osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Because of the aging of our population, the prevalence of these diseases is increasing. At the start of the 20th century, individuals over the age of 65 represented less than 4% of the US population. As we enter the 21st century nearly 13% of our population is 65 or older and by the year 2030 this figure is expected to climb to 22% - nearly 1 out of every 4 individuals. People are living longer and orthopaedic diseases are having a serious impact on the quality of life in the elderly. These diseases and their effect on the lives of veterans and all Americans motivate the research described here. Methodology: This project uses theoretical, experimental and computational models to investigate the regulation of connective tissue biology by mechanical stimuli. Theoretical models are used to establish a scientific basis for complementary computational and experimental studies. Computational models utilize finite element analysis techniques and computer simulation software. Experimental studies involve both in vitro cell and organ based systems and in vivo animal models. Areas of current investigation include:
Publications: Representative publications related to this project include the following: Carter DR, Beaupré GS, Giori NJ, Helms JA: Mechanobiology of Skeletal Regeneration. Clin Orthop Rel Res, 355:S41-S55, 1998. Wren TAL, Beaupré GS, Carter DR: Tendon and ligament adaptation to exercise, immobilization, and remobilization. J Rehab R&D, 37(2):217-224, 2000. Wren TAL, Beaupré GS, Carter DR: Mechanobiology of tendon adaptation to compressive loading through fibrocartilaginous metaplasia. J Rehab R&D, 37(2):135-143, 2000. Beaupré GS, Stevens SS, Carter DR: Mechanobiology in the development, maintenance and degeneration of articular cartilage. J Rehab R&D, 37(2):145-151, 2000. Hernandez CJ, Beaupré GS, Carter DR: A model of mechanobiologic and metabolic influences n bone adaptation. J Rehab R&D, 37(2):235-244, 2000. Funding Source: VA Research Career Scientist Award |