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SleepSmart Project

Principal Investigators: Machiel Van der Loos, PhD

Project Staff: Hisato Kobayashi, PhD; Greg Liu, MSME; and Ying Tai, MSME

Collaborators: Ware Kuschner, MD; Kos Ishii, PhD, Stanford; and Ade Mabogunje, PhD, Stanford

Project Category: Stroke

This project seeks to develop a low-cost, unobtrusive, multi-sensor bed sheet that records a person's vital signs and sleeping position for the duration of a night's sleep. The system, which does not require the sleeping person to be wired up to sensors, can be combined with actuation systems and alarms to turn a person over, change ambient temperature and light conditions, and alert medical staff. This system has the potential to be used in SCI clinics, sleep disorder clinics, and acute care clinics for low-cost, low-overhead patient monitoring and care.

Milestones Accomplished:

  • Preliminary clinical trial
  • Patent granted

Milestones for Remainder of Project:

  • Second generation unobtrusive heart rate monitor
  • Funding for second phase prototype
  • Home-based sleep quality diagnosis system

Funding Source: National Trust Corp., Tokyo, Japan

Funding Status: Funded

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