Single-Molecule Movies
Note: All movies this page Copyright Moerner Lab
1996-2019. This material is based in part upon work supported by
the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health,
and the Department of Energy. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author
(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting agencies. Use the DOI link to see primary source and all details.
- Single RsaA monomer tracking and binding to 2D S-Layer crystal on Caulobacter surface DOI [pptx, 26 MB]
- 3D Surface Mesh Flythrough Smoothened Primary Cilum DOI [mp4, 22 MB]
- Tracking single Patched in the primary cilium DOI [mp4, 25 MB]
- 3D SR image of nuclear lamina in a thick cell with TILT-3D DOI [avi, 8.3 MB]
- Tracking single Smoothened (no agonist) in the primary cilium DOI [avi, 29 MB]
- Rhodamine lactam labeling of Caulobacter in 3D with slices DOI [avi, 9 MB]
- Rhodamine lactam labeling of Caulobacter surface in 3D DOI [avi, 30 MB]
- Two-color 3D tracking of pairs of chromosomal loci in yeast DOI [avi, 0.5 MB]
- Fluorescent saxitoxin lighting up single NaV channels on live PC12 cell DOI [avi, 4.6 MB]
- 3D SPRAIPAINT super-resolution images of the cell surface and CreS in Caulobacter [.wmv, 7.7 MB]
- Direct Photoinduced Blinking of EYFP fused to HU2 in Caulobacter [.wmv, 28 MB]
- Tracking a Single Quantum Dot in a Living Cell with a DH-PSF [.avi MS video, 10 MB]
- Movie of Single GroEL Protein in the ABEL Trap (~ 6 Cy3, 50%
glycerol) [.avi, 0.8 MB]
- Movie of Single Lambda-DNA Molecule in the ABEL Trap [.avi,
1.5 MB]
- Moving Single MreB (Bacterial Actin) Molecules Follow Circumferential Tracks in Caulobacter [.avi,
0.8 MB]
- Fixed and Diffusing Single Terrylene Molecules in p-Terphenyl
12.0 MB]
- Single MHC II Complexes on CHO Cell [.m1v,
7.0 MB]
- Stable Single Molecules of Terrylene in p-Terphenyl [.mpg,
7.8 MB ]
- Blinking GFP (stylized) 100 ms/frame [.mov
file, 1.1 MB]