Interested in Joining Us?

In the Feldman Lab, we are interested in determining the mechanisms that regulate cell patterning events during development. We study questions not organisms and are therefore open to studying this topic in whatever system best suits the experiments at hand. We are currently using C. elegans, but have expertise in Chlamydomonas and zebrafish. We use a genetic, biochemical, and live imaging approach and are interested in expanding to modeling. Are you interested in joining us?

Postdoc Candidates

We are theoretically always accepting postdoc applicants into the lab, depdending on the lab's funding. Postdocs accepted into the lab will be funded through Dr. Feldman's funding for 1-2 years, during which time the postdoc is expected to apply for and secure their own funding. Applicants are also encouraged to secure funding before applying to or joining the lab. As grant writing is incredibly important to help soldify ideas and for professional development, Dr. Feldman works closely with each postdoc to develop their funding applications.

If you are interested in joining the Feldman Lab, please send an email outlining your past research accomplishments and future research interests in the lab. Postdoc candidates will be given a Zoom interview and asked to arrange for 3 references to send letters on their behalf. If those steps are successful, appicants will be brought to Stanford for an in person interview where they will give a 1 hour seminar on their work and meet members of the lab.

Graduate Students

We are currently accepting graudate students in the Feldman lab and Dr. Feldman is happy to meet with prospective students over Zoom to discuss current projects. If you are not currently enrolled at Stanford, you must first apply to the Department of Biology graduate program at Stanford. Please note that external funding is not required for admittance as Stanford fully funds students for 4 years and then our lab continues to fund students until they complete their PhD (average of 5.5 years). If you are from a group historically excluded from science, we recommend applying for the Stanford Biology Preview Program for guidance on how to navigate the Biology PhD application process.

If you are currently enrolled at Stanford and interested in rotating in the lab, please send Dr. Feldman an email or stop by the lab (third floor of Gilbert, Room 306).


Stanford students are welcome to apply to the lab. The easiest route to begin in the lab is through a summer research program, such as the Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (BSURP). This 10 week program provides a stipend and access to Stanford summer housing. After successful completion of this program, students will be asked to continue on in the lab during the school year. Many of our undergraduates complete an honors thesis in the lab. If you are interested in finding out more, send Dr. Feldman an email and information about relevant coursework or experience.

If you are not a Stanford student and are from a community that has historically been excluded from biomedical research, consider applying to the lab for the summer through the Stanford Summer Research (SSRP)/Amgen Scholars Program.