PDCO: Primal-Dual interior method for Convex Objectives
Michael Saunders
CONTRIBUTORS: Bunggyoo Kim, Chris Maes, Santiago Akle, Matt Zahr - CONTENTS:
A primal-dual interior method for solving linearly constrained optimization problems with a convex objective function \( \phi(x) \) (preferably separable): \begin{align*} \text{minimize } & \phi(x) + \frac12 \|D_1x\|^2 + \frac12 \|r\|^2 \\ \text{subject to } & Ax + D_2r = b \\ & l \le x \le u, \end{align*} where both \(x\) and \(r\) are variables. The \(m \times n\) matrix \(A\) may be a Matlab sparse matrix or a function handle for computing \(Ax\) and \(A^Ty\). The positive-definite diagonal matrices \(D_1\), \(D_2\) provide primal and dual regularization. \(D_2\) determines whether each row of \(Ax \approx b\) should be satisfied accurately or in the least-squares sense. (Each element of \(D_2\) is typically in the range \([10^{-4},1]\).)NNLS: Nonnegative least squares problems are specified via \(D_2 = I\), \(l=0\), \(u=\) infinity. Set input parameters d2=1, bl=zeros(n,1), bu=inf(n,1).
BP, BPDN, LASSO: The original Basis Pursuit and Basis Pursuit Denoising research used an early version of PDCO, as described in [1] below. The L1 norm \(\|x\|_1\) is implemented by setting \(x = u-v\) with \(u,v \ge 0\). The linear constraints become \( Au - Av + D_2r = b \), and the convex objective term is \( \phi(x) = \lambda 1^T u + \lambda 1^T v \) for some positive value of \(\lambda\). This is one form of LASSO (Tibshirani 1996).
For BP, set \(D_1 = D_2 = 10^{-3} I\) say (by setting d1=1e-3, d2=1e-3).
For BPDN, set \(D_2 = I\) (by setting d1=1e-3, d2=1). - REFERENCES:
[1] S. S. Chen, D. L. Donoho, and M. A. Saunders. Atomic decomposition by Basis Pursuit, SIAM Review 43(1), 129-159 (2001).
[2] PDCO is documented in the MATLAB and LaTeX files below. It uses established primal-dual technology, with choice of direct or iterative method for computing search directions.
Special feature: Iterative (and inexact) computation of search directions using LSMR, for the case where \(A\) is a function (linear operator). - RELEASE:
16 Oct 2002: First version, derived from PDSCO. \(D_1\), \(D_2\) and general bounds implemented.
23 Sep 2003: Maximum entropy test problems included (joint work with John Tomlin, IBM Almaden).
11 Feb 2005: Slight changes for MATLAB 7.0.
11 Feb 2005: Removed ENTROPY.big from zip file (too big for those who don't want it). Link is below.
03 Apr 2010: Nonseparable objectives; function handles; zero bounds treated directly.
19 Apr 2010: PDCO replaces PDSCO now that zero bounds are treated properly.
02 Jun 2011: Beware: the backtracking linesearch sometimes inhibits convergence.
28 Apr 2012: LSMR replaces LSQR (Method=3) for iterative computation of search directions.
28 Apr 2012: MINRES (Method=4) is a new option, although LSMR (Method=3) should be somewhat better in general.
13 Nov 2013: LPnetlib.m added for running LP problems from Tim Davis's UFL sparse matrix collection.
22 Nov 2013: Method=22 implemented: uses MA57 via ldl(K2) on SQD system. MA57 makes use of multicores if available. Good for QP and other convex problems with explicit sparse Hessians.
24 Nov 2013: pdco4: distribution files reorganized.
30 May 2015: pdco is now a Git repository (initialized with pdco4).
15 Jun 2018: pdco5 contributed by Aekaansh Verma (Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University), includes new Method options.
Method = 1,2,3,4 have always computed \(\Delta y\) before \(\Delta x\).
Method = 11,12,13,14 (new options) compute \(\Delta x\) before \(\Delta y\). Sometimes these will be more efficient than 1,2,3,4 (e.g., if \(m > n\)). See pdco5.zip below (not yet included in github).
- MATLAB files: github.com/mxsaunders/pdco.
- pdco5.zip includes Method = 11,12,13,14 (not yet in github).
- Description of the linear algebra: pdco.pdf
- Presentation at ISMP2003: saunders-tomlin-ismp2003.pdf