Systems Using SOL
Systems Using SOL Optimization Software
For many optimization applications, we recommend the use of high-level systems such as the following. They provide a convenient interface to MINOS, SNOPT, NPSOL and many other linear, integer and nonlinear solvers, and they extend the range of problem types that can be solved by traditional local optimizers.
(GAMS Development Corporation)
Algebraic modeling language: LP, NLP, MIP, MILP, MINLP, LCP, MCP, CNS.
(originally developed at Bell Laboratories)
Interactive algebraic modeling language: LP, NLP, MIP, MILP, MINLP.
(Paragon Decision Technology)
Interactive algebraic modeling language: LP, NLP, MIP, MILP, MINLP.
(Kenneth Holmström, TOMLAB Optimization AB, Sweden)
MATLAB interface to SOL solvers and many others.
(Kenneth Holmström, TOMLAB Optimization AB, Sweden)
An optimization environment for the solution of problems in .NET.
Other systems that make use of SOL optimization software follow.
See also
UCSD/Stanford Optimization Software.
(Dept of Chemical Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Global optimization (linear and nonlinear), concave programming, fractional programming, factorable programming, MILP, MIQP, etc.
- COMSOL Multiphysics
(Optimization Module)
Constrained optimization (linear, quadratic, nonlinear).
(Infanger Investment Technology, LLC)
Large-scale stochastic programming.
General-purpose optimal control software.
(Dept of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University)
Process design, optimal control, etc.: LP, NLP, NLP/DAE, MIP, MILP, MINLP, OCP, MIOCP.
NASA Evolutionary Mission Trajectory Generator (EMTG)
(Goddard Space Flight Center)
An automated tool for the preliminary design of interplanetary space trajectories.
- NEOS server
(Network-Enabled Optimization System)
Free internet-based service for solving optimization problems.
- PROPT (Tomlab Optimization Inc.)
MATLAB Optimal Control Software: Multi-phase optimal control problems. MAD is used for floating-point precision derivatives.
- Virtual Soldier project
Medical diagnosis of soldiers on and off the battlefield.