lusolZ: Nullspace of sparse matrix via SPQR or LUSOL
- AUTHORS: Nick Henderson,
San Kim,
Ding Ma,
Michael Saunders,
Yuekai Sun,
Ronan Fleming,
Ines Thiele.
Matlab software for computing a nullspace operator \(Z\) of the transpose of a sparse matrix \(S\) (so that \(S^T Z = 0\)) using sparse QR factors of either \(S\) or \(S^T\) computed by SuiteSparseQR, or sparse LU factors of either \(S\) or \(S^T\) computed by LUSOL. MATLAB routines {spqrZ, spqrZv, spqrZt} and {lusolZ, lusolZv, lusolZt} are provided to factorize \(S\) or \(S^T\) and to compute products of the form \(w = Zv\) and \(s = Z^T t\) for given vectors \(v\) and \(t\). - REFERENCES:
[1] T. A. Davis, Algorithm 915, SuiteSparseQR: Multifrontal multithreaded rank-revealing sparse QR factorization, ACM TOMS 38(1), 8:1-8:22, 2011.
[2] N. W. Henderson, S. Kim, D. Ma, M. A. Saunders, Y. Sun, R. M. T. Fleming, and I. Thiele, Conservation analysis of genome-scale biochemical networks, Bioinformatics, in preparation, Feb 2016. - RELEASE:
19 Jan 2016: First version of lusolZ software.
02 Feb 2016: spqrZ routines added.
16 Feb 2016: Updated.
02 Mar 2016: Updated M-file help.