Systems: Theory, Science, and Metaphor (3 units)
This Year's Theme: "Networks, Everywhere: The World as a Web"
Winter Quarter 2002-2003, Stanford University
Instructor: Todd
Meeting Time: Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 PM (first meeting on January 8)
Location: 460-126 (Margaret Jacks Hall, first floor, Joseph Greenberg
Instructor's Office: 460-040C (Margaret Jacks Hall, lower level)
Phone: x3-4091; Fax: x3-5666
Email: tdavies at
Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
Required Text: Albert-László
Barabási, Linked: The New Science of Networks,
Perseus Publishing, 2002 ($26.00 at the Stanford Bookstore)
Fritjof Capra , The Web
of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems, Anchor
Books, 1996 (excerpt distributed in class)
Prerequisite: Completion of at least one course from the
Symbolic Systems undergraduate
core in each of the following areas: (a) philosophy, (b)
or psychology, and (c) computer science
Recommended: Computer Science 103B or 103X; Statistics 116
Note: This website is now a
retrospective syllabus. Student papers and commentaries have been
linked for each of the books on which students gave presentations, so
that those who participated in the course, as well as interested
others, can read what all the students wrote. The remainder of
the syllabus appears as it did while the course was being taught.
[Updated June 26, 2003]
Symbolic Systems 205 is a small, upper-division reading- and
discussion-based seminar. The general topic of the course is
systems science: the exploration of abstract properties of systems,
as network connectivity, complexity, feedback, self-organization, and
emergence, with applications in natural, social, and artificial
domains. Systems theories have often been met with skepticism
within traditional disciplines, and have been attacked as being too
general to be useful and too vague to be testable. A continuing
goal of the course is to ascertain the merits of such criticisms, and
the theories themselves. It is often claimed that viewing
phenomena as systems under a particular framework can lead to novel
insights, and such frameworks have frequently seeped into the broader
culture to influence how people think and talk. Each new wave of
systems science generally draws both criticism and praise of the
aforementioned types and it is a goal of this course to evaluate such
claims afresh as new theories appear.
The theme is meant to change each time the course is taught, and for
this year the theme is:
Networks, Everywhere: The World as a Web
The last few years have seen a great deal of scholarly activity,
from the theoretical to the very applied, looking at the topology of
networks of complex nodes. In earlier "neural network" and
"cellular automata" models, the nodes or elements being connected were
generally simple enough for the modeler to fully specify the nodes'
internal behavior; network topology (which nodes are connected to
was assumed to be fixed or uniform (e.g. full connectivity); and
emphasis was placed on the dynamics of the network (how it changes over
time). Such models were often put forward as explanations of, for
example, how the mind works, but usually without a clear mapping
the connections postulated in the model and observable connections in a
physical system being modeled. In contrast, what the Notre Dame
physicist Albert-László Barabási calls "the new
science of networks" pays primary attention to which nodes are
connected to each other, allows each node to be arbitrarily complex
(e.g. a human being or even an organization), and tends to focus more
on the static or equilibrium topology of the network.
This approach can be used to analyze many phenomena, such as the
World-Wide Web, social groupings, and complex physical and biological
structures. In such structures, unanalyzably complex information
is contained in the elements, but the connections between elements can
be observed and specified more completely, yielding a more direct
mapping between models and what they are supposed to model than is the
case for, say, neural network models of the human mind. It is
perhaps to be expected that as information processing has moved from
individual, unconnected computers to the Internet, scientists would be
inspired less by the metaphor of a single computer and more by the
metaphor of the Web. At the same time, the older methods and
problems have not lost their relevance, and it will be interesting to
see if this web-inspired perspective on systems leads to a true
revolution in the cognitive sciences.
The general plan for the course is that everyone is reading a
perspective history of systems theory by Fritjof Capra, excerpted from The
Web of Life; the book Linked: The New Science of Networks
Barabási; and some important articles together during the first
six weeks of the course, with the instructor serving as discussion
leader. In the first few weeks, each student was asked to choose
another (generally recent) book or set of articles exploring some
of networks, read it, select part of it for everyone to read,
distribute copies (one week in advance), and then present and lead a
discussion on the book's or articles' ideas during 40 minutes of a
two-hour class session, sometime between weeks 7 and 10
(inclusive). A list of the possible books and thematic reading
sets from which students chose is given below. In addition to leading a
discussion, each student is expected to write a 5-10 page critical
review of their chosen book or article set, to be placed on this
at the end of March, 2003, and to submit comments regarding both the
excerpt and the class discussion of two of the readings chosen by other
students. These comments will be attached to those
books'/articles' sections on the website at the end of the
quarter. The class is thus serving as a network of learners,
sharing information with other participants and interested visitors to
the website, regarding more books than any one of us would most likely
have time to read on our own.
As a supplement to the course, a series of film showings has been
scheduled on three Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.: February 11, February
and March 4 in Bulding 160 (Wallenberg Hall), room 330 (see schedule
REGULAR CLASS SCHEDULE (readings should be completed before
Week 1 (January 8) - Review of syllabus, introduction
of course participants; discussion of course motivation and background
Week 2 (January 15) - Capra 1 through 4, and the
history of systems science
Required reading:
Week 3 (January 21) [NOTE different meeting day -
Tuesday] - Capra 5 through 6, and a sample of past controversy
Reaquired reading:
Week 4(January 29) - Barabási 1 through 6, and the
theory of random networks
Required reading:
- Barabási pp. 1-78;
- P. Erdös and A. Rényi, "On the Evolution of Random
Graphs", Bulletin de L'Institut International de Statistique,
38(4):343-347, 1960 (distributed in class)
Week 5 (February 5) - Barabási 7 through 11, and
the theory of scale-free networks
Required reading:
Week 6 (February 12) - Barabási 12 through 15;
reviews and updates
Required reading:
- Barabási pp. 161-226;
- R.
Milo, S. Shen-Orr, S. Itzkovitz, N. Kashtan, D. Chklovskii, and U.
Alon, "Network Motifs: Simple Building Blocks of Complex Networks", Science,
298:824-827, 25 October, 2002 (link available to Stanford users
- Z.
N. Oltvai and A.-L. Barabási, "Systems Biology: Life's
Complexity Pyramid", Science, 298:763-764, 25 October 2002
(link available to Stanford users only)
- Michael Schrage, "Network Theory's New
Math" (mirrored on CNET, from ,
October 2002
- Emily Eakin, "Connect, They Say, Only Connect", New York
January 25, 2003 (distributed in class)
Recommended readings:
Week7 (February 19) - Student-led discussions #1;
should be copied and distributed to the class by each presenter on
February 12 - excerpts should be read by other students before the
presentation. Please review this handout: Guidelines
for Presenting/Leading Discussions .
- Louis Eisenberg on: Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Fischetti, and
Michael Dertouzos, Weaving the Web : The Original Design and
Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its Inventor, 1999
- Noah Barish on: Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse
American Community, Touchstone, 2001
- Matt Salazar on: Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs: The Next
Social Revolution, Perseus, 2002
Week 8 (February 26) - Student-led discussions #2;
excerpts should be copied and distributed to the class by each
on February 19 - excerpts should be read by other students before the
presentation. Guidelines for
Final Papers and Commentaries .
- Ben Sywulka on: Barry Wellman (Ed.), Networks in the Global
Village: Life in Contemporary Communities, Westview, 1999
- Nathan Matthews on: Starhawk, Webs of Power: Notes from the
Global Uprising, New Society, 2002
- David Gutierrez on: John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt (Eds.), Networks
and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, Rand
Corporation, 2001
Week 9(March 5) - Student-led discussions #3; excerpts
should be copied and distributed to the class by each presenter on
February 26 - excerpts should be read by other students before the
- Brad Hunter on: Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How
Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Little Brown, 2000
- Sara Wampler on: Howard Bloom, Global Brain: The Evolution
Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century, Wiley, 2000
- Ling Kong on: John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, The Social
Life of Information, Harvard Business School Press, 2002
Week 10(March 12) - Student-led discussions #4; excerpts
should be copied and distributed to the class by each presenter on
5 - excerpts should be read by other students before the presentation.
- Greg Orr on: Everett Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations
(Fourth Edition), Free Press, 1995
- Andrew Waterman on: David Batten, Discovering Artificial
Economics: How Agents Learn and Economies Evolve, Westview, 2000
FILM SHOWINGS - All films show on Tuesday evenings, beginning at
7 pm, in 160-330 (Wallenberg Hall).
February 11 - N Is a Number: A Portrait
of Paul Erdos (1993, 57 minutes)
February 18 - Six
Degrees of Separation (1993, 112 minutes)
March 4 - "Social
Networks": A Panel Discussion at the 75th Anniversary Celebration,
Stanford Business School (2000, 90 minutes)
Possible books:
- John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt (Eds.), Networks and
Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, Rand
Corporation, 2001
- Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Fischetti, and Michael Dertouzos, Weaving
the Web : The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide
Web by its Inventor, 1999
- Béla Bollobas, Random Graphs, Academic Press, 1985
- David Batten, Discovering Artificial Economics: How Agents
Learn and Economies Evolve, Westview, 2000
- Howard Bloom, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from
the Big Bang to the 21st Century, Wiley, 2000
- John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, The Social Life of
Information, Harvard Business School Press, 2002
- Fritjof Capra, The Hidden Connections: Integrating the
Biological, Cognitive, and Social Dimensions of Life Into a Science of
Sustainability, Doubleday, 2002
- Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (Second
Edition), Blackwell, 2000
- Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can
Make a Big Difference, Little Brown, 2000
- Mark Granovetter, Getting a Job (Second Edition),
University of Chicago, 1995
- Lawrence Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace,
Books, 1999
- Anna Nagurney, Network Economics: A Variational Inequality
Approach, Kluwer, 1999
- Anna Nagurney and June Dong, SuperNetworks: Decision Making
for the Information Age, Edward Elgar, 2002
- Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse of American
Community, Touchstone, 2001
- Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution,
Perseus, 2002
- Everett Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations (Fourth
Free Press, 1995
- Starhawk, Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising,
New Society, 2002
- Mark Taylor, The Moment of Complexity: Emerging Network
Culture, University of Chicago, 2002
- Jacqueline Tobin and Raymond Dobard, Hidden in Plain View: A
Secret Story of Quilts and the Underground Railroad, Doubleday, 1999
- Duncan Watts, Small Worlds, Princeton, 1999
- Barry Wellman (Ed.), Networks in the Global Village: Life in
Contemporary Communities, Westview, 1999
Possible thematic reading sets: (suggested by Doug Bryan)
- Business
1. Ronald S. Burt (1992) Structural Holes: The Social Structure
Competition, Harvard University Press. Reprint
available from
Belknap Press, 1995
2. Rob Cross & Laurence Prusak (2002) The people who make
organizations go or stop, Harvard Business Review,
3. The Network Structure of Social Capital, Ron
Burt, chapter in Research in Organizational
Behavior, Volume 22,
Robert I. Sutton and Barry M. Staw (eds.), JAI
Press, 2000.
4. Hansen, Morten T., Joel M. Podolny, and Jeffrey Pfeffer (2001)
So many ties, so little time: A task contingency
perspective on
corporate social capital; in Social Capital in
Organizations, Shaul M. Gabbay and, Roger Th. A. J.
(editors), JAI Press.
5. Matt Krantz (2002) Web of board members ties together
corporate America, Nov 24, USA Today
6. They Rule. - Computer Science
1. Michael Mitzenmacher (2001) "A brief history of generative models of
law and lognormal distributions," Harvard
University, Computer Science
Group, TR-08-01
2.Raghavan, Prabhakar (CTO Verity, consulting prof Stanford, (2002) Social networks: From
the Web to
the enterprise, IEEE Internet Computing, January,
3. G. W. Flake, S. Lawrence, C. L. Giles, and F. M. Coetzee
(2002) Self-organization and identification of Web
communities, IEEE Computer, 35(3).
4. Jon M. Kleinberg ;The small-world phenomenon: an algorithm
perspective, in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual
ACM Symposium
on Theory of Computing, ACM Press, May 1999: 163-170
5. "Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment, J.
Kleinberg, IBM Research Report RJ 10076, May
1997. Also in, Journal
of the ACM, 46(5), September 1999.
6. Jon M. Kleinberg, Hubs, authorities, and communities.
ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4es): 5, December 1999.
7. J. Kleinberg. Navigation in a small world. Nature
406:845 (24 August 2000). -
1. Walter W. Powell, Kenneth W. Koput, Laurel Smith-Doerr, Jason
Owen-Smith (1999) Network position and firm
Organizational returns to collaboration in the
industry, in Networks In and Around Organizations,
Andrews and David Knoke (eds.), JAI Press.
2. Porter, Michael E. (June 1999) "Clusters and competition: New
for companies, governments, and institutions,"
Harvard Business
School Press, 50 pp. (Shorter
version in Harvard Business Review, Nov 1998, 77-90)
3. Heterarchy: Distributing authority and organizing
diversity, David Stark, chapter in, The Biology of
Decoding the Natural Laws of Enterprise, John
Clippinger (ed.),
Jossey-Bass, 1999 - Sociology
1. Granovetter, M. (Stanford, soc dept) (1982) The strength
weak ties: A network theory revisited; in Social
Structure and
Network Analysis, Peter V. Marsden and Nan Lin
(eds.), Sage
Publications, 105-130
3. Gladwell, Malcolm (1996) The tipping point, The New
Yorker, 3 June 1996,
4. Tie strength and the impact of new media, Caroline
Haythornthwaite, in Proceedings of the Hawaii
Conference On System Sciences, IEEE Comp. Soc.
Press, 2001
5. Bryce Ryan and Neal C. Gross (1943) The diffusion of hybrid
seed corn in two Iowa communities,; Rural Sociology,
8(1) - Physics
1. "Attack vulnerability of complex networks" (2002) Petter
Holme, Beom
Jun Kim, Chang No Yoon, and Seung Kee Han. To appear
in Phys. Rev. E.
2. Rika Albert and Albert-Laszls Barabasi (2002) Statistical
mechanics of complex networks, Reviews of Modern
3. Jeong H, Tombor B, Albert R, Oltvai ZN, Barabasi AL. (2000)
The large-scale organization of metabolic networks.
406: 651--654
4.Community structure in social and biological networks,
Michelle Girvan and M. E. J. Newman (Santa Fe
unpublished. Dec 2001.
5. Watts D., Strogatz S., Collective dynamics of small world
networks, Nature, 4 June 1998, 393 - Political
1. Putnam, R. D., with R. Leonardi and R. Y. Nanetti (1993).
democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy.
University Press
2. Putnam, R. D. (1995). Tuning in, tuning out: The strange
disappearance of social capital in America.
Political Science and
Politics 28:
1. In-class presentation (25%)
2. Written review (50%)
3. Comments on two other books (25%)
4. Borderline grades will be influenced by attendance and participation
(both quality and quantity)