Around us, it is calm. Hills are covered by darkness.
Suddenly, the moon shines through the clouds,
Graves hold their calm.
The white glow of the crosses—heroes are asleep.
The shadows of the past circle around,
Recall again anad again the victims of battles.
Around us, it’s calm; the wind blew the fog away,
Warriors are asleep on the hills of Manchuria
And Russian weeping is canot be heard.
Dear mother is shedding tears,
The young wife is weeping
All like one are crying,
Cursing fate, cursing destiny!
Let kaoliang’s rustling
lull you to sleep,
Rest in peace, heroes of the Russian land,
Dear Fatherland’s sons.
You fell for Russia, perished for Fatherland,
Believe us, we shall avenge you
And celebrate a bloody wake