Class Projects
The Power of Story Workbook [ PDF ]
The Power of Story Toolkit [ PDF ]
Innovation Playbook [ ADAY ] [ COKE ]
Prototypes for Commencement Speech Story
On the last class day, we want you to imagine coming back to Stanford to give a commencement speech. The 3 minute verbal pitch is an opportunity for your team to share your innovation with the class, our brand partners and a venture capitalist. The goal is to convince your stakeholders to believe that your innovation will transform the future of the brand. You only have three moments, and your goal is to persuade the audience of your vision. As you design your pitch, consider the following: (1) Goal (is your goal clear)? (2) Grab attention (is there a hook)? (3) Engage (is it compelling)? (4) Trigger Action (does the audience know what to do, think or feel after the pitch)?
Model examples can be found on the course website and also here [ 1 ] [2 ]