Man vs. Nature: Coping with Disaster Using Space Technology

Autumn 2006-2007



Class Info







The Scion Image program, needed by most of the lab exercises, can be installed by downloading the "InstallImage.exe" file under the Software tab at left.

If your computer does not have a version of WinZip installed, it too is available under the Software tab.

Lab 1

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Lab 1 Instructions
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Zip file for Lab Exercise 1

Lab 2

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Lab 2 Instructions
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Zip file for Lab Exercise 2

Lab 3

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Lab 3 Instructions
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Zip file for Lab Exercise 3

Lab 4

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Lab 4 Instructions
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Zip file for Lab Exercise 4

Lab 5

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Lab 5 Instructions
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Zip file for Lab Exercise 5