The Earth from Space: An Introduction to Remote Sensing

Winter 2007-2008



Class Info







EE/GP140 The Earth from Space: An Introduction to Remote Sensing

Winter 2008 schedule

(* items take place in Earth Sciences computer cluster, Mitchell A65, usually on Fridays)

Week 1. January 8-11

Introduction and course outline

Global environmental problems and spaceborne measurements

Global warming and greenhouse gases

* Introduction to data and initial data exercise in lab

Week 2. January 14-18

Electromagnetic radiation and sensors


Multispectral signatures

Existing satellite sensors and example applications

* Data formats and resolution

Week 3. January 21-24

Monday, January 21 -- Martin Luther King day, no class

Satellite sensor types - optical and IR instrumentation

Ozone and other atmospheric phenomena

* Forming multichannel images

Week 4. January 28-February 1

Microwave measurements

Image formation and geometry using radar sensors

Electromagnetic scattering

Radar images and examples

* Multispectral radar images

Week 5. February 4-8

Ocean circulation and sea-level rise

Project assignments

Multispectral analysis of Venus Ð planetary remote sensing

* Analysis of California via satellite

Week 6. February 11-15

On or about Feb. 11 - Midterm exam

Carbon cycle and terrain cover Ð vegetation and deforestation

* Imaging examples of forested areas

Week 7. February 18-22

Monday, Feb. 18 - Presidents' day, no class

Radar imaging of vegetated areas

Land-use and land-cover analysis

Thermal sensors

* Image processing and noise

Week 8. February 25-29

Volcanic hazards: a sample project approach

Surface topography and deformation

* Digital elevation models and topographic maps

Week 9. March 3-7

Ice and the polar regions

* Measuring flow rates of active volcanoes

Week 10. March 10-14

End-Quarter period

Project presentations

Finals week:

Class project due Noon, Monday, March 17