The Earth from Space: An Introduction to Remote Sensing

Winter 2007-2008



Class Info







Recommended texts

Sabins, F., Remote Sensing- Principles and Interpretion, W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1997.

Mather, Paul M., Computer processing of Remotely-Sensed Images, Wiley, 2004.

Other useful references

Other books which may serve as useful references are listed below. These will be put on reserve in Branner Earth Sciences Library in Mitchell.

Drury, S. A.:  A guide to remote sensing.  Good introduction to some problems in earth science that can be addressed with satellite remote sensing, with lots of color images.  Would have been a recommended text for this class except that it is between printings and new copies not available until summer.

Elachi, Charles:  Introduction to the physics and techniques of remote sensing.  A more quantitive treatment of the physics of remote sensing instruments.

Harries, John E.:  Earthwatch: The Climate from Space.  A more detailed look at some of the science observations available from spaceborne remore sensing platforms, at a higher level of math than we will cover in this class.

Lillesand, Thomas M. and Ralph W. Kiefer:  Remote sensing and image interpretation.  Comprehensive examination of remote sensing with emphasis on traditional image and photo interpretation.

Verbyla, David:  Satellite remote sensing of natural resources.  Emphasizes the instrumentation side of Earth observation.

Sabins, Floyd F.:   Remote Sensing:  Laboratory Manual.  A lab manual to go along with our text, would be useful for those interested in extending some of the hands-on experience and concepts we'll cover in the course.

Szekielda, Karl-Heinz:  Satellite monitoring of the Earth.  Another satellite instrumentation view of remote sensing.