Welcome to this edition of Perspectives, the e-newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive
is the course? - Perspectives in Assistive Technology is a
Winter Quarter course at Stanford that explores issues surrounding the design,
development, and use of assistive technology benefitting people with
disabilities and seniors. More information can be found on the
course website.
Invitation to attend - You are invited to attend
all class lectures. They will be held in
Building 530, Classroom 127 on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons at 4:15 to 5:30pm and are free and open to the
Next lecture - Tuesday, January 31st at

Partnership and Prototypes:
Learning with the Community Hilary
Douglas Haas Center for Public Service
- Assistant Director of Community, Engaged Scholarship |
Abstract: At the heart
of service-learning and community-based research are the principles of ethical
and effective service and partnership. In this presentation I will invite
students to explore the commonly cited principles of ethical and effective
service. We will debate the application of these principles in engineering
partnerships and projects through in-class activities. Reflection is a critical
component of service-learning similar to the common engineering practice of
analysis and review. We will discuss ways to integrate reflection and
engineering analysis in relationship to the service and community partnership
components of the class.
Biosketch: As a member
of the Engaged-Scholarship team at the Haas Center for Public Service, Hilary
divides her time between managing components of service-learning programing and
working to build and enhance community partnerships.
Hilary has strong background
of working with volunteers and students in particular. Most recently, Hilary
was the Volunteer Coordinator at Project Open Hand, an organization that
utilizes over 100 volunteers a day to provide groceries and meals to San
Franciscans living with critical illnesses. Prior to her return to the Bay
Area, Hilary served two years as an AmeriCorps*VISTA for the Massachusetts
Campus Compact. Placed at Endicott College, she helped to create and run all
programming in their emerging Community Service Office. Hilary received her BA
from the University of California, Los Angeles.