Design, Technology , and Engineering benefitting individuals
with disabilities and older adults in the local community |
January 2, 2025 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.
Happy New Year, Course Enrollment Update Week 1 Class
Sessions & Assistive Technology Faire
This newsletter issue wishes you a Happy
New Year and describes the first week's class sessions of the
Perspectives in Assistive
Technology is a Winter Quarter Stanford course - embarking on its
nineteenth year - that explores the design, development, and use of
assistive technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults.
It consists of semi-weekly in-person discussions; lectures by
notable professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users; a
tour of an accessible inclusive playground; student project
presentations and demonstrations; and an Assistive Technology Faire.
Students pursue team-based projects that address real challenges faced by
people with disabilities and older adults living in the local community. Check
out the course website. |
Happy New Year!
New Year's welcome to members of the Stanford's
Assistive Technology course community,
Course Plans
Important Date:
- Tuesday, January
7th - First class session of Perspectives in Assistive
By the Numbers:
Course News
Student Enrollment -
As of today, 39 students have pre-enrolled and 31 have officially enrolled. Of
those 32, 2 are a Freshman, 1 is a Sophomore, 7 are Juniors, 18 are Seniors,
and 3 are Graduate students, with 27 opting to work on team projects.
Enrollment activity is expected to increase as the first class session
approaches. |
Call for Stanford Students and
Faculty with a Disability - Students and faculty are invited to
participate in a panel discussion in the Week
3 class session on Tuesday, January 21st. Several students have already
agreed to talk about their disabilities, the challenges they have faced, why
they chose to attend Stanford, their academic and career goals, and the
assistive technology they employ to be successful students. Please let me know
if you are interested in joining the panel. |
Guest Lecturer
Schedule - The schedule of guest lecturers has been finalized. For
more information about each presenter and their topic, browse to the course
lecture schedule webpage. Community members are
welcome to attend class sessions on campus starting with the first one next
week on Tuesday, January 7th. Maps and
direcrions. Masking is not required. There will not be a concurrent Zoom
broadcast. |
Week 1 In-person Class
Tuesday, January 7th at
4:30pm PST

Course Overview &
Introduction to Assistive Technology David L.
Jaffe, MS Stanford University -
Mechanical Engineering Design Group |
Abstract: This presentation will begin with an
overview of the course including its objectives, credentials, structure,
candidate projects, guest lectures, grading, and expected student experience. A
brief introduction to Assistive Technology follows, touching on definitions,
demographics, rehabilitation goals, perceptions, challenges, social
correctness, and numerous examples of commercial products, research efforts,
and past student projects.
Biosketch: David L. Jaffe holds a BS
degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and a MS
degree in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University.
Prior to coming to Stanford, Dave was a Research
Biomedical Engineer at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System's Rehabilitation
Research and Development Center. His interests there were designing,
developing, testing, and bringing to market microcomputer-based devices for
veterans with disabilities including communication, mobility, and information
systems. He worked on several VA assistive technology research projects
including an powered wheelchair interface for individuals with quadriplegia, an
electro-mechanical fingerspelling hand that served as a communication device
for people who are deaf/blind, a system that explored virtual reality
techniques to train individuals with gait deficits to improve their walking,
and a project that employed a computer-based simulation system to assess and
improve the driving ability of individuals after brain injury.
In addition to organizing this course, ENGR110/210:
Perspectives in Assistive Technology, he contributes to other Stanford
courses including defining the quarterly course projects in ME218: Smart
Product Design and ME310: Engineering Design Entrepreneurship and
Innovation as well as mentoring students working on assistive technology
projects throughout the year. |
Thursday, January 9th at
4:30pm PST

Project Pitch
Day Various Project Suggestors
Abstract: Candidate team projects will be
"pitched" by those who suggested them. Open time at the end of the
presentations will enable students pursuing projects to connect with project
suggestors. A listing of the projects with links to their descriptions can be
found on the Project Pitch Day
webpage. |
Upcoming In-person Class Sessions
Assistive Technology Faire - Call for
Product manufactuers and
service providers are invited to participate in the Assistive Technology
Faire - This twelfth annual course event is scheduled for
Thursday, February 20th and will provide an opportunity for students and
community members to get an up-close look at a variety of assistive technology
devices and learn about available services. Users of assistive technology
products as well as small companies and agencies serving
individuals with disabilities and older adults are encouraged to join in on
this event. Browse to the Call for Assistive Technology
Faire Participants webpage for more information and contact me to
Everyone is welcome to attend this event. Here is the
current line
up and the webpage of last year's
Faire. |
Please contact me with your ideas, questions, comments,
and project suggestions - or just to say hello. Please continue to stay safe
& healthy.
Dave Jaffe - Course Instructor

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email
Dave. |