Winter Quarter 2025

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Tuesday, January 21st

Perspectives of Stanford Students and Employees with a Disability
Auston Beckett Stamm, Lina Hilal, David Davis, Emily Madison Ocasio & Max Ahlquist

 photo of Auston    photo of Auston    photo of David    photo of Emily    photo of Max 

Abstract: In this panel discussion, several Stanford students and an employee with disabilities will discuss their disabilities, the challenges they have faced, why they chose to attend Stanford, their academic and career goals, the resources Stanford provides them, and the assistive technology they employ to be successful students and productive employees.

2025 Panelists:

photo of Auston
Auston Beckett Stamm
Auston Stamm is the Digital Accessibility Instructional Specialist for Stanford’s Office of Digital Accessibility. Auston was born with mild cerebral palsy, prosopagnosia (face blindness), and ADHD. Auston struggled in public school until his mother advocated for him to attend Westmark School. Westmark adapted the learning environment to his strengths. Auston is currently working on a doctorate in educational technology from Boise State University and helping Stanford create accessible instructional materials.
photo of Lina
Lina Hilal
Lina Hilal is a sophomore studying design. She is a peer facilitator for the Office for Inclusion, Belonging, and Intergroup Communication as well as the head of social justice for the Muslim Student Union on campus. Outside of academics, she enjoys reading comic books, sketching, and listening to music. She has been chronically ill for the past decade.
photo of David
David Davis
David Davis, a former varsity football player (1997-2000), is the founder and CEO of The Black & Gold Athletics Club Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting student-athletes in Syracuse, NY, and Atlanta, GA. An Army veteran and advocate for resilience, David has lived with service-connected disabilities for over a decade. He currently serves as the primary caregiver for an elderly disabled family member. A proud father of two, David also humorously claims the title of the “Tiger Woods” of putt-putt golf.
photo of Emily
Emily Madison Ocasio
Emily Ocasio is a sophomore studying data science. On campus, she is the ASSU’s director of disability advocacy, the executive representative for the Vaden Student Health Advisory Committee, a co-founder of the DisGo Student Advocacy Group and a consultant for SMG. Outside of school, you can find her playing with her 14 year old rabbit, eating her family’s Puerto Rican food, or making handmade merch. Emily has multiple chronic illnesses.
photo of Max
Max Ahlquist
Max Ahlquist is a BS-ME and current CS coterm student. He suffered a spinal cord injury 5.5 years ago which has impaired his mobility throughout his body. He loves people and often counsels young mechanical engineers on the best way to fill out their program sheet. When not studying, he canbe found sharing meals at Lakeside Dining, spending time with friends in Reformed University Fellowship, and playing wheelchair pickleball.
Lecture Material:
Slides - 3.49 Mb pdf file
Photos - 3.12 Mb pdf file
Office of Accessible Education
Disabled at Stanford - 1982
LuMind Foundation
Stanford Pursues Accessibility but Overlooks Basic Solutions by Malia Mendez
2012 Stanford Daily article - Panel reflects on life at Stanford with a Disability
2014 Stanford Daily article - An Overlooked Minority by Aubrie Lee
Power2ACT seeks community center for students with disabilities by Edan Armas
Brickelle Bro finds her niche at Stanford by Kit Ramgopal
The fight for disability community at Stanford: Reflections and aspirations by Tilly Griffiths
‘It makes you a little proud to be a human’ about Eric Sibley

Updated 02/18/2025


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