Design, Technology , and Engineering benefitting individuals
with disabilities and older adults in the local community |
January 22, 2024 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.
Course Enrollment Update, Week 3 Class Sessions &
Assistive Technology Faire Vendor Solicitation
This newsletter issue describes Week 3
class sessions.
Perspectives in Assistive
Technology is a Winter Quarter Stanford course - now entering its
eighteenth year - that explores the design, development, and use of
assistive technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults.
It consists of semi-weekly in-person discussions; lectures by
notable professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users; a
tour of an accessible inclusive playground; student project
presentations and demonstrations; and an Assistive Technology Faire.
Check out the course website. |
Week 3
Course Metrics
By the Numbers:
Course News
Student Enrollment -
As of today, 32 students have officially enrolled. Of those 32, 28 have opted
to work on a total of 8 team projects. There are 1 Freshman, 1 Sophomore, 5
Juniors, 21 Seniors, and 4 Graduate students. |
Guest Lecturer
Schedule - The schedule of guest lecturers has been finalized. For
more information about each presenter and their topic, browse to the course
lecture schedule webpage. Community members are
welcome to attend class sessions on campus. Maps and direcrions. Masking is not required.
There will not be a concurrent Zoom broadcast. |
Week 3 Class
Tuesday, January 23rd at
4:30pm PST - In-Person
Abstract: In this panel discussion, several
Stanford students and faculty with disabilities will discuss their
disabilities, the challenges they have faced, why they chose to attend
Stanford, their academic and career goals, the resources Stanford provides
them, and the assistive technology they employ to be successful students and
productive faculty members.
Patty's Biosketch: Patty White is a recent
Stanford Distinguished Career Institute
fellow and mother of a child with Down Syndrome. She and her husband Jim have
four children. Their youngest daughter opened their world to include
individuals with cognitive challenges and the many who support them, ultimately
inspiring them to co-found the LuMind
Foundation and initiate work around community housing solutions for adults
with IDD (intellectual or developmental disabilities).
Sydney's Biosketch: Sydney Barta is a
sophomore studying bioengineering and an amputee since 6. She is a Pi Beta Phi,
Stanford Counterpoint, and HPL member, the Director of Disability advocacy for
Stanford ASSU, a CME tutor, and a Team USA Paralympian and National Team
member. Sydney recently won the 2023 Parapan American Games and Set the Games
Record for the women's 200m t64. She is one of four women with a blade to never
run sub 27 for 200m and is the 200m National Champion and Americas Record
Holder. She is currently training for Paris 2024 this summer.
Sheri's Biosketch: Sheri Sheppard taught
both undergraduate and graduate design-related classes, and conducted research
on fracture mechanics and applied finite element analysis, and on how people
become engineers. She is the longtime faculty founder of and adviser to the
graduate student group MEwomen.
Bhavya's Biosketch: Bhavya Ashush Shah is a Senior at Stanford studying
Mathematical and Computational Science
with interests in education, disability studies, and oral communication. He is
an active member of Stanford's Debate
Society and
Bowl teams. Outside of academics, he enjoys watching Indian standup comedy,
having meaningful conversations, and eating spicy food. |
Thursday, January 25th at
4:30pm PST - By Zoom

Exoskeletons in
Rehabilitation and Industry Joanna Weakley,
MS, PT Ekso Bionics- Clinical
Experience Manager, Southeast |
Abstract: "The ability to walk after neurological
injury or illness was once a dream, but now it's a reality for many
individuals. I'll discuss the use of exoskeletons for rehabilitation,
mobilization, and injury prevention. We'll also discuss the interaction between
engineers and physical therapists to continually design these devices for
optimal usage."
Biosketch: Joanna Weakley holds a
Bachelor's degree in Allied Health Science, and a Master of Science in Physical
Therapy from the University of Central Arkansas. She was a clinical physical
therapist for 16 years focusing on neurological inpatient and outpatient
rehabilitation. She is currently a clinical manager and trainer at Ekso Bionics
where her primary role is training other physical therapists how to incorporate
a robotic exoskeleton into their clinical practice. She is also involved in
developing a program for personal exoskeleton usage and an upper extremity
exoskeleton for industrial use.
Everyone is welcome to attend this
session. Password = 680305 |
Upcoming In-person Class Sessions
Assistive Technology Faire - Call for
Product manufactuers and
service providers are invited to participate in the Assistive Technology
Faire - This twelfth annual course event is scheduled for
Thursday, February 22nd and will provide an opportunity for students and
community members to get an up-close look at a variety of assistive technology
devices and learn about available services. Users of assistive technology
products as well as small companies and agencies serving
individuals with disabilities and older adults are encouraged to join in on
this event. Browse to the Call for Assistive Technology
Faire Participants webpage for more information and contact me to
Everyone is welcome to attend this event. Here is the
current line up and
slides from last year's
Faire. |
Please contact me with your ideas, questions, comments,
and project suggestions - or just to say hello. Please continue to stay safe
& healthy.
Dave Jaffe - Course Instructor

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email
Dave. |