Design, Technology , and Engineering benefitting individuals
with disabilities and older adults in the local community |
December 12, 2022 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.
Course Enrollment Report
This newsletter issue further describes course plans for the
coming academic year.
Perspectives in Assistive
Technology is a Winter Quarter Stanford course - entering its
seventeenth year - that explores the design, development, and use of
assistive technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults.
It consists of semi-weekly in-person discussions; lectures by
notable professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users; a field
trip to an accessible inclusive playground; an Assistive Technology
Faire; and student project presentations and demonstrations.
Course website. |
Greetings, members of the Stanford's Assistive
Technology course community,
In this issue, I'll report on student enrollment for the
Winter Quarter course.
Course News
Student Enrollment -
An unprecedented 65 students enrolled in the course on the first day -
more than twice as many as last year! Of those, 2 are Freshmen, 5 are
Sophomores, 13 are Juniors, 28 are Seniors, and 14 are Graduate students, with
45 opting to work on team projects. This level of enrollment is not optimal as
it will necessitate teams of 4, rather than 3 and more than 9 teams. I have
asked students who are not graduating to consider dropping the course this year
and taking it next. |
Perspectives of Stanford
Students and Faculty with a Disability - Several students have been
invited to participate in a panel discussion
in the Week 3 class session on Tuesday, January 24th. They will talk about
their disabilities, the challenges they have faced, why they chose to attend
Stanford, their academic and career goals, and the assistive technology they
employ to be successful students. The most recent addition is
Ari. |
Change in Class Time
- The beginning of class is now 4:30pm. The class location - Lathrop
Library Room 282, and the days of the week, Tuesday and Thursday, remain
unchanged. Please update your schedule accordingly. |
Guest Lecturer
Schedule - The schedule of guest lecturers has been finalized. For
more information about each presenter and their topic, browse to the course
lecture schedule webpage. Community members are
welcome to attend class sessions on campus starting with the first one on
Tuesday, January 10th. Maps and direcrions.
Masking may be required. There will not be a concurrent Zoom
broadcast. |
Assistive Technology Faire Vendors
You are invited to participate
in the Assistive Technology Faire - This eleventh annual
course event is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th and will provide an
opportunity for students and community members to get an up-close look at a
variety of assistive technology devices and learn about available services.
Users of assistive technology products as well as small companies
and agencies serving individuals with disabilities and older adults are
encouraged to join in on this event. Browse to the Call
for Assistive Technology Faire Participants webpage for more information
and contact me to register as a vendor.
Nine vendors have
committed to participate this coming year. Here is the
line up and
slides from last year's virtual
Please contact me with your ideas, questions, comments,
and project suggestions - or just to say hello. Please continue to stay safe
& healthy.
Dave Jaffe - Course Instructor
![5 rows of images of course presenters and community members](2020-bottom.jpg)
To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email
Dave. |