Lectures |
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Tuesday, March
End-of-term Student
Team Project Presentations |
This quarter eight student teams have
been addressing problems experienced by individuals with disabilities or older
adults and have been working to research, brainstorm, design, fabricate, and
test a prototype device or software to meet the identified problem. Each team
will give a formal presentation detailing their project activities. Please note
that this was a seven-week team project effort and the students' prototypes are
not intended to represent commercial offerings.
Presentation order:
Order |
Team Name |
Name |
1 |
Dannys Dawgs |
Dog Kennel
Project for Danny's Service Dog Korey |
2 |
ArtSIStive |
Expression for Sylvia |
3 |
Accessible Basket Solutions |
Solution for Danny |
4 |
Dream Catchers |
Accessible and
Inclusive Playground Attractions (2) |
5 |
Danny Designers |
Laptray for
Danny |
6 |
Re-Creation |
Accessible and
Inclusive Playground Attractions (1) |
7 |
Secure the Bag |
Storage Solution for Abby |
8 |
Treats for
Nathan |
Each student project team will give an
end-of-term project presentation which will include the following
- Introduction of team
- Brief abstract
- Statement of problem
- Magnitude of problem addressed by
this project
- Discussion of interviews with those
who suggested the project and potential users
- Summary of design
- Identification of existing solutions
and discussion of their limitations
- Description of brainstormed design
- Analysis of considered design
- Description of top selected design
concepts, including their technical feasibility, engineering difficulty,
estimated cost, user acceptance, safety considerations, etc
- Design visualizations: photographs,
videos, sketches, drawings, models, and prototypes
- Future work and challenges for
continuing the project toward fabrication and testing with users
Other presentation considerations and
suggestions: (Due to the limited class time for presentations, there will be no
opportunity for teams to field questions.)
- Project status - what has been
done, what remains
- Problems encountered, resolved, and
- Expenses expected if the project is
to be continued into the Spring Quarter
The overall quality of the presentation
and the design concept will be judged by the teaching team, community members,
and other students on the overall quality of their presentation, the
effectiveness of their design process, and the progress made toward a design
solution using the following metrics:
- Presentation & Delivery:
Presentation: (What the team presented) - clarity, organization, and
completeness of the information presented. Delivery: (How the team
presented) - professionalism, enthusiasm, conviction, confidence, energy,
- Process: (How the team
addressed the problem) - problem information, background research, design
concepts brainstormed, prototyped, tested, and evaluated
- Design: (What the team
produced) - creativity, originality, functionality of the design concept &
prototypes and the likelihood it will meet the user's challenges
- Overall: (Overall score) -
combined impression of presentation and project effort
Individuals evaluating the team project
presentations will have the opportunity to provide their comments:
- What did the team learn, what are
your LIKES and WISHES about what they did, and what are your recommendations,
suggestions, and advice for the team?
- Comments and suggestions about the
course, projects, and presentation process.
- Presentation
- Pre-lecture slides - 1.23 Mb pdf file
- Links: