Winter Quarter 2024

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Thursday, March 7th

photo of Ralf Hotchkiss

Wheelchair Fabrication in Developing Countries
Ralf Hotchkiss
Whirlwind Wheelchair International

Abstract: Ralf Hotchkiss will track the design of the Whirlwind Wheelchair from its beginning thirty years ago to the present and on into the future. From the first design breakthroughs of barefoot blacksmiths to the high tech testing and manufacturing methods of today, surprise breakthroughs in basic wheelchair design have come from the backyard inventors of some forty developing countries. These inventors form the Whirlwind Network of wheelchair riders and designers. Their goal is not only to make wheelchairs available in the poorest of countries; it is to radically improve the durability and rough-ground mobility so that wheelchair riders can live and work in environments that they can only dream of visiting today. Ralf will show unfinished designs that open wide opportunities for new developments and he will make a plea for the innovative designers of Stanford to enter into one of today's most fulfilling areas of invention and international development work. Joining Ralf will be Telma Ramos, a wheelchair builder from Nicaragua, who will show simplified, more efficient fabrication of Whirlwind Wheelchair's latest designs.

Biosketch: Ralf Hotchkiss is an inventor and the lead designer of Whirlwind Wheelchair International, a non-profit company located in Berkeley. Its mission is "to make it possible for every person in the developing world who needs a wheelchair to obtain one that will lead to maximum personal independence and integration into society". At SFSU, he taught "Wheelchair Design and Construction", a course in which students built a complete wheelchair in a Third World appropriate shop. Ralf is a graduate of Oberlin College (Physics) and a 1989 MacArthur Foundation Fellow.

Contact information:
Ralf Hotchkiss
6505 Farallon Way
Oakland, CA  94611
ralf -at-

Whirlwind Wheelchair International
2703 7th St., #134
Berkeley, CA  94710
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 2.05 Mb pdf file
Slides - 4.88 Mb pdf file
How Charity Can Be Deadly to the Disabled
Engineering Instructor and Activist Seeks, Inspires Wheelchair Innovation
Wheelchair activist to receive President's Medal
Permobil SmartDrive

Updated 03/08/2024

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