Winter Quarter 2024

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Thursday, January 25th

photo of Joanna Weakley

Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation and Industry
Joanna Weakley, MS, PT
Ekso Bionics - Clinical Experience Manager, Southeast

Abstract: "The ability to walk after neurological injury or illness was once a dream, but now it's a reality for many individuals. I'll discuss the use of exoskeletons for rehabilitation, mobilization, and injury prevention. We'll also discuss the interaction between engineers and physical therapists to continually design these devices for optimal usage."

Biosketch: Joanna Weakley holds a Bachelor's degree in Allied Health Science and a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Central Arkansas. She was a clinical physical therapist for 16 years focusing on neurological inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. She is currently a clinical manager and trainer at Ekso Bionics where her primary role is training other physical therapists how to incorporate a robotic exoskeleton into their clinical practice. She is also involved in developing a program for personal exoskeleton usage and an upper extremity exoskeleton for industrial use.

Contact information:
Ekso Bionics
101 Glacier Point, Suite A
San Rafael, CA  94901
jweakley -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 1.45 Mb pdf file
Slides - 1.61 Mb pdf file
Video: Fernanda's 2016 exoskeleton demonstration
Joanna Weakley's Submitted Links:
Ekso GaitCoach Overview (video 2:59)
EksoWorks & Ford Partnership (video 1:49)
Introducing EVO (video 1:31)
EksoNR Stroke Demo (2020) (video 7:49)
The Indego Powered Lower Limb Exoskeleton (video 3:21)
Can't // Ekso Bionics (video 1:04)
Testing Wearable Robots (2016)
Tyler, a Veteran Who is Paralyzed Takes an Inspirational Walk at Cubs Game with Ekso Indego (video 1:41)
Objective Discussion of the Ekso GT and Adoption Challenges (2016)
Ekso Research
Previous Links:
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Podcast Series - Guest Katherine Strausser, PhD (video 29:24)
Ekso Bionics Blog
Ekso Bionics YouTube Channel
Engineering Exoskeletons - Empowering Robotics - All about exoskeletons from an engineer
Katherine Strausser's videos (4)
Walking Again with the Help of an Exoskeleton
Woman shot in head at Vegas concert set to leave hospital: 'I will come back stronger'
Other Ekso videos

Updated 01/26/2024

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