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Future Work

While the results for scenarios 1 and 2 are good, and we feel that with more investigation, scenario 3 can be handled as well, there is more to the story. Yuang's buffer analysis does not hold for short clips for arbitrary tex2html_wrap_inline947 and tex2html_wrap_inline949 durations. Imagine if tex2html_wrap_inline947 and tex2html_wrap_inline949 are allowed to grow arbitrarily long. Then with high probability, during a short clip the channel will either be in one state or the other for the entire clip. Thus, over the length of the short clip, the channel does not behave ergodically. While the time average of the channel over the thirty second clip is likely to be either tex2html_wrap_inline1181 or tex2html_wrap_inline1183 the ensemble average is


For instance, in figure 9, we see that for tex2html_wrap_inline1185 secs, tex2html_wrap_inline815 the curve in figure 3 flattens in the experimental data. In the analysis, however, it remains much the same as shown in scenario 1.

Figure 9: Simulation data for scenario 1 with tex2html_wrap_inline1189 sec, tex2html_wrap_inline1191 sec, tex2html_wrap_inline815 . We see a flattening out of the curves as the durations of the channel states become comparable to the duration of the clips

We have explored methods to handle this situation but have not been able to verify that these match well with simulation results. The approach is to have two analyses running in parallel, one assuming that the channel begins in the good state, and the other assuming the channel begins in the bad state. The buffer state probabilities are then the weighted average of the buffer states in each of the two paths.

Mark Kalman

Tue Mar 13 05:01:37 PST 2001