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Scenario 1

In figure 3 we see probability of underflow curves plotted versus tex2html_wrap_inline797 , in seconds, for a 30 second clip. The channel, C, for this experiment is characterized by tex2html_wrap_inline1071tex2html_wrap_inline803 = .5, tex2html_wrap_inline947tex2html_wrap_inline949 = 100 ms. The one-way propagation time in the simulation is 200 ms.

Figure 3: Scenario 1: Probability of underflow versus target buffer length tex2html_wrap_inline797 . The channel is characterized by tex2html_wrap_inline947tex2html_wrap_inline949 = 100 ms tex2html_wrap_inline803 = .5. Experimental data are plotted as points, analytical results as lines. With the packet errors, the effective frame arrival rate tex2html_wrap_inline805 is 0.75.

Table 4.1 shows the mean playout duration in the experiments and in the analysis. Included in table is the length of the playout if each frame was played at the adaptive rate (assuming that the the buffer falls below the target level for the entire simulation).

Table 1: Scenario 1: Mean playout duration of the 30 second clip. Results from the analysis, simulations and for all frames played at the slowed rate.

We include figure 4 to show that our analysis depends on tex2html_wrap_inline803 being reasonably large. In figure 4tex2html_wrap_inline1093tex2html_wrap_inline1095 , and tex2html_wrap_inline809 . Though tex2html_wrap_inline1099 is the same as in figure 3, the experimental data changes significantly, while the analytical results do not.

Figure 4: Scenario 1: The analysis is not accurate for low tex2html_wrap_inline803 . Here, tex2html_wrap_inline809 . Although tex2html_wrap_inline1099 is the same as in previous case, because no retransmissions arrive the assumption that we make about the packet errors acting as a reduction in bandwidth does not hold. When the channel enters the bad state, the buffer starts emptying at the playout rate. Thus we see a higher probability of underflow than the analysis would predict.

Mark Kalman

Tue Mar 13 05:01:37 PST 2001