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Scenario 2

Next we present the experimental and analytical results for scenario 2, a long clip streamed at the maximum available channel rate. Figure 5 plots the Mean Time Between Buffer Underflows (MTBBU) as a function of the buffer size, tex2html_wrap_inline797 in seconds. In section 3.2 we describe the methodology that we use to find the probability that a frame removed from the buffer results in an underflow. We also described how to find the mean playout rate. MTBBU combines these two measurements.


In table 2 we provide the average playout rate determined in the analysis and in simulation experiments.

Figure 5: MTBBU for a long program. In this plot, tex2html_wrap_inline1115 ms. and tex2html_wrap_inline815 . Thus tex2html_wrap_inline1119 . We see good agreement between the simulation results plotted as points, and the analytical results which are plotted as lines.

Table 2: Scenario 2: The mean factor by which frames were slowed down for during the program for a given slowdown factor.

To further display that our analysis holds only when tex2html_wrap_inline803 is sizeable, we include figure 6. In this figure we have the same average packet arrival rate, tex2html_wrap_inline1119 , as in figure 5. Now, however, tex2html_wrap_inline1093 ms., tex2html_wrap_inline1095 ms. and tex2html_wrap_inline803 = 0.

Figure 6: MTBBU for a given target buffer level. Here tex2html_wrap_inline1119 , but tex2html_wrap_inline809tex2html_wrap_inline1095 ms., and tex2html_wrap_inline1137 ms. We see that because tex2html_wrap_inline809 the analysis underestimates the probability of underflow.

Finally, we should note that a much simpler analysis produces accurate results, especially for the non adaptive case. By comparing the average rate of packet arrival do the rate at which packets depart, one can arrive at the following expression for the mean duration between buffer underflows:


where tex2html_wrap_inline1141tex2html_wrap_inline1143 Figure 7 compares the experimental results with this simple analysis.

Figure 7: In this figure we show that when the average rate of the channel is considerably lower than that of playout rate, the simple approximation in equation 18 is accurate. Here tex2html_wrap_inline1115 ms. tex2html_wrap_inline803 = .5. tex2html_wrap_inline1119 .

Next:Scenario 3Up:Experimental ResultsPrevious:Scenario 1
Mark Kalman

Tue Mar 13 05:01:37 PST 2001