Class Info
Week / topics
Week 1
- Overview and class procedures
- Basic concepts and notation
- Examples of digital images
- Coherent and incoherent images
- Computer representations of images
- Histograms, contrast, and stretching images
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Week 2
- Coherent and incoherent imaging mechanisms
- Methods of representation
- Functions of two variables
- Projections
- Image simulation
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 6
Handout 7
Handout 8
Handout 10
Week 3
- Two-dimensional impulses
- Shah function and Line impluses
- Ring impulse functions
- Derivatives of impulse functions
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 11
Handout 12
Handout 12 additional notes
Week 4
- In-class snap review of sifting functions
- The two-d Fourier transform
- Analysis vs. synthesis
- Corrugation viewpoint
- Transform pairs
- Theorems for the two-d Fourier transform
- FFTs
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 15
Handout 16
Handout 17
Week 5
- Image spectra
- Digital implementation of the shift theorem
- Convolution in two dimensions
- Cross- and autocorrelation
- Central value and volume of autocorrelation
- The two-dimensional convolution theorem
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 18
Handout 22
Handout 22 notes
Handout 23
Week 6
- Midterm Examination
- Point response of a system
- Factorization and separation
- Assignment and Discussion of Final Project
- Sampling and interpolation
- Sampling functions
- Seismic imaging beneath the Earth's surface
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 26
Handout 28
Week 7
- Fourier transform of the sampling function
- Convolutional models
- Rotational symmetry
- Bessel functions and the Hankel transform
- Jinc and sinc functions
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 31
Handout 32
Week 8
- Antennas and radio astronomy
- Aperture synthesis
- Interferometry
- Generating high-resolution pictures of the skies
- Finding extrasolar planets
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 33
Handout 33 notes
Handout 34
Handout 36
Week 9
- Other applications of two-dimensional imaging
- Restoration
- Reconstruction
- Tomography and medical imaging
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 38
Handout 39
Handout 41
Handout 43
Week 10
- Back projection
- Microwave sensors - Radar
- Range modulation and azimuth compression
- Last day of class Mar. 13
Handouts for lectures:
Handout 46
Handout 47
Handout 49
Handout 50
Finals Week