Two-Dimensional Imaging

Winter 2018-2019



Class Info







Electronic homework submission through Canvas

Homework 1

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."image1" problem 1 data file
right-click -> save link as ...Problem 5 data from text, to save you from typing it in
right-click -> save link as ..."delays" problem 6 data file
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Homework 2

(Adobe Acrobat
      Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hawaiidem" digital elevation model 1 data file
right-click -> save link as ..."lab2prob6data" data file
right-click -> save link as ...Solutions

Homework 3

(Adobe Acrobat
      Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hw3p5image" data file
right-click -> save link as ...Solutions

Homework 4

(Adobe Acrobat
      Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."stanfordbw" data file
right-click -> save link as ..."hw4prob5data" data file
right-click -> save link as ..."hw4prob6data" data file
(Adobe AcrobatDocument)Solutions

Homework 5

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Homework 6

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hw6prob1" data file
right-click -> save link as ..."hw6prob2" data file
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Homework 7

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hw7prob4data" data file
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Homework 8

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hw8prob2data" data file for problem 2
right-click -> save link as ..."hw8prob5data" data file for problem 5
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Homework 9

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem set
right-click -> save link as ..."hw9prob1data" data file for problem 1
right-click -> save link as ..."hw9prob2data" data file for problem 2
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions

Extra Credit problem - Correlation interferometer

(Adobe Acrobat Document)Problem description
right-click -> save link as ..."" data file
(Adobe Acrobat Document)Solutions
Note: Submissions of the electronic files for the extra credit problem should be through the submit script, but with the assignment number of 0. The script will only work if an assignment number is specified. So, when you are ready to turn this one in, use the assignment number "0" and the script as usual.