Course Outline
This course will focus on the how signals are encoded for transmission and reception. The first part of the course will examine analogy communication systems such as AM and FM radio. The second part will concern digital communications, and how digital signals can be encoded and decoded over analog channels. Each week there will be a lab component that will involve capturing signals with an USB SDR, and decoding the signals in Matlab.
Section 1: Introduction and Background
Overview of the different modulation schemes and mediums that are used for communcations
Review of signals using 2 pi f transforms (as opposed to the omega transforms used in 102A)
Finding your way around the RF spectrum
Section 2: Analog Communcations
Amplitude modulation schemes, including commercial AM radio, SSB, and QAM
Angle modulation schemes, such as commercial FM, as well as PM, PSK, and FSK
Pulse modulation, such as PAM, PWM, and PPM
Section 3: Digital Communications
Sampling, and the basis for digital communications
Quantization, PCM, line coding, and reducing ISI
Digital carrier modulation, including PAM, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, and QAM
SNR and system performance