Course InformationOverviewThis course covers the fundamental principles underlying the analysis, design and optimization of analog and digital communication systems. Design examples will be taken from the most prevalent communication systems today: cell phones, Wi-Fi, radio and TV broadcasting, satellites, and computer networks. Analysis techniques based on Fourier transforms and energy/power spectral density will be developed. Mathematical models for random variables and random (noise) signals will be presented, which are used to characterize filtering and modulation of random noise. These techniques will then be used to design analog (AM and FM) and digital (PSK and FSK) communication systems and determine their performance over channels with noise and interference. Prerequisite: 102A. Class Time and Location
Assignments and LabsAssignments will be handed out on Fridays, and due a week later. The assignments include both problem sets and labs. You are welcome to work in groups, but we ask you to write up your own solutions. The labs will use Matlab and will involve acquiring RF data with a USB software-defined radio (SDR) that we will give to you. You will need to install public domain software to use the SDR. We will also provide captured data if you have trouble acquiring real data. TextbookThe recommended textbook is