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The sicklms291 driver controls the SICK LMS 291 scanning laser range-finder (outdoor model).- Compile-time dependencies
- Provides
- Requires
- Configuration requests
- Configuration file options
- port (string)
- Default: "/dev/ttyS0"
- Serial port to which laser is attached. If you are using a USB/232 or USB/422 converter, this will be "/dev/ttyUSBx".
- rate (integer)
- Default: 38400
- Baud rate. Valid values are 9600, 38400 (RS232 or RS422) and 500000 (RS422 only).
- delay (integer)
- Default: 0
- Delay (in seconds) before laser is initialized (set this to 35 if you have a newer generation Pioneer whose laser is switched on when the serial port is open).
- resolution (integer)
- Default: 50
- Angular resolution. Valid values are:
- resolution 50 : 0.5 degree increments, 361 readings @ 5Hz (38400) or 32Hz (500000).
- resolution 100 : 1 degree increments, 181 readings @ 10Hz (38400) or 75Hz (500000).
- range_res (integer)
- Default: 10
- Range resolution. Valid values are:
- range_res 1 : 1mm precision, 8.192m max range.
- range_res 10 : 10mm precision, 81.92m max range.
- range_res 100 : 100mm precision, 819.2m max range.
- invert (integer)
- Default: 0
- Is the laser physically inverted (i.e., upside-down)? Is so, scan data will be reversed accordingly.
- pose (length tuple)
- Default: [0.0 0.0 0.0]
- Pose (x,y,theta) of the laser, relative to its parent object (e.g., the robot to which the laser is attached).
- Example
name "sicklms291"
provides ["laser:0"]
port "/dev/ttyS0"
resolution 50 # Angular resolution .05 degree (361 readings @ 10Hz)
range_res 10 # Range resolution 1 cm (maximum range 81.92m)
invert 1 #currently mounted upside down on STAIR
- Authors
Jingshen Jimmy Zhang
Generated on Tue Jan 10 17:29:20 2006 for Stanford AI Robot (STAIR) by